Full-time Summoner

Chapter 105: Hall of Assassins

Beside the window, a woman in red is holding a cup of steaming black tea that has just been brewed. She especially likes red things.

"Unfortunately, after all, Lila is just a newborn alien worm king. Although he has the strength of a great monarch, his status is not very high among the worm kings, and he cannot order other worm kings."

Sarang, a symbol of death, a person who spread evil into a plague, a symbol of mysterious evil.

The deacon in blue standing beside him is Sa Lang's most loyal subordinate, Deacon Hujin. Although he is a blue-clothed deacon, his status is higher than ordinary blue-clothed deacons.

"It's a pity. If you can order hundreds of millions of worms, and the eleven worms attack the demon city together, and wash the demon city with blood, you will definitely be crowned as a god, and the death of the world must belong to you. Your lord will definitely usher in a new era." Hu Jin On the sidelines, he secretly regretted that he had been following Sa Long, just to see the emergence of a new era and a new world. By then, he must be a hero who founded the country and a celebrity through the ages.

Sa Lang just smiled and didn't speak, even her most loyal subordinates didn't know that the place where she wanted to become a god from the very beginning was not a demon city at all, it was a metropolis comparable to demons, she just wanted to Try to see how powerful cities of the same level are.

This time is just to test the waters, next time, the next time she is going to make a real move, at that time she will make the whole world tremble, and let the world know her name as Sarang, God of Death.

Only by becoming the god of death can she complete her revenge.

"The subordinates feel that Fang Shaoli is a material that can be made. She used the hot springs in Congcheng to separate and cultivate Lila's parasites. The new parasitic insect monsters she obtained can increase the strength of the adults." Hu Jin was on the side. Said.

Everyone in Yaodu thought that Baixue's infection and the swarm's attack were caused by the same person, but the truth was not the case. At the beginning, Sa Lang just wanted to use Lila's insect net to test the combat power of Yaodu. The parasitic infection was caused by Fang Shaoli himself.

It would be the best if he could use this to draw out the lord of insects and break out a world-shattering war.

It's a pity that the worm kings of the demon kingdom are not idiots, they didn't rashly start a war with the super mages of the demon capital, let alone the ancient worm mothers.

Fang Shaoli is very smart. She knew that Sa Long was going to launch a plague of insect swarms, so she selected a group of people in advance and put insect seedlings in their diet. Miao made everyone think that it was caused by the snow, which misled the military and delayed the chance of Yaodu to fight back.

This is the result of the complete fusion of the plans of the two people.

Sa Lang smiled, showing a crazy smile and said: "Fang Shaoli is indeed good. Although the answer sheet she gave me is not full, but there are still passing marks. I can accept her as my apprentice. Hope She can finish the subject I give well."

Sa Lang thought to herself that Fang Shaoli was a bit similar to herself, they were both lunatics, if she could complete the task she gave, perhaps, one day she would step back and give her the position of the leader in red.

There was a click, and the sound of heels stepping on the ground suddenly came from outside the door. It stands to reason that it is impossible for the heel to make a sound on this kind of muddy ground in the barren mountains and mountains, but both Sa Lang and Hu Jin can clearly hear it.

Click, click. . . The sound was getting closer and closer, and it seemed to be stepping on their hearts. This is definitely not a good thing, because no one here will know, and it will be very troublesome if it is the Trial Council or the Forbidden City Master.

Karma. . . The wooden door opened. The person who pushed the door was a woman wearing black skinny jeans and a black windbreaker. The voice came from her Martin boots. She seemed to have a woman's cigarette burning forever in her hand.

It can be said to be very similar to Sarang, one is all red and the other is all black.

Biting the cigarette with his lips, he took off the hat on his head with his right hand, and patted the snow on it. It was obvious that there was no snow outside at all, but he didn't know where the snow came from.

He skillfully put the hat on the coat rack, pulled out a chair casually, sat down, raised his legs and took a puff of cigarette.

When Sa Lang saw the person coming, his eyes showed a dangerous light, but he hid it quickly, and Sa Lang suddenly smiled. Waved at Hujin to signal him to leave, Hujin bowed his head, he obviously felt that it was not easy to come, this was Sa Lang's intention to protect him.

Seeing that the visitor had no intention of keeping Hujin behind, Sa Lang said: "I thought you would watch your son in Yaodu, why come to me when you have time."

Huh, Zhang Ning took a puff of cigarette, as if recalling something, when she thought of her son, she showed a smile that a mother should have, and then she replied with a kind smile: "This little scene, that kid Xiaohua can handle it Come on. And, if you dare to attack the monster, you should be able to guess that I will come to take your life."

As if she didn't hear that Zhang Ning was coming to take her life, Sa Lang sat opposite Zhang Ning holding the black tea that had been frozen for some time and said, "When was the last time we met?"

Zhang Ning thought for a while and replied: "It should be the time when I was forced by those old guys to be the master of the hall twenty years ago. I remember that time you were also watching the ceremony."

Sucking, Sa Lang poured another cup of black tea, took a sip and nodded: "Well, it seems to be that time, I still remember that time Zhaolang rushed into the Hall of Assassins alone and challenged all the assassins in the Hall of Assassins, it was extremely majestic. So far Afterwards, the No. 1 killer in the Hall of Killers, the Dead Silence Spirit, disappeared, and there was one more Zhang Ning in the world."

Zhang Ning, the genius killer who was the number one killer in the killer hall twenty years ago, as long as she is the target, even if she hides in the prison of the Holy Inquisition, she will die.

"That can't compare to you, the wife of the great saint, Ye Chang." Although he said that he couldn't compare, his tone was full of sarcasm.

When it comes to the name Ye Chang, not many people know it, but if it is said that Ye Chang’s husband Wentai, then this name represents the supreme glory in the Parthenon, because her husband is the parthenon for the world. The holy son Wentai who brings hope and light.

Destroying Bo City and bringing darkness to the world, Sa Lang, the leader of the Black Vatican in red, is the wife of Wentai, the son of the Parthenon Temple. Only few people know this secret, but Zhang Ning, the former palace of killers, knows it One of the secrets.

Ye Chang didn't react when she heard her name, knowing her real identity was meaningless, she had already given up this identity earlier, since that man left this world, Ye Chang no longer existed.

Hey, Ye Chang saw that a cigarette was almost finished, she put down the black tea cup in her hand, stood up and said, "Since the Demon City Trial Council has been dispatched, the bug plague will be resolved soon, if you don't do it, I will be leaving. "

Zheng, Zhang Ning's master hand, seemed to pull out a black awn from under the Nine Nethers. This black awn was shaped like a long sword. Zhang Ning held the hilt of the sword, and the sword was swallowing black light, as if it was swallowing time and time. The space is the same, which makes people fearful.

Ye Chang looked at the black glow and exclaimed, "Your accomplishments in the shadow system are still so amazing."

Zhang Ning's eyes showed a strong killing intent. No matter who it is, as long as it dares to harm her family, even the gods and Buddhas in the sky will kill you.

"Unfortunately, if it was you twenty years ago, I'm afraid I would be doomed, but you will not kill me now."

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