Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2009: It's still a long way!

From the audience's point of view, the current situation of the battle is that Tang Yin and Mucheng, the master and the apprentice, are going up and down, one on the left and one on the right, to contain the people of Tyranny, relying on the terrain to confine the people of Tyranny to one place, bullying the opponent's long-range output is not enough , the most vivid and vivid expression of what it means to be inappropriate. And what about Tyranny? In the face of Tang Yin and Mucheng's attacks, there was nothing to do.

For a while, Tyranny fans felt that if they continued like this, their team might be in danger, but only when they focused their attention on their own team did they realize that everyone in Tyranny was as if nothing had happened.

What? Tang Yin's Happy Travel went to the other side? The past is over, don't pay attention to him, let's continue to rush forward!

Ignore Tang Yin's free and easy travel, such a choice is not to mention Tyranny fans, all the audience did not expect that there is such a choice, if such a choice is made, what will the result be?

Seeing that Tang Yin's attacks were getting more and more aggressive, he originally only relied on hand speed to make basic attacks, and then seeing that the other party ignored him at all, Tang Yin's attacks became more violent, showing that he began to use various kinds of death revolvers and so on. Seeing that the other party still ignored his gesture, Tang Yin immediately started to use his skills, without any hesitation, he started with a suppressing shot.

The double guns fired a terrifying rain of bullets in an instant, sending out a cloud of smoke that everyone in Tyranny wanted, and then the smoke and dust directly covered everyone in Tyranny. To know that this smoke was shot by bullet after bullet, one can imagine how terrifying Tang Yin's outbreak was. When the people of Tyranny appeared in everyone's field of vision once again, everyone was disheartened. But their health has not been reduced much.

If there is no accident, Zhang Xinjie put the defense buff on someone, and then let the person with the defense buff block the attack, and he will reply more complicatedly. After this series of operations, Tang Yin hit a wave of big moves, since the damage was still relatively limited.

But what about that?

Anti-tank guns!

Quantum Bomb!

Stormy rain!

Seeing that Tang Yin's attack started to become heavier, and the damage of his skills became higher and higher, Zhang Xinjie replied once or twice, what about five or six times, seven or eight times? As Tang Yin's attack became more and more powerful, it became more and more difficult for Tyranny to dodge, and Zhang Xinjie was under increasing pressure. However, Tyranny was an old-fashioned wealthy team, and it was no longer the players that Tang Yin faced together in online games. Not to mention the existence that he can easily suppress by relying on technology.

Even though Tang Yin's firepower was so strong, Tyranny's formation was still in order, and he had always been well-organized between dodging and defending.

Tang Yin saw that the focus of everyone on Tyranny was still on the opponent Mucheng, and felt that his containment was not enough. After all, until now, Zhang Xinjie and Fang Rui, the two core operations of Tyranny, had not been hurt. And as long as they are there, Nabatu can suppress Mucheng, and Zhang Xinjie can continue to reply to his teammates.

Tang Yin seemed to feel this, and it was a tactic that made Tyranny's people even more troubled and changed directly.

Seeing that Tang Yin moved a little forward, not clinging to the mountain wall on his side, he lifted up another series of shots, but this time he shot floating bullets and rigid bullets!

This time, Tang Yin didn't choose a skill with strong output ability, but chose a skill with a certain effect.

Xiu Xiu Xiu... With the sound of bullets slicing through the air, most of Tang Yin's attacks hit one after another.

However, the characters who were hit did not appear to be floating or stiff, because it was Desert Lone Smoke and Changhe Sunset who took over these attacks, and they simply used reinforced iron bones to block bullets.

But the character neither floated nor stiffened, the desert smoke, opened a reinforced iron bone, and directly blocked the bullet with his body.

It seemed that everyone in Tyranny was ready to forcibly rush out of this canyon like this.

And the facts seem to prove this, because as long as Tang Yin's attack has a little control effect, everyone in Tyranny will use various Tyranny skills to resist. The fighting system uses the skill of steel and iron bones. And if there is no attack with special effects attached, they will ignore it and charge directly.

But you must know that water droplets can also wear stone energy, not to mention that Tang Yin's output is not low at all. Although his high-level skills are generally low, he has a lot of skills! More importantly, the canyon where they are now is not short at all!

They hadn't walked in the direction that Tyranny was going, but the audience at the scene knew very well that the canyon that Tyranny and Tang Rou had been introduced to by Tang Yin and Tang Rou had a high probability of being the longest canyon on the map. That is to say, Tang Yin and Mucheng were such high places, how could they be restrained for a long time. And if this continued consumption, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Tyranny's losses were definitely not small. And on Happy's side, there were still two people who didn't fight, and one of them was Ye Xiu!

Although the current Tyranny team seems to be very patient, the audience can't sit still, especially Tyranny's fans, what Tyranny is doing now is that they look at Ali, because they don't I know the situation in this canyon, so I plan to fight hard until a turning point occurs. But those who have the perspective of God are very clear that if they really resist until that time, Tyranny's sacrifice will be huge, which is impossible!

The Tyranny fans here were still worried. Fang Rui, who had been interfering with Mucheng's attack, suddenly changed his target. Under the cover of Han Wenqing and the others, it was a blast to Tang Yin. At the moment when Fang Rui's blasting cannon was fired, the three fighting styles, Desert Solitary Smoke, Changhe Sunset, and Leng Anlei, directly turned into a sharp sword and launched a surprise attack on Tang Yin!

what's the situation?

What happened?

Am I missing something?

Although the last second, Tyranny fans were still worried about Tyranny's current situation, but the sudden change of the attack rhythm by Tyranny really made them stunned. Why was this sudden offensive, could it be that something happened in a place they didn't notice that could change the tide of the battle? The question is, where is the turnaround? Su Mucheng above was still standing above the canyon.

"Hahaha, what the hell, are you trying to compare your understanding of the gunnery master with me, or your understanding of Su Mucheng? No matter which one, you are still far behind!"

As a result, just when everyone was curious, Tang Yin typed out this series of messages on the public channel. What was surprising was that Tang Yin sent this message at the moment when Han Wenqing and the others launched the attack.

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