Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2047: Press conference

Full-time career Ou Huang Chapter 2047 Press Conference (please subscribe, please recommend)


After finishing shaking hands with Song Qiying, Tang Yin continued to shake hands, and the next one was Tyranny's sixth man Qin Muyun. After the two sides shook hands, one of the two sides greeted all the audience. Even if this was Tyranny's home court, even if most of the audience here regarded Ye Xiu as a deadly enemy.


But there should be applause, but not much. After all, still use some restraint in it.


After all, although Ye Xiu shook hands with Tyranny and the other veterans, he did have a momentary feeling. But now I don't say that the original old ruthlessness is here, let alone that there is a new hatred now. The people in Tyranny didn't boo Ye Xiu directly, but now it's a good deal to give Happy a **** round of applause.


On the contrary, after the referee officially announced the victory of Xinxin, the fans of Happy on the away side burst into accumulated applause and cheers in an instant. At first glance, it looks like a winner. However, it had already reached this stage, and the applause of Tyranny fans would not be weak. Of course, their applause was not for Happy, but for Tyranny, the defeated team today.


Even now their applause can't hide their loss, but they have to tell their team with actions, even if they lose, they will always be with them. In the eyes of their fans, they are still heroes. So you will never be alone.


The two teams walked into the player channel with the applause of the fans on both sides. After this journey, there was no communication between the players of the two teams, so they simply walked back to the various preparation rooms. Adjust the status and prepare for the next press conference. And this time, the league specially invited the press conference. This time, the two teams will not be divided into home and away teams, but the loser will go first, and then let the winner play.


And such an arrangement naturally resulted in the limited attendance of Tyranny, and now the loss of this game is different from the previous two games, this loss represents the end of their season. Under such a situation, Tyranny naturally had to face a lot of problems. Not even limited to today's game.


Han Wenqing, Zhang Xinjie, Lin Jingyan, Fang Rui.


This is Tyranny's lineup at the press conference, and the appearance of the four of them made everyone who saw them excited with one heart. exist.




But now they have lost this match against Happy.


They are very aware of the hidden flaws in this exciting lineup, but it is because of such flaws that they can get together and form such a luxurious lineup.


Although this luxurious lineup won the championship last season, this season they directly defeated the rookie team Happy. This result really lowered everyone's expectations for this luxurious lineup. More importantly, the age of this team is here, and they failed to win the championship this season, so what will they do next?


Compared with the content of today's game, now everyone is more concerned about the team's doubts at the strategic level.


But to ask such a thing, after all, you still have to pay attention to a first come, first come, especially in the face of Tyranny, a team that can be daunting just by looking at it, not to mention such a team that has to be respected. , All the reporters have absolutely no intention of embarrassing the other party as soon as they come up. After all, the last reporter who did this was scolded by angry Tyranny fans on a hot search. They don't want to be the next unlucky one.

"First of all, I'm sorry that Tyranny lost to Happy in the end." The first reporter who got the chance to stand up made the most common opening remarks, and then followed the trend into the question he wanted to ask, and asked it along the line: "We want to know, what do you think of your opponent's performance in this game?"


"Excellent!" Han Wenqing, the team captain, gave a simple and succinct answer to the first question. But this is also the most hated answer of all journalists. After all, it is Taimo Lake. But just when these reporters were depressed, Han Wenqing tilted his head slightly and said, "As for the details, let Xinjie tell you about it?"




No one would object to this result. After all, Han Wenqing was famous for his succinct answers, but Zhang Xinjie was different. He always had a say in various questions. If other people may still say some scenes when talking about teammates in this kind of field, but Zhang Xinjie is different, he will let him answer everything and be realistic.


"What do you want to ask is the ring competition or the team competition." Zhang Xinjie asked seriously after taking over the words of his own captain.


"Team, team." Hearing Zhang Xinjie's question, the reporter replied immediately. After all, the analysis of team competitions is to analyze the whole, while the flying in the ring are mostly personal materials, but in the current environment, Obviously the final team game is more analytical.


"Team match, UU read www.uukanshu.com After this match, I went to confirm that the refresh point of this match is random, there is no problem with that." Zhang Xinjie said. As soon as he opened his mouth, he showed his serious side vividly. The doubts that appear in the guess on the field here are confirmed as soon as possible when the game is over.


"That's right!" The reporters at the scene nodded, indicating that it was true.


When Zhang Xinjie heard a reporter's answer, he nodded, and then there was a thoughtful look on his face. After confirming the news, he instantly replayed the entire game in his mind, and then said cautiously, "In this case, the performance of everyone in Happy today in the team competition has a lot to learn from us. "


"Because everyone didn't know that the game was randomly refreshed at the beginning, it created a situation where Tang Rou met all of us Tyranny. This kind of start is definitely very unfavorable, and Tang Rou is indeed in the first place. The decision made by time, but we had a little hesitation about the situation at that time, and this hesitation was caused by not knowing that the start of the refresh was random." Zhang Xinjie paused for a while and continued.


"Under such a background, Happy is actually at a disadvantage, but relying on the hesitation we showed, we decided to take advantage of the situation. Otherwise, we would not admit it. Their tactics of lure were very effective, and then they used the terrain of the canyon to try to consume and interfere with us by relying on more long-range firepower..."


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