Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1893: storm

The Tyranny group pursued Tang Yin and the two of them, biting tightly behind them, while Happy's three others were already very skilled in relying on Tang Rou and Tang Yin's time to get to the point where they consumed their own power and were in a forest. In the residential area, houses built on top of giant trees are scattered. It can be seen everywhere.

Zhang Xinjie turned the character's line of sight, and then sent Xingxin's other scattered people to the room on the tree. The position of the room now is in the window, on the roof, or outside the house. He also saw the actions of the rest of Happy.

Ye Xiu used his various long-range attacks to suppress them. Xiaoshoubing took this opportunity to start healing his teammates. Miguang also operated his own summoned beast to try to support Tang Yin and Tang Rou in their evacuation. .

Do not!

wrong! Everyone in Happy is not covering Tang Yin and the others, but assisting!

Zhang Xinjie carefully observed the positions of the three of Happy, and finally made such a series. At this moment, Tang Yin and Tang Rou also stopped, and Tang Rou charged directly towards the deserted smoke and Leng Anlei. Tang Yin's firepower was full after Tang Rou, and the dense rain of bullets roared and shrouded both of them directly. Combined with Tang Rou's attack, they directly suppressed Han Wenqing and the others.

Screen tactics!

The Excellent Era fans who saw this scene were the first to react, because they were too familiar with this style of play. This was the style of their strongest combination at the beginning, and now this style of tactics has appeared again, and the opponent is still the tyrant. picture! At this moment, even if they didn't like Happy, they still cheered for Happy, but saying they cheered for Happy is a little wrong, it should be said that they are cheering for their share of youth that can't be returned!

Everyone in Tyranny recognized this style of play even faster. However, these words alone cannot be called traps. The current Xingxin people have only occupied a certain powerful terrain, relying on these to build a relatively solid offensive.

Although it was said that Tang Rou and Tang Yin had the right time to evacuate, they were not only facing Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan. After all, Tang Yin turned fire, Ye Xiu, and even a straggler couldn't hold back the firepower of the two long-range professions. But now that Tang Rou took the initiative to go up, she would not be entangled by Han Wenqing and the others. It would not be so easy to withdraw now.

So does Happy want to directly decide the winner here?

At this moment, Zhang Xinjie had to admit that Tang Yin, a rookie, was indeed not easy. Even under the disadvantage of being chased all the way, he still played in the form that was slightly beneficial to them.

But if you want to defeat Tyranny by relying on this advantage alone, then you will underestimate them!

After all, they are now at a disadvantage in terms of numbers of Happy, and now that they are fighting head-to-head again, An Wenyi simply doesn't have enough time to bring back all of Happy's health.

And now that the final battle has begun, this complicated situation has always been a pain point for Happy's treatment. Zhang Xinjie had already spotted the two major pain points of Happy, and attacked them directly.


Is a strong attack.

This is the tactic that Tyranny is best at, and it is also the most suitable tactic right now. The first kill target getaway! rush on!

At this moment, all four of Tyranny began to focus on Tang Yin's leisurely tour.

"Hey hey, is it too much for four people to beat me as a rookie? You don't want to bully newcomers like this." Facing the opponent's attack, Tang Yin did not hesitate, throwing out a few grenades to restrain some bullies. After everyone chased after him, he picked Tang Rou out, then he turned around and ran away.

Zhang Xinjie was not surprised by the result of Tang Yin turning around and running. After all, in his opinion, Tang Yin and the others had absolutely no reason to confront Tyranny. And he had already looked at the results of Happy's current tactics. The following two things, Tang Yin and Tang Rou, were just to deal with them. The real complex output was the two above.

However, it was a pity. If Su Mucheng was still there, then Ye Xiu and Tang Yin would be the ones below, and Ye Xiu's position above would most likely be Su Mucheng. In that case, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's tacit understanding, one attack on both of them, one of them is not a human being, and one of them has no lower limit of character, it may be really troublesome. But now it was Tang Yin and Tang Rou. As for Tang Rou's style of play, when he contained his opponent, he also fell into it. And that's a point that can be put to good use.

Zhang Xinjie has researched and sorted out Happy from all aspects in the brain painting. The next moment has already made the most secure plan. So Tyranny's offensive suddenly changed, turning to Tang Rou again.

"Is Tyranny so bullying and fearing the hard right now? How did you guys get along so easily!" You must know that Huang Shaotian is the third professional player Tang Yin has contacted, so it's no exaggeration to say that his trash talk is Huang Shaotian. So Tang Yin doesn't need to think about these trash talk, he can type it out when UU is reading www.uukanshu.com's speed. But while Tang Yin said these words, he also launched a counterattack against everyone in Tyranny.

"Move to 1 o'clock!" Zhang Xinjie ignored Tang Yin's trash talk and continued to give instructions.

The position chosen by Ye Xiu and the others was naturally the most suitable. Their current position was fine, and they could almost avoid all possible perspectives, but although they did not personally have a perspective, they were not easy to attack. But the overall coordination was not like that, and Zhang Xinjie discovered the flaw in Happy's position at one o'clock.

All Tyranny was pressed, but Tang Rou was no longer the Wuxia Amon at the beginning of the season. It was possible that she would just follow Zhang Xinjie's wishes and see Tang Rou jumping one after another, directly following the tree trunks and vines. Climbed one floor.


Zhang Xinjie didn't care about Tang Rou's actions at all. If he was cautious, how could he ignore the changes in the terrain? Tang Rou's actions were still within his expectations. As for her climbing to the second floor, so what? The space on the second floor was limited, so Tang Rou had fewer choices and was more likely to be blocked by them. Even in his opinion, Tang Rou's choice undoubtedly exposed his rookie's lack of game experience.

Tang Yin also discovered this, and immediately changed the direction of firepower and began to support his daughter-in-law. Right now, Tang Rou's position was very simple, and Tyranny would soon be completely double-teamed.

"Be careful of Tang Yin!" Zhang Xinjie showed his teammates to be careful about Tang Yin's long-range firepower. After all, this guy's bullet rain is really annoying.

The two melee veterans who had already rushed to the second floor didn't need such a manifestation at all. They saw the situation very clearly, and they knew exactly where Happy's main attack point was now.

The rain was howling, and Tang Rou took the opportunity to leave, so... the mighty dragon broke the army!

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