Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1887: catch up! !

Fuhu soars!

Facing this opportunity, Han Wenqing did not hesitate, and directly manipulated the deserted smoke to attack An Wenyi with a powerful skill. The momentum was surging, and the powerful energy surged around Han Wenqing's body. This domineering picture directly caused the Tyranny fans at the scene to exclaim once again.

But... still missed!

This blow was still a little short of that, but it was a pity that Han Wenqing's attack to subdue Tiger Tengxiang was a complete miss. But Han Wenqing was an experienced veteran after all, and he had already thought about his next move when he decided to use this skill.

Although it was said that he did not hit the opponent in this attack, he just stepped on a relatively thick and very resilient tree. Seeing that Han Wenqing squatted down along the force, suppressed all the force of this skill on the tree, and directly pushed the tree down in one direction. Then Han Wenqing, with the help of the rebounding power of this giant tree, slammed out!

Relying on this strength, the flight speed of his character, Desert Guyan, has risen to a new level. This flight speed is even comparable to the various artillery shells of the gunners. But these actions of Han Wenqing seemed to be unexpected by An Wenyi, and saw An Wenyi's tumbling operation. Looking for a place to let Han Wenqing's lonely smoke in the desert flutter.

And this time, there is no tree that can continue to let him take advantage of it.

Gold pendant!

Han Wenqing immediately controlled and used this falling skill, forcing the desert Guyan, who was originally moving very fast in the air, to fall directly. But because the strength just borrowed was too strong, even if Han Wenqing displayed a skill like the Qianjin Pendant in the first place, he still couldn't offset the momentum of the impact just now. I saw the desert and lonely smoke abruptly draw a large section on the ground. When he had completely stabilized the character, and then turned the angle of view to find An Wenyi's cold hand, the other party had already threw him a lot.

At this point, Han Wenqing didn't know that he was tricked.

What else can be done? Han Wenqing could only continue to operate Da Mo Guyan to chase after him, but this time he sighed helplessly.

In the end, scolding him Han Wenqing is not a mental player who is good at actuating various details, and his current opponent is just the opposite in this regard, although An Wenyi is still a rookie now. But more savvy than him.

This time is a good example. Once again, An Wenyi relied on his knowledge of the surrounding terrain to accurately calculate Han Wenqing's possible actions, and then made a bold escape plan this time.

After all, as a long-time fan of Tyranny, An Wenyi of course knew the players who supported the team very well, not to mention the captain Han Wenqing, who was even more familiar. And this familiarity with everyone in Tyranny, after he became a professional player, naturally became his understanding of the opponent. And this time, he used his familiarity with Han Wenqing to make perfect use of this information.

For this, not to mention the audience, even the two commentators could not have imagined so much, but compared to Han Wenqing, they, who have the perspective of God, know better than Han Wenqing why An Wenyi wants to make this move at this time. Dangerous move.

Because the reason is actually very simple, because in Happy's team channel, Tang Yin was already calling on An Wenyi to join them.

But can this really work?

This is the idea that everyone agreed when they saw the recall message from Tang Yin. After all, An Wenyi was still being followed by Han Wenqing at this time. Under such circumstances, did An Wenyi keep a distance from Han Wenqing? ? But the next moment, An Wenyi showed everyone a very handsome and unrestrained evasion. Directly dispel this question in everyone's mind.

It's a pity that An Wenyi's prosperity did not last long.

Because when there is a clear target to go to, An Wenyi will not be as free as before in the next escape. After all, before he could run wherever he wanted, but now he needs steamed buns With the general direction unchanged, dodge Han Wenqing's attack.

And what happened to Han Wenqing? At this time, everyone found that Han Wenqing had also received a message from Zhang Xinjie. Zhang Xinjie sent their current coordinates to Han Wenqing, and also asked about Han Wenqing's current location.

As soon as the information was exchanged between them, Han Wenqing had thoroughly figured out An Wenyi's next action intentions.

And now that the team has already understood the opponent's goal, it is very easy to make some predictions, which makes Han Wenqing no longer have to follow the opponent around like a headless fly like before. Now even if it's just a hard chase, he's sure to catch up with the opponent.

And the fact is true, now the pursuit of Desert Guyan is obviously more rhythmic than before. Even sometimes he gives everyone the feeling that he is not chasing An Wenyi, but driving An Wenyi away, and under the current situation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com An Wenyi once again used He tried to confuse Han Wenqing again with various designed fake moves, but he had never succeeded again.

Intention revealed!

An Wenyi saw that since the current party members have such a clear purpose of action, the distance between the two parties has been continuously shortened. He has also realized that there must be something wrong, so that the form will be like this, but now Regret for the previous behavior has a reputation for meaning. Now the only thing he can do is run!


For the current An Wenyi, those tricks and tricks are just a waste of operations and time. All he can do now is run, run in a straight line. But now it is a boxer who is chasing him. In the face of such a profession, where can he run as a priest?

The only thing An Wenyi can look forward to now is that it is difficult to meet his teammates soon.

Without hesitation, use Sprint directly!

Now An Wenyi doesn't care about the consumption of physical strength at all. He can't keep up with the consumption of explosive sprinting. What he can do now is to throw the longest distance in the shortest time.

But unfortunately, his pastor can do this, and so can Han Wenqing behind him. Now, as long as he bites An Wenyi, the next thing will be torture and even he doesn't need to consume physical strength. So Han Wenqing also started sprinting directly, sprinting at full speed!

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Now Han Wenqingte has begun to pursue the pursuit without hesitating to consume the stamina of the desert. Although both of them used sprinting, the difference in the character attributes of the two sides is very obvious at this moment, and the distance between the two sides is very obvious. , is completely visible to the naked eye shortening.

"Catch up!

" Pan Lin shouted with some excitement.

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