Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1888: See also 3 1 body!

Fly high!

Han Wenqing's direct manipulation of Desert Solitary Smoke is a one-hit floating skill. After all, he managed to catch up with An Wenyi completely. At this time, if he uses a skill with knock-up or knock-back effect to knock her into the air, it would not be pure. Is it a big deal? Obviously Han Wenqing would not make this kind of mistake, so he started with a single blow of his floating skill, ready to knock An Wenyi into the air.

Desert Guyan flew out with one leg and managed to catch up with him who had cold hands. Of course, it was impossible to use some skills like knocking back and flying to boost the cold hands. , to send the little hand cold to the air, and then deal with it slowly.



Accompanied by a short gunshot, a stream of light slid across the void very quickly, and directly shot the desert guy before his hands were cold. After a burst of blood, it was followed by double damage and stun, and An Wenyi's little hands were cold but unscathed. But Han Wenqing, who was about to launch an attack just now, was unable to move because of dizziness.

At this critical moment, it was Tang Yin's Barrett sniper rifle that could save An Wenyi's cold hands with such precision at a distance!

After Tang Yin's sniper rifle, while Han Wenqing was still dizzy, a figure flashed in the jungle one after another, and in a flash, it flashed to Han Wenqing's flank, and then a cold light flashed.

"Old Han, the more you live, the more you go back. You're starting to learn how to be a child. It's not ashamed." The moment Hanmang appeared, Ye Xiu's mockery also appeared on the public channel.

And now Happy's main force has successfully completed the reunion with their treatment. Such a result directly aroused the cheers of the fans of Happy on the spot. On the contrary, Tyranny fans were very disappointed. As for the few Excellent Era fans, no matter what happened, they all cheered...

"Our Excellent Era fans are still so temperamental..." Tao Xuan sighed while stroking Panda. And as soon as he said these words, the hostility from everyone in Xingxin directly caused him to stop talking. No way, after all, he is currently in Happy's pile, and he is also a core player of Happy. Everyone is so familiar with them that they won't save face when they start, so Tao Xuan wisely chose to follow his heart. , and picked up Pang Da to save his life with a wave of dog heads.

Everyone in Happy didn't embarrass him. After all, the game is still going on, how can there be time to play tricks with this guy?

As for why Pang Da is in his hands, because he doesn't dare to let Pang Da move freely, otherwise God knows if this stupid enough will be too excited to see Han Wen demolish the old castle before, and then stick to the idea of ​​​​practice to seek truth and knowledge. What if the venue is demolished? After all, there was a precedent for Blue Rain's Happy to remove the wires in the last game of Blue Rain last season. So Tao Xuan, a tool man, was sent by Chen Guo to take care of Pang Da.

However, although Tyranny fans were a little depressed about the complete gathering of everyone at Happy, they were quite satisfied with the overall form. After all, Happy still didn't have any advantage so far. Even if they had a successful round, their Tyranny had already formed a match with Han Wenqing.

The distribution between the two sides was similar to the previous one. One was Han Wenqing's complicated pursuit and bullying of Happy's treatment, and the other was that the rest of Tyranny suppressed the rest of Happy who had no treatment.

In the end, Happy still didn't take advantage of the left and right sides. Even if they met now, it would be the same situation as before, the two sides were equal. But the people from Happy had always been at the bottom before, which meant that in terms of their current character status, they still had the upper hand. Under such a situation, how could Happy and the others restore the situation?

And Happy's side also responded. After Ye Xiu used his teleport skills to rush up and rescue An Wenyi, Ye Xiu cooperated with Tang Yin to force Han Wenqing away directly. Go, don't fight at all.

In the face of such a good opportunity to pursue and attack, Tyranny naturally wouldn't let it go so easily. If they could expand their advantage at this time, they would even be able to directly establish a victory. After all, as far as the front is concerned, Tyranny has no fear.

The current Tyranny no longer has the slightest disguise or restraint. At this moment, the Tyranny that everyone was most familiar with came back. He was as domineering and strong as ever, and charged directly at the Xingxin people who had already expressed their intention to retreat.

Everyone in Happy also fought hard. Now that they had the treatment, they were naturally not afraid of the two long-range occupations on the opposite side. Tang Yin and Su Mucheng were full of firepower, retreating while fighting, which greatly increased the speed of Tyranny's attack. But Xingxin's people didn't rely on this to expand their advantages. Instead, they relied on the available resources such as trees, grasses, buildings, etc. for cover, as if they had to resolutely penetrate their retreating target.

However, the retreat of the team competition can only be said to have advantages and disadvantages compared to the individual retreat.

The advantage of collective evacuation is that teammates can assist each other, make up for the window period of interference attacks, and even alternate screens. That way there are a lot more options and tactics to make. Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, collective evacuation. The speed of evacuation is generally based on the person who moves the slowest in the team. If someone misses at this time, it may lead to loopholes in cooperation. all affect.

"2 o'clock, 11 o'clock!"

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared in Tyranny's team channel, but this time it was not their commander Zhang Xinjie who sent the message, but the rogue player Lin Jingyan.

2 o'clock and 11 o'clock, this is obviously the burst method of the time positioning method, and when everyone in Tyranny saw Lin Jingyan's information, they also locked these two positions at the first time, and the next moment the two closest to those two directions were in the characters. It has already rushed beyond these two positions.

Yawen Library

Although Lin Jingyan's position in the team has never been a commander, but he is always sending messages when meeting people at such an important time, that must be because what happened in it is more important.

Seeing that Tyranny's party members attacked directly in the direction of two o'clock. Fang Rui's Han Hai Baizhong attacked in the direction of eleven o'clock.

After the two of them arrived at the position that Lin Jingyan said, they quickly locked on the target that Lin Jingyan said.

Dancing Rain Orange Wind!

It was Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain.

After all, Lin Jingyan is a veteran for so many years, and he has his own way of understanding Glory. This did not allow him to find an opportunity, and immediately told Han Wenqing and Fang Rui, but both of them had a judgment on Lin Jingyan. They chose unconditional trust, and immediately chose to execute, and soon the three of them just formed a double-teaming situation for Su Mucheng.


See you again Trinity!

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