Full-time Summoner

Chapter 107 Void Praying Mantis

Squeak! ! ! ! The body of the Vengeance Mantis was like red-hot iron, emitting terrifying heat. The high temperature drove the air, creating an updraft, and the stone floor began to collapse due to the high temperature.

Zhaohua people are stupid, why! ! this. . How does this progress, it doesn't make sense. Didn't the textbooks say that it should be done step by step, cultivated slowly, and then the summoned beast will break through to the advanced stage when it's a matter of course? Why did this revenge mantis start the advanced stage so suddenly?

Pulling, Ji Shao silently pulled Zhaohua, pointing to Li Shijie who was laughing wildly on the other side.

Zhaohua took a look and was taken aback. Li Shijie's appearance has completely changed now. His hair was white, the wrinkles on his face became more and more obvious, his skin was shriveled, his eyes were bloodshot, and he became very old. He couldn't believe that this was someone of the same age as him.

It was only at this time that Zhaohua guessed that Li Shijie's natural talent was probably not as simple as an ordinary natural talent. It was probably a special thing imposed by the Black Vatican, a taboo method similar to the black beast. Li Shijie's natural talent In addition to absorbing its own magic energy, talents may also absorb vitality.

"It's no wonder that you can advance the summoned beast. This is to use up your life and all your magic power."

But at this moment, Zhaohua didn't have time to pay attention to Li Shijie, because the revenge mantis had completed the last step, and its body had begun to deform.

Kakaka, the body became more streamlined. It was originally black and white, but now it has completely turned into pitch black. If you stand in the shadows, you may not be able to spot it. The iconic feature The two "big knives" have become longer, and the three-meter-long giant machete emits a deadly cold light.

There is a row of hard serrations on the machete, and a climbing suction cup at the end of the hook of the big knife. A pair of protruding compound eyes, big and bright, with slender tentacles, and a 180-degree turn of the neck, looked at Li Shijie who fell to the ground next to him, showing a ferocious smile.

It has six wings, and the forewings spread out softly, covering the whole body as cover wings. The hind wings are thinner than the forewings, with a little white edge. Stretched out in a fan shape, there's no question it will fly.

Void Mantis, Zhaohua had heard from his father at the time that if he could capture the Void Mantis as a dimensional summoned beast, then he could cultivate it with all his strength. Because the Void Mantis not only has explosive attack power, but also can fly, and has a high bloodline, so it can have the strength of a warrior in adulthood, and it is a rare favorite of attack sensitivity.

It's just that Zhaohua never dreamed that such a dream summoned beast would stand against him one day.

Because of the terrifying aura of the Void Mantis, all the Zerg monsters who approached backed away, and even the Witherwood Scorpion trembled. The Witherwood Scorpion had never been so frightened when facing the Iron Shield Horned Worm. soft.

Even Suoyu, who was flying in the mid-air, showed a nervous look, because the two big knives had the ability to cut her, making her dare not approach at all, which was very dangerous.

"Hey hey hey, it's successful, it's successful! Cough cough, kill... kill them. Hahahaha." Li Shijie couldn't help laughing wildly even when he coughed up blood when he saw that the Vengeance Mantis had successfully advanced.

Zhaohua felt a little out of control, but this monster was still a flying monster, its speed surpassed his wind element, and it was still at the level of a warrior. Wraiths had little or no effect on this kind of monster.

The only weakness is that the defense power of learning Void Mantis is not high.

call! Flapping its wings, just flapping its wings, the Void Praying Mantis, who was still 50 or 60 meters away, approached at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and raised the deadly sword in its hand high. It doesn't come with you at all. I just finished the advanced stage and I'm very hungry, so I need to eat something nutritious.

"Wind silk! Net!!"

"Xi Xi!"

Xiaofengcan transforms into the form of a wind elf, and together with Zhaohua uses a net-shaped defensive skill, double defense.

brush! Shining coldly under the sun, with just a light touch of this big knife, which is sharper than the sawtooth queen ant, the two nets of wind turned into rags, without even the slightest resistance.

Seeing the advanced Void Mantis, Ji Shaohan had to use undead magic, but the seven bone skeletons that had just been summoned had not had time to evolve into carrion corpses, and the big knife in the Void Mantis's hand swept across, and all turned into broken bones.

Zhaohua deeply felt that his strength was too weak, he could deal with mid-level mages but he was helpless against general-level monsters.

"Wind track flash!"

Zhaohua hugged Ji Shaohan tightly, jumped back suddenly, and opened a distance of 50 meters. Yi Nian Xinggui's speed showed an absolute advantage.


"Fuck you!"

But the Void Praying Mantis was faster, and once again flapping its wings, its figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared on the heads of Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan in the next second.

Swipe, the big knife slashes down, the speed is unparalleled, even if you think about the star trail, it is not enough time for Zhaohua to dodge.

Boom, boom. When Zhaohua was in the nick of time, he pushed Ji Shaoan away with his right hand, and his right hand was cut off with a knife. Ji Shaoan watched helplessly as his right hand was in the air, and he was pushed away.

But before Zhaohua could feel the pain, the little wind silkworm standing on his shoulder changed. It used the power of the wind spirit seed, and the three white and green wind silks transformed by the healing wind were on the incision of Zhaohua's right hand. Reaching out, he quickly wrapped around his severed right hand.

Then the white-green wind silk was pulled, and the severed hand was closed again. Zhaohua held down the severed right hand with his left hand, and then the wind silk was like suturing a wound during an operation. The white-green wind silk passed through the muscles and began to sew.

The healing power of the healing wind also begins to work when the wind silk passes through the muscles, and slowly begins to heal the wound and connect the broken nerves.

Unbelievable god-level operation, if Xiaofengcan recovered the severed hand slower at that time, it would not be possible to heal so quickly. It can only be said that Xiaofengcan played a vital role at the most critical moment.

Ji Shao sat on the ground dumbfounded, and took a deep breath after seeing Zhaohua's arm received back, she was so nervous that she almost suffocated just now.

Zhao Hua said loudly to Ji Shao who was sitting motionless on the ground: "Go quickly."

"Go find Ning Tianlan."

Zhaohua added that he was afraid that it would be troublesome for Ji Shao to foolishly want to live and die together like in TV dramas.

Sure enough, as Zhaohua expected, when she heard that she was going to rescue Ning Tianlan, Ji Shao ran away and contacted Ning Tianlan with her mobile phone. She hated herself more and more for being dumb, because it would take more time to contact Ning Tianlan at this time.

Zhaohua saw the Void Mantis looking at Ji Shaoan who was running. Zhaohua did not attack the Void Mantis, but turned his head and rushed towards Li Shijie who was lying on the ground. You R is a dimensional summoned beast, I will kill your summoner and I will see how you can stay in this world!

Sure enough, this unexpected move scared the Void Mantis, it flapped its wings and took off, easily passed Zhaohua, and glared at the Withered Wood Scorpion, which was also about to rush over, the Withered Wood Scorpion was immediately scared back three steps.

Witheredwood Scorpion was confident that he would definitely be split in half by the Void Mantis.

"Tsk, if this continues, I will definitely not be able to make Ning Tianlan come over."

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