Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1974: Come on Tyranny

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 1974 Tyranny Come on (please subscribe, please recommend)

Stabilizing the Gun Stand is a new level 75 skill for the Gunnery Master. After this skill is used, the Gunnery Master will build a stabilization bracket on the spot. After that, all heavy weapon skills will be displayed on this stable gun mount, and in this state, the gunner will not be able to move or jump, but at the same time, the gunner can also gain a large increase in attack power. , and the gunners during this time have uninterrupted attack protection.

The judgment of this kind of attack protection is extremely high, and the judgment of individual grasping skills cannot be grasped. And now Tang Yin used this skill to directly set up the quantum cannon in the magma.

The next moment, the huge muzzle energy of the quantum cannon was instantly vented, and Lin Jingyan, who was lying in front of the muzzle, was about to slam his fist down and blasted away.

To be fair, facing Tang Yin's skill, Lin Jingyan was really convinced, and at the same time, a burst of weakness surged in his heart. In this state, Tang Yin's attack cannot be interrupted. For a sharpshooter to use the level 75 skill of a gunner, this is really foul!

Lin Jingyan, who was hit by a single shot, was still looking at Tang Yin's direction, and now the muzzle above Tang Yin's stable gun mount had begun to charge again.

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Battery laser cannon!

I saw a thick laser beam piercing through the magma, pushing the magma on the path to both sides, and chasing after Lin Jingyan, who had just been blasted back.

The powerful firepower output, combined with the huge damage from the research, almost instantly emptied all of Lin Jingyan's remaining HP, leaving no chance for the opponent to counterattack.


With an explosion that sent huge waves of magma, Lin Jingyan was completely blasted into the bottom of the magma by Tang Yin's laser cannon. At the same time, Lin Jingyan's HP also disappeared, and the third round of the arena ended with Tang Yin taking advantage of 12% HP.

The explosion of the laser cannon lifted the moving magma, exposing the stable gun mount originally under the magma. This scene directly became the best shot of the game. With the explosion effect of the laser cannon, the rolling magma, the stable support with a strong sense of technology and the laser cannon that is completely full of energy. One thing to say, this scene is really handsome!

Tang Rou directly decided to go back and make this scene into her computer wallpaper. Not only Tang Rou, but even the TV director played this scene of Tang Yin over and over again.

You must know that now is their home ground for Tyranny, so naturally the director is also from Tyranny's side. In general, the home club would probably avoid such scenes that repeatedly released the best shot of the away team to destroy their own prestige. In general, no matter how classic it is, it will not be played repeatedly like this. This shows how shocking Tang Yin's scene is.

Lin Jingyan had already stepped out of the competition seat at this time. In such a crucial competition like this, it is reasonable to say that his performance this round was really unsatisfactory. Sixteenth of the life value, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one percent, and Tang Yin's side is twelve percent. These are all the contractions of his game. To be reasonable, such results may even directly lead to their defeat in the ring match.

Is it only to this extent?

Even if he has tried his best, he has even used the loopholes of the game. But in the end, it still just got such a nearly ruined result. Lin Jingyan was really disappointed with such a result, and disappointed with his performance.

Lin Jingyan left the competition room a little disappointed, but when he just went out, he was greeted with violent applause from Tyranny fans. The professionally distanced applause even made Lin Jingyan feel very surprised.

Tyranny's fans would never judge a hero based on a player's final success or failure, and they would never abandon a player just because the opponent was defeated. In their opinion, the outcome actually doesn't matter to them. Compared with the results of the competition, they were more interested in the attitude and performance of the players during the competition. As long as the players showed their Tyranny's characteristics, it would be good in their hearts.

However, although fans do not blame Lin Jingyan, they are very clear about his performance in this game today. His performance in this game was really not very good, and there were even some things that made Tyranny fans feel disgusted. But even so, he still won the approval and applause of Tyranny fans.

Indeed, just as Lin Jingyan thought, some of the game's exploits that exploited the game's loopholes did not quite fit the values ​​of these Tyranny fans on the scene. But they still gave their applause, because they sincerely recognized Lin Jingyan's efforts after doing these actions, especially the last part, even if he had fallen into the lava, he still wanted to attack Tang Yin.

And Lin Jingyan's attitude of leaving all his personal honors, disgrace and victory for the sake of Team Tyranny's performance deserves their applause.

After all, all of this was for Tyranny, so although they didn't like Lin Jingyan's methods a little, they didn't need to care about these details.

And with the applause of the majority of Tyranny fans, the knot in the hearts of the rare Tyranny fans was also untied. The already warm applause became even more enthusiastic, and finally the voice completely spread throughout the audience. Such a dismissal made Lin Jingyan, who had already taken the player seat, stunned.

"Come on Tyranny!" Accompanied by the increasingly warm applause, more and more Tyranny fans shouted. This time they learned the lesson and added their team in front of the shout. In order to prevent him from being prostituted by the guys from Happy again.

To be fair, Lin Jingyan admits that he has never been an easy-going person. But at this moment, he was also unable to restrain the power in his heart. He played too depressed in these two games. At this moment, no one was more eager for a victory than him, a victory for their Tyranny.

"Come on Tyranny!" Lin Jingyan shouted to the audience for the first time. He had never acted with such passion in his nine-year career. Even Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale from Happy's side were in such a scene. I feel very surprised.

"come on! Come on!

"Seeing that his cheers got a response from his own players, it was like giving a boost to the Tyranny fans at the scene. Before returning to the Tyranny player seat, Lin Jingyan shouted while walking, and at the same time. Even waving this arm at them, he gradually became the mobilization and commander of the atmosphere of the game.

At this time, the third player from Team Tyranny had also stood up and walked in the direction of Lin Jingyan.

And Tyranny's third player, Qin Muyun!

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