Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2043: ended……

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 2043 is over... (Please subscribe, please recommend)


Although this skill is only level 1, Luo Ji's equipment doesn't have any attribute effect that increases ice element enhancement to increase the skill effect of absolute zero, but no matter what, this is Ye Xiu's current level 75 skill. How could the skill effect be poor? Not to mention, in the current situation where time is racing against time. This level of restriction is enough to have a decisive impact.


If it weren't for Luo Ji's absolute zero, then Han Wenqing's attack would have hit Ye Xiu, but now, with the fall of the holy light, An Wenyi, the rookie Happy Healer who has been criticized by everyone, also The chain didn't fall off at such a critical moment. Even he had been waiting until the state of being unable to be cured with a life-threatening blow was lifted, and An Wenyi did indeed seize the opportunity. The continuous instant healing skills began to be thrown at Ye Xiu.


With the trigger that represents the critical strike effect, the original holy light is brighter.


In the blink of an eye, Lord Grim's health had exploded to the point where Tyranny's fans felt hopeless, even if there was a small shot in the broadcast, it showed that Tyranny's Qin Muyun was almost there. , the sharp firepower of the sharpshooter can quickly provide long-range firepower as well.


Because they know that it is already too late!


Ye Xiu, who dared to use his **** body to fight against his skills in close proximity to his teammates just a second ago, after experiencing An Wenyi's series of healing and critical strikes, there is really nothing he dares to do now. thing.


The target of the attack, Fang Rui, the Hundred Seas!


Even if Fang Rui used the fastest way to get out of the frozen state, Ye Xiu had already completed the close-up, and now the Tyranny effect on Fang Rui's body had disappeared. Even he didn't do anything on his side. The attack has already arrived, and it is directly trapped in the battle of the dense combo of scattered people. The artillery fire that belonged to Su Mucheng by his side never stopped, and Xiaofeilong and Leiying continued to attack him. Relying on Tyranny's skills to resist before had caused his health to drain very quickly, and he had no healing to recover. Fang Rui couldn't hold on for long.


The effect of absolute zero did not last long, and Han Wenqing's desert smoke quickly rushed out of the range of absolute zero's skills.


On the other side, the gunshots that sounded one after another also announced that this Tyranny and Qin Muyun had arrived.


But when all of this happened, Fang Rui's 100-level Vast Sea was dying, and Ye Xiu didn't even plan to waste time on him. Rui threw it to the summoned beasts and Mucheng. After Ye Xiu left, Luo Ji's ice wolf filled his seat immediately, and then under the firepower of Su Mucheng, the queen of Luo Ji's summoned beast, Fang Rui completely lost his last point of health.


At this point, the situation has turned into five against four, and there is still one treatment on the other side of the five.


At this moment, the Tyranny fans at the scene fell into silence one after another. They never gave in, never gave up, and never gave up. At this moment, they seemed to have met the end of their roar.


Everyone in Happy didn't leave any gaps just because they had an advantage, and every relief was controlled just right. Really, is there anything worse than this?


Facts have proved that there really is!


Just when Ye Xiu reminded his teammates not to let up on the team channel, Tyranny's rookie Song Qiying had also been cleared of health by Tang Yin. That's right, the worst dismissal is three and five, and that five also comes with a healer!

It was precisely because Ye Xiu reminded his teammates in the team channel that they realized that Happy's team channel had been quiet for a long time. This series of continuous exchanges of fire, cooperation, and reversal, these seemingly suffocating operations, since everyone in Happy has no communication at all!


Happy wins!


This was the final outcome of this match, but what everyone didn't expect was that it was five-on-three with treatment, and it still took Happy twenty minutes to kill the last of Tyranny.




Even with the five-on-three treatment, Happy was still forcibly knocked out two heads by the Tyranny crowd. To be fair, this match was really brutal in Tyranny's fight, and Happy's battle didn't work either. It's as devastating as everyone imagined.


This is when everyone finally came together. Ye Xiu's previous attack in the team channel "Don't let up" was never a casual or a humble word for one's own side. This reminder is very important. That Ye Xiu The next second he just said, Tang Yin once again killed a person.


But Song Qiying's performance this time was seen by everyone. How quickly he was killed by Tang Yin was because he did not hesitate to sell blood to hold Ye Xiu, and after Ye Xiu left, he continued to sell blood to forcibly hold Tang Yin down. To create opportunities for his own team, it can be said that during the climax of the game, his health value was always at the bottom of the team.


Especially after the death of his deputy team, his situation was even more difficult without a workplace for therapy. But the team's environment did not allow him to be thorough. That's why he died so quickly.


But even if it has been reduced to the point where there are only three people left, if you dare to relax a little in front of Tyranny, he will bite you fiercely. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


And Ye Xiu would say that because he knew Tyranny too well and the style of this team, so he wouldn't give Tyranny even the slightest chance. The opponent fought tenaciously to the last moment!




The system has already made the final decision. Happy will win this match, and the winning team will naturally advance to the next round, this season's finals!


But at this moment, the scene was very quiet.


Tyranny's players and fans were silent because of the defeat, but Happy's fans were because even in the last half hour, they were still terrified. Even if the advantage was already obvious, they still had a feeling that they would be killed in the next moment. The feeling of opponents catching up.


This game didn't go into garbage time because of Happy's advantage at all, and even after Happy's final victory, Happy's fans didn't react for a while.


It wasn't until the players from both teams walked out of the competition seats and came to the middle of the stage, along with the greetings for Happy's victory on the electronic screen, that they completely broke the silence on the scene and pulled the hearts of all Happy fans. return.


And the fans of Happy who reacted also realized at this moment that they really won! All the way from the challenge game to here, and now it is the best stage to win the glory, all this is really a bit dreamy!


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