Full-time Summoner

Chapter 104: Bug Net

"Alien worm king Lila... is it really Lila? But... Isn't Lila already dead?" Feng Zhoulong had just received Zhaohua's message in the communication from the military in Congcheng not long ago, and he immediately thought of it. own doubts at the time.

Feng Zhoulong's reaction when he heard Zhaohua's words at that time, although the details were a little different, it was indeed similar to the terrible insect king thirty years ago. Feng Zhoulong estimated that the people of the Black Vatican planned to use Zhaohua to influence the judgment of the Magic Association.

If it is an ordinary person, there is no way to influence the Magic Association, but Zhaohua is a bit special.

Because he was a candidate for the joint entrance examination of the four cities, or the Zerg attack occurred during the joint entrance examination of the four cities, which led to the fact that there must be a principal-level mage around Zhaohua, and through Zhaohua's mouth, the wrong information was passed on. Pass it on to the school, and then pass it on from the school to the Magic Association. This is the result that the Black Vatican wants.

And Li Shijie is also there. With Li Shijie's strength, it is easy to enter the final day. Feng Zhoulong thinks that Li Shijie is probably another insurance.

No wonder no matter how Feng Zhoulong analyzed it at the time, those white snow particles were just ordinary snow. Now I think that the snow falling in Huacheng is probably the method of a high-level or super-level ice mage, that is, an artificial snowfall.

The Black Holy See wants to block the military's counterattack and defense with wrong intelligence.

"But...Professor Feng, wasn't that Bug Lord killed by the Judgment Council and the military thirty years ago?" one of the researchers asked.

"Besides, how could the demon cooperate with the Black Vatican? It's impossible. It would be fine to say that Bo City used violent spring water to induce an attack, but the entire demon doesn't have such a thing."

This is the biggest problem, regardless of whether the infection is Snow White or not, the biggest problem is how the Black Vatican managed to control the demons. Humans and demons cannot coexist. Regardless of who you are, if you dare to walk in front of demons, especially Monsters of the level of the insect king and the insect king, they just go straight to it without saying a word.

cooperate? If it doesn't exist, will you cooperate with ants?

Feng Zhoulong took a deep breath. After Zhaohua's assumption and confirmation, he has understood the truth of the attack.

"The group of dogs in the Trial Council didn't kill Lila the alien worm at all. It should be said that they captured Lila alive. At least the heart of the worm and Lila's worm brain were not destroyed."

Feng Zhoulong lamented how terrible Lila was at the beginning. After being besieged by so many super mages, he was able to kill twenty-eight super mages, and he also possessed the special ability of parasites. Instead of killing, they had to be captured alive, which led to a sharp increase in the death toll.

"You're right."

An old man's voice came from the gate of the underground research institute, and Feng Zhoulong turned his head to look. The person who came was none other than Tian Qingbai, the chief judge of the Judgment Council of Yaodu Eleven Cities.

"Aren't you fucking crazy, putting the heart and brain of a worm king in the demon capital!! If the worm mother is angered, the entire demon capital will be wiped out in an instant!"

Feng Zhoulong was extremely angry. The Judgment Council's actions were tantamount to setting fire to himself. With the current power of Yaodu, there was absolutely no way to fight against the extremely terrifying ancient insect mother.

No one knows the specific strength of the ancient worm mother, but according to literature records, when the worm mother led the worm country to appear in the South China Sea, the sea monsters in the entire ocean shunned, and they could spy on one or two of them by diving three thousand meters.

If there is another place in China that can be compared with it, I am afraid that only the most mysterious Kunlun Demon Country in China can.

Feng Zhoulong was about to rush over to question, but Tian Qingbai pushed Feng Zhoulong away with just a look. You must know that Feng Zhoulong is a super mage, but Tian Qingbai suppressed Feng Zhoulong with just a look.

Tian Qingbai said in a deep voice: "We can't live under the threat of the worm mother forever. If the worm country can give birth to a worm king like Lila, the second and third can be born."

"Do you know what kind of situation the world is in right now? Do you think there is nothing wrong with the Zong Kingdom now? Will the Zong mother have a drink with you? Ah!"

"It has been a truth since ancient times to live in sorrow and die in peace."

"As a researcher, don't you know the horror of the bug net the most! If we don't try our best to crack the bug net, once the most terrible bug disaster happens, the whole country will be wiped out."

Tian Qingbai said in a deep and powerful voice.

Feng Zhoulong would not be intimidated like this, he roared: "I don't have time to talk to you about this, immediately destroy Lila's worm heart and worm brain, otherwise the zerg army won't stop."

After hearing this, Tian Qingbai sighed and said: "This time I lost a bit. I didn't expect that the Trial Council would be infiltrated by the Black Vatican to such an extent."

Feng Zhoulong didn't know that before Tian Qingbai came, he had already dealt with the subordinates of the three deputy judges, among them was the super mage who killed Lord Chong 30 years ago, his old buddy.

"Lila's worm heart and worm brain were stolen."

Insect net, everything is because of the unique ability of the monster city Zerg. The Zergs in Yaodu have a special ability that makes the world frightened. Their thoughts are interlinked, and the thoughts of all Zergs will be connected through a kind of telepathy called the Bug Net.

It is also because of this that the high-ranking alien worm king can directly control the zerg, and can control their words and deeds, and all the zerg obey the orders of the worm mother.

After Tian Qingbai heard what Zhaohua said, he immediately understood that the people of the Black Vatican took advantage of the insect heart and brain of the insect king Lila, entered the insect net and ordered the insect race to attack the demon city.

The worm heart is the account password for login, and the worm brain is the login entrance. The Judgment Council has been studying how to use the human brain to link the worm net to control the zerg. It did not expect that after 30 years of research, it was still the first to get ahead.

Tian Qingbai suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "All the judges of the Tribunal listen to the order! Attack and destroy all the Zerg." Tian Qingbai is a phonology mage, and his phonology cultivation has been able to spread throughout the entire demon city.

"Feng Zhoulong, I didn't come here to explain anything to you. You have no right to interfere with what I do."

"Sa Lang, I, Tian Qingbai, will do nothing for the rest of my days. I will definitely bring you back."

The people present couldn't help trembling when they heard this name. It was Sa Lang again. Bo City more than half a year ago was finally verified to be the work of Sa Lang and his subordinates. Now Bo City is no longer a living city, but has become Set up a military base against demons.

It is conceivable how heavy the casualties in that incident in Bo City were, the city was already uninhabitable, and the flag of the Magical United Nations was lowered in mourning.

Now Sa Lang has extended his claws to Yaodu! ! This world metropolis with a population of tens of millions, if Sarang succeeds, then the whole world will be shrouded in the darkness of the Black Vatican.


In a forest hut in an unknown mountain, a man in a blue robe lowered his head and said: "My lord, Tianqingbai already knows, and now all the judges below the high level of the Tribunal have been sent I am afraid that this crisis will be resolved in a short time.”

Beside the window, a woman wearing a red dress, a pair of red high-heeled shoes, and bright red lip gloss on her lips raised her lips slightly and said, "It's a pity, I thought it would take longer. It seems that people in Yaodu are not all It's an idiot."

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