Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2042: Absolute 0 degrees!

This time, not only all the spectators, but even the professional players who are discussing in the QQ group think so. After all, Luo Ji is a little transparent on the original arena. He was on the field without any damage or interference at all. Right now, he really can summon whatever he wants, and he can operate whatever he wants to gain a lot of freedom.

But for everyone in Tyranny who wanted to seize Happy's key points right now and give them a heavy blow, it was a huge disruption to their rhythm.

Could it be that Tyranny, an old-fashioned team, is still going to be defeated by this professional rookie?

You must know that this is the second time, Luo Ji played a key role in the team competition.

Is this about to lose?

Do not!

not yet!

Because Han Wenqing's Desert Lonely Smoke has already been killed! After a few seconds, Han Wenqing finally caught up after Luo Ji summoned the three summoned beasts from a distance that was a bit far for a boxer, and now Han Wenqing was also another player on the arena without any restrictions. exist. Is it to directly launch a strong attack on Ye Xiu, who has relatively low health, or to block Su Mucheng's continuous artillery fire for Fang Rui, so as to release his long-range firepower, or to support Lin Jingyan's treatment of Xingxin's An Wen Ease.

At this moment, Han Wenqing actually had a lot of choices, but at this moment, Fang Rui suddenly discovered Luo Ji and still hasn't stopped singing his skills! And now this chant wants not to chant the command of the summoned beast, but to chant the skill!

According to the question, with Luo Ji who has already summoned so many medium summoned beasts, what skills can he still use?

At this moment, even someone as experienced as Fang Rui couldn't imagine what kind of skills Luo Ji was using, but although he didn't know the skills Luo Ji used, the experience of so many years of competition told him that Luo Ji's skills must not be released, even He had a feeling that if it wasn't difficult to interrupt Luo Ji's skill, then they might really have to smash this match.

Bang bang bang!

Fang Rui ignored the surrounding attacks. Fang Rui, who had already withdrawn at the moment Ye Xiu's grasping skill ended, used the reinforced iron bones on his body to resist a wave of damage and attacked by Ye Xiu's other grasping skill In an instant, he hit Luo Ji's Qi Cannon with a single blow. Then he was successfully captured by Ye Xiu again.

in time!

At this moment, Fang Rui put his perspective on Luo Ji's body, and saw that Ruo Jiu's staff was still constantly waving, and a steady stream of magic was surging in it. But now that the skills are converging, it is obviously impossible to complete it before his attack arrives. It can be seen that Luo Ji is now singing a very powerful large-scale spell, so it takes such a long time to sing, and with such a skill, his attack can catch up!

In the end, he never imagined that since a figure flashed directly into Fang Rui's perspective, it exploded with a bang, and his energy cannon shot directly at Ye Xiu, who was about to attack him just now. Ye Xiu had only about ten percent of his health, so he didn't hesitate to use Arc Flash to pick up his skills.

Ye Xiu didn't have time to switch to the shield mode with this attack, and even went straight to 8%, but it was like this, Ye Xiu had to block this attack for Luo Ji. Why is this?

As Fang Rui's qi cannon exploded, the next moment Luo Ji's whole body began to release the magic power.

No one could interrupt Luo Ji's skill chants now, and Fang Rui, who was sitting in front of the computer, felt a chill to the bones at this moment, as much as the scene on the screen.

Absolute zero!

This blow was not against him, but against Han Wenqing's lonely smoke in the desert, Han Wenqing who finally came back from a distance! In the blink of an eye, there was a captain who had the opportunity to bring a turning point for them Tyranny. In an instant, he fell directly into the absolute zero degree of ice of this element mage's level 75 skill.

Seeing this scene, there are still people who don't know that Luo Ji's skill on the weapon is the absolute zero degree of the Elemental Mage's skill with a strong control effect!

And in a position like him where no one bothers, it is of course the most appropriate to only use this skill that requires a long chant. However, Luo Ji looked down on his opponent a little bit. He didn't expect that under such a situation, Fang Rui still sensed his threat immediately, and attacked him directly, the momentum interrupting his skills. You must know that in the last second he thought that Fang Rui was the one with the most pressure and the least chance to attack him.

The fact was that, even in the face of such a battle, Fang Rui still hit Fa with a single blow when he was about to finish. At that time, Luo Ji's heart froze when he saw the attack of the Qi Cannon. In the end, just when he thought that his skill Ju was about to be interrupted, Ye Xiu's figure appeared in front of him, helping him block the blow.

Luo Ji had seen this kind of cover many times before, but this time Ye Xiu's opponent was him!

But what should Ye Xiu do after being attacked? Just as Luo Ji was worried, an ice-blue grenade exploded beside Fang Rui.

In Frozen's hands, it was Tang Yin who was attacking! Even if Song Qiying was willing to sell blood to stop him, Tang Yin had never been afraid of anyone, even if he tried to sell blood, after all, they still had treatment. So when everyone traces the source of this freezing grenade, they can see Song Qiying who was pressed by Tang Yin's spear technique and various gun-related skills, and the freezing grenade was shot under this wave of suppression. support!

This is a team game. When you support other teammates, you don't have to worry too much, because there will also be teammates to support you!

Luo Ji, who saw this scene, was completely relieved, and made an absolutely zero shot!

Seeing that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were still there, Luo Ji had an inexplicable confidence that he would win, because at this moment he knew very well that he was really not as trivial as he thought, on the contrary everything he did was changing. The battle situation at the scene, as for the two captains one after another to cover for his skills!


Supporting Han Wenqing was still interrupted by Fang Rui's probing, but was interrupted by Ye Xiu halfway through. After Absolute Zero chanted, it was instant. It was impossible to dodge at this time. Because this skill is a frozen world formed directly around Han Wenqing, and it takes effect directly, and there is no distance or time for magic to fly.

That is to say, the moment Luo Ji made his move, Han Wenqing and the people around him were frozen, and they were out of touch with the battle situation again...

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