Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1892: Except Yu Wenzhou

Double-sword second-stage flow, this is a style of play that can only be used in the dark night series of double-sword weapons, and this style of play is an absolute nemesis for all kinds of attack and teaching. You, after all, you parry Stop the attack of my sword without preventing my other weapon from attacking.

And Yang Cong, the captain of 301, the number one assassin of Glory, is the pinnacle player in this regard, but what is the situation now? Tang Yin, the sharpshooter, used two ninja knives to achieve the effect of double knives and second rank. It feels too magical. But this is not the most magical, most Mo Fan is that Tang Yin not only used it, but also used one to one of Tyranny's two generals, Han Wenqing's Desert Guyan, who had already parried Lin Jingyan's cold and dark thunder, and even attacked directly. went back.

When the audience watched all the replays just now from the perspective of Tang Yin on the electronic screen, and then turned the time to the arena, the situation at the scene had changed.

After all, whether it was Han Wenqing or Lin Jingyan, they were both veterans in the professional league. Although Tang Yin's double-dagger 2nd dan flow surprised them, it didn't affect their actions at all. After all, in their expectations, being blocked by Tang Yin or Ye Xiu was almost a certainty. And where is Tang Yin's sniping ability, even if he can't catch up, there is no problem with remote support.

But they really didn't think of this way of flashing directly in front of them like teleportation. Although not thought of. The rationale is easy to speculate. After all, Tang Yin is still the main shooter, and there is no teleportation skill in the shooter system. That's just the transformation of his weapon. That can fit this situation is the shadow clone of the low-level skill of the dark ninja.

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Although the two were parried by Tang Yin, their attack was not over, and soon the next blow was already hitting Tang Yin again. Now they are fighting close to each other, how are they so afraid of Tang Yin?

In the face of another attack from the two, he saw Tang Yin flick his hands, and the two ninja knives threw a knife flower in his hand, but when they stopped, there were two automatic pistols that had been turned into. The next moment, Tang Yin shook his left hand and threw an ice-blue grenade under him.

Frozen grenade!

Tang Yin, as the key research object of the current major teams, saw the blue color revealed in Tang Yin's hand when he waved, and they had already seen this skill. Although their current characters were in a state of tyranny, even if they were in a state of tyranny, they would still turn into ice cubes when they were hit by Tang Yin's freezing grenade.

No way, they can only choose to dodge in such a scene.

After all, both of them are experienced veterans, and it is really not difficult to avoid Tang Yin's frozen grenade. They all knew Tang Yin's grenade very well now. The distance they avoided was just outside the explosion range of Tang Yin's grenade. It can be said that the calculation was quite accurate.

Not only that, but they even did a detailed study on the time when Tang Yin's skills disappeared. After the explosion of the freezing grenade had passed, and even the special effects had not been completely eliminated, the attacks of the two had already followed up again.


At this moment, Zhang Xinjie's message popped up in Tyranny's team channel, and even in the battle room, Zhang Xinjie called out. But still too late...

Boom, just under the cover of the characteristics of the last frozen grenade, a frozen grenade exploded, and the two figures who attacked Tang Yin turned into ice withers in front of him.

Just now Tang Yin actually threw not one, but two. The first one was to attract Han Wenqing and the others' attention, and the second one was Tang Yin's ultimate move. Because the two grenades exploded one after another, the explosion time of the second one was stuck at the moment when the skill effect of the first grenade disappeared.

And because there was a cover for the first explosion, it was too late when Han Wenqing and the others heard the second explosion.

But even though the two of them were frozen, after all, they were still in Tyranny's state, so there was no need to think about knocking them into the air. So Tang Yin decided to run away. Running like Ye Xiu before, he didn't miss it.

Just when everyone was about to add Tang Yin after Ye Xiu on the scumbag list, they found that Tang Yin's run just revealed Tang Rou behind him. At this moment, not only Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan, but even the audience suddenly realized it.

Night Cloak!

Since they can't be knocked flying, then continue to control them. Tang Yin's control can only control them in place, but Tang Rou's dark night cloak can directly bring the two together. Although Shadow Cloak was only a low-level skill, it was indeed the grasping skill with the strongest judgment ability. Of course, Tang Rou's Cold Mist also learned it.

The momentary cooperation between Tang Yin and Tang Rou was like gathering monsters, directly bringing Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan together.

Moreover, Han Yanrou's shadow cloak was completely blocked by Tang Yin's wandering vision, so they couldn't see it at all, let alone dodge it. You must know that they were frozen by Tang Yin's grenade at the time. UU reading www. Even if Zhang Xinjie did see it, uukanshu.com issued a reminder, but it was still too late.

In a short moment of confrontation, this series of cooperation between Tang Yin and Tang Rou was only completed in an instant. After hitting and running, it looks like a pair of young lovers eloping, fully explaining what it means: hit and run, thieves TM exciting.

Fang Rui and Qin Muyun wanted to rely on long-range firepower to keep them behind, but they were directly stunned by Tang Yin who was shooting on the move. After all, I was careful before because my own healer was not present, but now that the healer is present, Tang Yin is not false for playing long-range output. Do you think it's a joke to start with 600+ hand speed now? Ye Xiu was also using various remote skills to assist. Together, the two not only suppressed Fang Rui and Qin Muyun's attacks, but also directly gained the upper hand.

And the two people who were directly suppressed by Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's firepower, how could they keep Tang Yin and the others?


But now, after all, the advantage of blood volume is still on their side of Tyranny, Zhang Xinjie did not hesitate, and directly greeted the attack and continued to pursue. At this time, the two characters, Da Mo Guyan and Leng Anlei, had already rushed out of Tang Rou's dark cloak. But fortunately it was Tang Rou's shadow cloak, which was a skill that forced her to limit her movement. Before the time, unless the purification skills are used, they will not be able to come out.

But Tang Yin's Frozen, which can rely on hand speed, is different. For professional players, this kind of restriction is only a matter of sudden hand speed. Except for Yu Wenzhou, of course.

Although Tang Rou's shadow cloak was a little longer than Tang Yin's frozen grenade, it was really only a little longer. At this point, they obviously couldn't get rid of them completely. In the end, Tang Rou's sneak attack only gave the team a chance to choose a position. But now she and Tang Yin are still within Tyranny's attack range...

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