Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2046: get carried away

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 2046 Get carried away (please subscribe, please recommend)


The four veterans gave Ye Xiu their compliments one after another, and it all seemed so simple and smooth. The communication between the two sides was very concise throughout the whole process, without any extra words, and even the back and forth were just those few words. There are no new words at all.


But the hearts of the audience who saw this scene were inexplicable.


The reason is very simple, even if it is such a simple conversation now, even if they use such simple words, but the fact is that even if it is just such a conversation, they have no chance to speak and hear more.


After all, Tyranny's three and Ye Xiu's four players are all players entering the final days of their careers. They're on stage to shake hands with each other, and they don't have many opportunities to send blessings and thanks to each other.


Come on, thank you.


Even if it was just such a simple exchange of words, it seemed so extravagant to them now. But this can't be changed, because their own age is here, whether there is a tomorrow for them now, and how many tomorrows, these questions make the public at the scene uneasy.


"This is a very exciting match!" Tyranny's vice team Zhang Xinjie, after Tyranny's other two veterans, as a player who debuted in the fourth season, Zhang Xinjie is about to end his golden age. It can be said that the next batch of players to enter the professional goal is their golden generation.


"The Point Guard Is Here"


"So are you." Ye Xiu said lightly.


"Your team is very good." Zhang Xinjie looked at Tang Yin next to Happy, and the other Tyranny players beside him, and said with some emotion. "Everyone has something unique to them that cannot be ignored."


Tang Yin was quite surprised to hear that Zhang Xinjie's evaluation of them was so high. He knew very well that Zhang Xinjie saw far more things than many people, even some professional players.


After all, their defeat of Tyranny never depended on the highlight moment that a certain person wanted to play, but the entire team's team members were fully functioning in all aspects. They all made use of their various advantages to the extreme, and howling covered each other's deficiencies and flaws, and only then did they completely turn over from the originally extremely disadvantaged start.


This was at the most critical moment, but there was not a single exchange in the Happy team channel. It was clear from this that the current Happy is no longer the one with obvious flaws in everyone's cooperation at the beginning of the season. Team up. Now they have also become a well-trained, tacit understanding, shared consciousness, and a truly professional team. Only such a team can move forward in the direction of victory.


"Keep going." Zhang Xinjie said.


"So are you." Ye Xiu said.


Zhang Xinjie nodded. Like their captain, he wasn't the kind of person who would talk politely and perfunctorily. There was definitely room for improvement for Happy, and so did Tyranny.


Although his debut can be said to be Ye Xiu's funeral, Zhang Xinjie has never underestimated the existence of this glory textbook. If nothing else, now that he is gradually showing a unique combat system, there are many worthwhile Where he thinks and learns.


And this glorious textbook is still constantly updating and evolving himself!


Han Wenqing, Lin Jingyan, Fang Rui, Zhang Xinjie…


It's really because of the existence of their four heavenly kings that the current Tyranny looks very powerful, but Tyranny is not only the four of them, there are Song Qiying, Qin Muyun, and Ye Xiu's members in this round of team competition. It was said that after Qin Muyun joined the battlefield, the situation was almost fixed. But he didn't show any signs of losing his fighting spirit.

It can be seen from his attack cooperation that even in the face of such a predicament, he is still putting out his best form and constantly fighting in this adversity. The last nearly half an hour of the exciting game was presented to the audience.


What about Song Qiying?


This Tyranny rookie was originally a team ring match, the team's last hope, but he still failed to turn the situation around. In the team competition, he played the first game again, but even if he tried his best, he still ushered in this somewhat bitter ending.


"Why?" Song Qiying finally said after shaking hands with Ye Xiu and when Ye Xiu was about to leave and Tang Yin was about to pick up. This voice made both Tang Yin and Ye Xiu stop, and from their perspective, they could clearly see the tears that Song Qiying couldn't bear.


"Seniors have already worked so hard, why are we still..." Song Qiying's tone was full of unwillingness and incomprehension. He didn't cry because of himself, after all, he was still young and had a bit of a chance. As a hero of Tyranny, he would never cry because of his failure. But now the situation is that he still has a future, but what about his captain, what about his predecessors?


Now they have already come to the age where they can waste the opportunity. Now their time on the field has begun to count down. It is because of this that Song Qiying knows very well that their attitude towards training and other aspects is as good as anyone else's. , the effort is even more unimaginable. Even at their age, even if it only increases the possibility of victory a little, even if it can increase their own strength, they will do their best for this.


And these Song Qiying are in the eyes.


He looked at Tyranny's seniors every day, how much the captain cherished every opportunity to play, but in the end, Victory didn't favor them...


Obviously you have put in so much effort and sweat, UU reading www. uukanshu.com has already paid everything that can be paid, but in the end, the only thing in exchange is still failure.


what is this?


Hearing Song Qiying's voice, Qin Muyun next to him wanted to comfort him, but before he put his hand on Song Qiying's shoulder, Tang Yin took the lead and said, "Why do you have a mission, as long as you work hard, you can get what you want? Everything? Getting carried away also gives me a little degree!"




Just like Song Qiying now, where did she get carried away? Are you sure you won't be beaten to death by the language teacher?


But Tang Yin ignored what Song Qiying was thinking, and continued: "You don't think that only one team in the entire league is working hard. If you work harder, do you think our Happy will lose to you? No, we don't. Yes, no team in the league is going to lose to anyone at this point."


"We are on the field now. The so-called hard work is the least worthy of boasting, because this is the foundation that everyone in our field must do, even the basics are almost negligible. Think about these things clearly. Continue to climb up, lad, glory is not as simple as you think."


"Keep working hard!" After speaking, Tang Yin continued to shake hands with Song Qiying. Some things have been pointed to, he has said enough...


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