Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1973: Hand speed seven hundred and ten

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 1973 Hand Speed ​​710 (Please subscribe, please recommend)


Seeing such a scene, Lin Jingyan immediately realized that something was wrong, and sure enough, the next moment he heard a plop and a boom.

But it is understandable to hear the sound of falling into the magma. What is the impact of this sound? Lin Jingyan didn't know, but the audience with God's perspective had already seen the scalp starting to go numb. Can air combat machinery still be used like this?

I saw that Tang Yin, who was smashed by Lin Jingyan's back and smashed directly below, smashed directly on the air combat machinery that rushed over before falling into the magma. Although it was said that if the back was smashed, the enemy units would also be damaged, but only one How can a low-level grasping skill completely blow up the air combat machinery?

With the help of air combat machinery, Tang abruptly stopped on top of the magma. And this twilight was finally seen by Lin Jingyan who fell into the lava.

At this moment, not only the audience was confused, but even Lin Jingyan was also confused. Of course they know that air combat machines are all solid modeling, but is it too much for you to directly use air combat machines as a cushion?

But Tang Yin, who had just been padded by his own air combat machine, jumped directly. After all, the air combat machine has a limited movement speed. It also caught Tang Yin just before Tang Yin was about to fall into the magma, and jumped up after Tang Yin. In an instant, the air combat machinery has also been burned by the magma. But this explosion blew away Tang Yin's Lin Jingyan who wanted to jump up and chase again.


Is this a coincidence? luck? Or is it already calculated?

As everyone in Tyranny who knew about Tang Yin's situation, the first reaction was whether Tang Yin was lucky? But the next moment they dropped the idea. After all, if Tang Yin didn't have any luck, they should be in the hospital now, and Happy would have attacked directly because of force majeure. Where would there be a current match.

Then there is only one fact, that all this was planned by Tang Yin. Even if it was hit by Lin Jingyan's back fall!

The operations that distanced him from Lin Jingyan before were all Tang Yin's tricks, and they were the starting point of his complete set.

It may even burn the opponent's CPU before, and then let the fast-forward camera rely on the reply before the game to tell the opponent where he is. All this is a tactic that Tang Yin has planned. And the final goal was the same as Ye Xiu in the previous match, it was all magma!

He clearly knew that he should be careful not to fall into the lava, but in this arena match, he fell twice in a row. At this moment, Lin Jingyan felt that these two matches had directly lost their face in this life.

But now that it has fallen, how could Lin Jingyan let Tang Yin go back so easily? So the moment Tang Yin jumped up, he directly attacked Tang Yin. You must know that he is not Han Wenqing's boxing master. As a Street Fighter, he also has medium-distance attack methods.


Now Lin Jingyan has no idea how to get out of the magma. Just kidding, in front of Tang Yin's sniper rifle, if you dare to jump, he will dare to open it. He has no way to block Tang Yin without any means of displacement, so Might as well attack directly. Do your best. It might even knock it down. Could cause some damage!

Bottom out, twist.

Street Storm!

Lin Jingyan didn't hesitate at all, and just hit the big move. You must know that the joint storm is not only an attack skill, but also a special status skill. During the effective time of the Street Storm skill, all the middle and low-level skills of the fighting department will be greatly strengthened. After all, the skills will no longer have a cooldown state, which means that the hand speed is fast enough. Lin Jingyan can use these skills but ordinary skills. Attack!

Powerful knee attack!

Lin Jingyan is now using this skill to jump out of the magma to reduce the time he spends in the magma, and is also chasing Tang Yin as much as possible. Just when Tang Yin turned around and asked him to attack, Lin Jingyan relied on the steel and iron bones that had not disappeared to resist Tang Yin's attack. Just operate Tang Yin's whistling.

Although Tang Yin relied on his own hand speed to attack the anti-tank gun into the flying gun first, the speed was still one beat slower than these skills. Even though the two skills, the numb needle and the poison needle, which were extremely avoided, were still hit by a brick on the head and went into a dizziness.

Sand toss!

Lin Jingyan prepared to use the powerful knee attack to jump to the highest point, and when he was closest to Tang Yin, he directly threw sand at Tang Yin's eyes. As long as Tang Yin is lethal, the sharpshooter's attack effect will drop by a notch.


However, Lin Jingyan just finished throwing a hemp needle, and before the sand was thrown, a huge vibration wave erupted in Tang Yin's direction, and the powerful shock wave directly blasted it into the magma again.

It was only then that everyone noticed that Tang Yin used a collapsible grenade at the moment when Tang Yin was concentrated by the bricks.

Although it was used, it was not thrown out because of the stun, so another wave of palm thunder came.

However, the attack of the collapsible grenade was ineffective against him, so Tang Yin was not sent flying. Instead, when the stun ended, he just fired a shot and was about to fly back from Xinxin, when he was hit again by the needle that Lin Jingyan finally threw.

After Lin Jingyan, he fell into the lava.

But finding that you, Tang Yin, finally fell into the same situation as himself, Lin Jingyan did not hesitate any more. Because he has no time. To know that it is suitable for him to fall into the magma for the second time, UU reading www. uukanshu.com so that his health was running out, and when Lin Jingyan got up, he immediately waved his hands, Overlord Lianquan!

This is a skill that can be used to restrain the opponent and hit the ground. Although it is not a grasping skill, it relies on a genuine control skill. Lin Jingyan's intention is very obvious, that is, to control Tang Yin, it is better for him to escape and let him eat lava and his skill damage.

Lin Jingyan manipulated the cold and dark thunder to fly, but the research in front of him directly raised a bright moon-like existence. Such a scene made the audience watching the broadcast, how could there be a moon in the magma? Still full moon. But the audience watching the projections of the whole department at the scene knew very well, where is this full moon? This is clearly a circular muzzle the size of a full moon. And that dazzling moonlight is actually the ability that has already begun to accumulate in it.

Quantum Cannon!

But in the face of Tang Yin's attack, Lin Jingyan did not stop his flying figure. Although Bawang Lianquan is not a grasping skill, it also has a very strong control judgment, which is enough to break Tang Yin's quantum cannon!

"Lie down!" Lin Jingyan shouted on the public channel!

But when his attack was on the full moon, Tang Yin's quantum cannon like a full moon did not disappear.

"Sword Comes"

how is this possible?

Lin Jingyan exclaimed, but the audience at the scene knew very well, because Tang Yin not only used the quantum cannon at the moment of landing. There is also a gunnery level 75 big move: stabilize the gun mount.

Two big moves in an instant, everyone looked at the hand speed of 710 at that moment in the game record, at this moment, the whole world was quiet!

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