Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2036: Deliberately having trouble with their hair!

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 2036 Intentionally and their hair can't get along! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

"I'm an instant sniper again, doesn't this Tang Yin need to aim with his sniper?"

"Why does this have a life-threatening blow? Where did it come from?"

"I remember that the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella has two dark night forms? Why does this use the third dark night skill?"

At this moment, I don't know what aspects of Qianji Umbrella and Illusory God have been upgraded. The major professional players who are different after the upgrade, one by one, began to be blinded and cursed. No way, it's too messy right now.

Don't talk about the professional players' side, the most embarrassing thing now is of course the two commentators Pan Lin and Li Yibo who just spoke very heavily about Happy's condolences. After all, they were looking at Ye Xiu with sadness one second, but the next Ye Xiu turned into a civet cat.

"I said the sky is my domain, why don't you listen?"

"That is to say, angel wings! It's too bright!"

The messages that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu sent on the public channel at the same time were full of sarcasm. But the TV director obviously didn't keep up with Happy's attacking rhythm. When they were scrambling to cut the camera to Zhang Xinjie's side, Ye Xiu had already leaped towards Zhang Xinjie, and Zhang Xinjie was shot in the head. But there is no way.

But now the professional player group is also in chaos. After all, the amount of information generated in this moment can't be completely over in a while. So far, they still haven't reacted, how did Ye Xiu's death-defying blow come from?

On the contrary, they have already sorted out Tang Yin's headshot Barrett sniper rifle. It is the sharpshooter's skill dual control. But this is the reason why Ye Xiu felt confused by a group of professional players. If Han Wenqing attacked Ye Xiu, it would be a sudden turn around and punch. It was this blow to turn around, and when Ye Xiu used his summoner skills to switch positions, Tang Yin However, he used dual control and Barrett sniper rifles one after another. The most important thing is that even if the battle situation is so rushed, Tang Yin can still get a headshot with one shot.

This can be described not only by the speed of the hands, but also by the extreme accuracy of the operation.

Tang Yin was sighing, but Ye Xiu was torturing their brain cells naked. After all, after all the way through the regular season, a total of twelve forms of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella have been thoroughly studied by the major teams, and they also know that these twelve mentalities can be marked with any skills except awakening and class transfer skills. So guessing what skills Ye Xiu played this time in every game has almost become a fashion in the professional circle.

And Ye Xiu sometimes used all twelve skills directly in a game, and sometimes didn't use any of them. for use.

And in today's game, all the professional players who didn't have a game have naturally started this fashionable activity in their hearts.

Heroic jump, poison needle, decapitation, flashing thrust, swirling wave sword, magnetic coil, storm counterattack...

They have clearly calculated all kinds of skills. Now, with the summoning and transposition of the civet cat of the summoning system, Ye Xiu has already used more than ten skills. But this time there was another death blow.

"Fairy Wood"

You must know that they remember that Ye Xiu's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella also has three sage classes, two mage classes, two fighting classes, two sword classes, two dark night classes, and one spear class, a total of twelve forms.

But in today's competition, Ye Xiu has already used two night skills in succession: the ninja's decapitation and the assassin's flashing thrust. According to the normal Luo Ji, Ye Xiu's Lord Grim no longer had a place in the Dark Night department.

Unless their weapons are above, they can use more than one skill!

And there is no precedent for such a situation before the tenth season, but in the tenth season, it was different, because this season, there was a silver weapon that gave them the same headache as the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella: the Phantom God of Getaway!

Both of them belong to the same team, so the formula and trigger conditions of each other's weapons are obviously no secret. Just like Tang Yin's Phantom God can be transformed into other types of weapons after entering the playoffs, the Thousand Opportunity Umbrella has magic power. It doesn't seem strange that God's characteristics are...

Thinking of this, the heads of the major professional players start to hurt again. After all, if you say that, can the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella be able to use two skills in each form or is it just a specific form? If all forms are available, then he can directly use up to twenty-four skills of various occupations. These two guys are intentional and their hair can't get through!

But they soon found out that it wasn't, Ye Xiu didn't hit with the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, but with a dagger!

At this moment, all the professional players were once again confused. At this moment, they realized that they were thinking too much. Ye Xiu did not have this skill, but he also brought an extra weapon. Originally, everyone thought that with a weapon like the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, the scattered people had said goodbye to the tedious change of martial arts, but now they realized that since Ye Xiu had brought a weapon. At this moment, they really don't know how to face all this.

Now many professional players can still send messages and complain, all because of their incredible hand speed.

But on the arena, there is no projection of the whole system, and the audience who can only watch the broadcast is depressed now, because the director has not kept up with the rhythm of the two cores of Happy, so that they have not returned to Ye Xiu to use a life-threatening blow. Appearance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the audience at the scene did not have such concerns. Has a full range of projections. They clearly saw that Ye Xiu flashed to the original position of the civet cat under Han Wenqing's punch.

A life-threatening blow!

Blood for blood, life for life.

The damage of this skill is completely proportional to the level of this skill and the burning health.

Of course, the skills Ye Xiu obtained by relying on weapons were only the first blow he received. Even if it was just one blow, it could burn mysteriously and deal explosive damage in an instant, but there was still an upper limit.

However, Zhang Xinjie's own health is not healthy, and now he has been hit by Tang Yin's Barrett and dealt double damage. There is almost no suspense in Ye Xiu's attack!

And the most chaotic thing belongs to the Tyranny players at the scene. Ye Xiu's move, they really did not expect, Fang Rui is fighting Su Mucheng, Song Qiying and Han Wenqing are now in Tang Yin's place. At the same time, Lin Jingyan was in the distance, so he couldn't come over to eradicate Luo Ji, the Happy Summoner's level 75 threat.

Even apart from Han Wenqing, the rest were treated with their backs to their own homes, and they didn't even know the current situation. I saw Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's mockery.

And after Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's ridicule, Han Wenqing immediately sent a message.


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