Full-time Summoner

Chapter 108 Sharper

Huh, the Void Mantis didn't give Zhaohua time to think at all, it showed its sharp fangs, and a hungry tiger rushed towards the face, flashing two big knives.

"Are all assassins so unreasonable!!"

Zhaohua instantly activated the wind track floating shadow of the third level of the wind system, and the three wind tracks intersected with each other to form a large wind track formation. Changing positions frantically in the formation, dodged the attack at the nick of time.

Zhaohua's right hand recovered super fast. He already felt a tingling sensation in the wound, and his arm could already exert force. This speed can be called a medical miracle.

brush! Swipe! The big knife of the Void Mantis waved like a phantom sword dance. Zhaohua avoided the slash every time with a distance of one-thousandth of a centimeter. In the most dangerous time, his own bangs were cut a little.

"Tsk, its strength can still rise. Sooner or later, the third-level Wind Track Piaoying will not be able to avoid its attack."

The Void Mantis has just been advanced, and it may not have adapted to the sudden surge in strength. Now that it is slowly under control, its strength and speed have begun to increase.

Void Mantis probably felt this too, and even showed a humane expression of disdain. The sword dance in Void Mantis' hands became faster and faster, just when Zhaohua was about to be unable to resist.

call! A brown tail saw the opportunity and attacked from behind. The strength of this tail was quite terrifying. The tail needle on it aimed at the back of the Void Mantis like a poisonous snake, wanting to kill it with one blow.

But if the Void Mantis just wields a big knife in his hand, how can he be favored by Zhaolang? Even Zhaolang thinks that the dimensional summoned beast that can be cultivated is extraordinary.

Weng, the Void Mantis sensed the attack from the Deadwood Scorpion, and it activated its demon skill Mimic Stealth. It's not unreasonable for the Void Mantis to be completely black. This is to match its demon skills. The skin on its body instantly blends into the environment and disappears.

The Void Mantis' demon skills are very different from common chameleons. The Void Mantis can not only cast and switch instantly, but also does not show itself even if it moves. It is a near-perfect stealth skill.

Witheredwood scorpion's sneak attack failed, followed by a flash of cold light, hiss! ! ! The dead wood scorpion let out a cry of pain. A thick tail fell to the ground with a bang, and blood gushed out from the incision, instantly staining the grass red.

This wound is fatal. If the bleeding is not stopped quickly, the Deadwood Scorpion will go into shock within ten minutes, and if it continues, it will definitely lose too much blood and die.

The Dead Wood Scorpion had fallen to the ground, lying on the ground dying, its eyes seemed to say 'it has tried its best'.

But the Void Mantis is not the villain of TV, it will give the protagonist time to say goodbye. The Void Mantis in the invisible state appears in mid-air, and the big knife with the blood of the dead wood scorpion cuts down from the head. Time is gone, this knife is lore.

Le, Zhaohua's ten fingers pulled in the air, and the wind silk was twisted into a fancy rope pattern. Five wind silks were twisted into a thicker wind silk, which withstood the knife, and the friction between the wind silk and the big knife sent out sparks.

It's just that the thick twisted silk of five wind silks still couldn't resist the extremely sharp sword of the Void Mantis. Zhaohua watched with his own eyes the big knife hanging above his head cut the wind silk, and it approached and enlarged extremely quickly in his pupils.

Brush, poof! ! ! Zhaohua exerted his body functions to the extreme, and his extremely strong will to survive made him turn his head and sideways at the last moment, without being split in the middle.

But his left hand was cut obliquely from the collarbone, and the windbreaker wrapped around his body was as useless as thin paper.

The little wind silkworm has not attacked to prevent this moment, it instantly manipulates the windbreaker wrapped around its body, like a lotus root, the roots are broken.

With a snap, the severed hand was taken back again, Zhaohua was sweating coldly in pain, the healing wind had no anesthesia effect, the pain would still hurt, the whole hand was cut off, that feeling was exciting just thinking about it.

"What are you doing! It's been so long, you can't even kill a junior mage!" Li Shijie, who was lying dead beside him, roared angrily, what kind of garbage warrior monster, even a junior mage has been fighting for so long. People from the military are here, and everyone is finished together.

squeak! ! ! The Void Mantis launched the monster skill again, but this time Zhaohua learned to be smart, and immediately used the wind track to escape desperately, repeatedly changing positions left and right, waiting for the end of the stealth time.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Void Mantis to show up, and Zhaohua saw that the physical strength of the Void Mantis began to decline, and the consumption of the demon skills was indeed not small, and Zhaohua also saw that there was a small size on the side of the Void Mantis. The small wound should have been injured by the sting of the dead wood scorpion just now.

Zhaohua could see that the Void Mantis' demon skills were more suitable for sneak attack rather than head-on.

"Little wind silkworm, is there a way to make thicker wind silk, or wind silk that is as strong as a sharp blade, so that it can block its attack."

Zhaohua's twisted rope just now made him think, if he could fuse multiple wind silks to create a tougher and sharper wind silk, as long as he had a weapon, he might not be incapable of defeating it.

Zhaohua can't help it, at most he can get five short wind silkworms and tie them on his fingers and twist them together, but the small wind silkworms may not be impossible.


After saying something to try, Xiao Fengcan flew into mid-air and left the battlefield, with four fingers spread out and arms stretched out, very much like the way in the novel to control fire when making alchemy, a long blue strip slowly appeared in front of him. object.

"Pull the thread to chop."

Zhaohua would not give the Void Mantis time to rest and recover, and the only attack method was a half-moon-shaped slash. With a sound of blocking, the Void Mantis bounced away with just a big knife.

But Zhaohua showed a smile, and there was a bang, and the wind silk exploded. Just now, the little wind silk refined some wind silk with the effect of the second wind spirit species Foehn, but it was a pity because he had not yet Completely advanced, Foehn is obtained relatively late, and the amount that can be refined is not much.

Although it has the power of fire burst, even if the Void Mantis is not a defensive monster, this power is still not enough to seriously injure the Void Mantis, it can only anger him.

squeak! ! "Wind Trail Floating Shadow!"

This time the offensive and defensive battle was even more intense, with one man and one beast fighting each other. If it wasn't for the effect of the healing wind and the magic energy provided by the little wind silkworm, if the mage dared to play like him, he would have died hundreds of times, even if he was a wind element The same is true for the mage, the mana is long gone.

A gust of wind rolled up in the arena, blowing the surroundings reeling.

Zhaohua's body was already full of scars, and the power of the healing wind began to disappear, because the little wind silkworm had never advanced, and the power of these spiritual seeds could only be squeezed out a little bit like a sponge.


Just before Zhaohua's mana energy was exhausted and the effect of wind track drifting shadow disappeared, Xiaofengcan's voice came with a little excitement, and it said the three words "success".

"If you slow down a little bit, the uncle's body will probably be collected."

The injuries on Zhaohua's body were countless, many of them were cut, his clothes were already stained with blood, and even the fifth magic of the summoning system had been activated, which proved that his life was already in danger.

Hey, Zhaohua holds a weapon that looks like a knife but not like a knife, like a sword but not like a sword, like a sickle but not like a sickle. The moment he holds it, the whole world seems to be different, the world changes because of it, It actually gave him a sense of enlightenment.

He seemed to realize that he had inadvertently done something terrible.

squeak! ! Zhaohua saw the Void Mantis rushing towards him, but the strange thing was that this time the Void Mantis seemed to slow down, it seemed that it was not so fast, and it was not so unclear. This time he really saw the Void Mantis' movements.

Zhaohua shook his head, tightly clenched the weapon in his right hand and said, "If you want it, then I will give you this hand."

Zhaohua didn't dodge or dodge, using the last trace of magic energy, launched the last wind track, rushed in front of the Void Mantis, and slashed at the opponent almost at the same time with its big knife.

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