Full-time Summoner

Chapter 115 Three-tailed Jade Scorpion

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Feng Zhoulong spread his hands, saying that no one can change the awakened magic system, and the curse system is strong, well, practicing the curse system will not make you ugly, so what are you afraid of?

Fengzhou Longkong made a large open space and signaled Zhaohua to let the dead wood scorpion out first.

The Deadwood Scorpion struggled to get out of the magic watch. It ate nothing but food every day, and now it was unbearable.

Seeing the dead wood scorpion released, Ji Shaoan stopped crossing, after all, there was nothing he could do about it, so he ran over with a drawing book.

[The dead wood scorpion has gained a lot of weight. 】Ji Shaoyin has not seen Deadwood Scorpion for a long time, the last time was when Deadwood Scorpion was admitted to the hospital, and he has been preparing to advance since then.

The current dead wood scorpion's body length has not changed, it is still about five meters, but it is much wider. If the dead wood scorpion used to be a streamlined, slender and beautiful girl, the current dead wood scorpion is a fat girl with a bucket waist and elephant legs.

Boom. The dead wood scorpion was already exhausted within two steps after it came out. The whole scorpion lay on the ground and began to pant. It does this every day now.

Feng Zhoulong ran to the side and began to operate some large-scale instruments to check the whole body of the dead wood scorpion, the most important thing is to check whether the various energy values ​​in the body are tending to balance.

The reason why Feng Zhoulong used three kinds of warlord monsters instead of four or five was because of the triangular relationship, mutual checks and balances would not allow the dead wood scorpion to absorb too much energy and lead to forced advancement.

Didi Didi, Feng Zhoulong was typing on the keyboard, and after a while he walked excitedly with a few pieces of paper and said: "Very good, very good, better than I expected, now the energy in the dead wood scorpion is equivalent to 99.9% At the general level, even the state of the soul is close to the soul of the general, as long as the soul breaks through and advances to the general level, it can detonate the energy in the body to complete the transformation, and officially advance to the general level."

Feng Zhoulong didn't even think that the Deadwood Scorpion was better than he imagined, which is very rare. Because it is undoubtedly a torment to resist the temptation to advance while suppressing the energy that is about to explode in the body.

As long as it is advanced, everything will be resolved. This kind of voice lingers in the ears of the dead wood scorpion almost every day, but every time it is about to be unable to hold on, it will look at the scar on its tail. That is both honorable and disgraceful, it is a soldier's medal and a proof of the weak, if he could be stronger in the first place, then. . .

The Withered Wood Scorpion also knew its own origin. It wasn't Zhaohua at the beginning, but now it was the mountain spider's meal, so the Withered Wood Scorpion held back, resisted the temptation, just to break the shackles of its low-level bloodline today.

Feng Zhoulong took out a dropper containing cosmic dust, handed it to Zhaohua and said, "Here are ten drops of cosmic dust. Cosmic dust is one of the mildest substances. The energy here is enough to send the soul of Deadwood Scorpion into the battlefield." Will."

Zhaohua took the dropper and looked at the dead wood scorpion lying on the ground. It also felt that this moment was finally coming, the power of a warrior it had dreamed of.

Zhao Hua carefully picked up the dropper and put it into the mouth of the dead wood scorpion. One person and one beast looked at each other. Zhao Hua saw that the dead wood scorpion was also nervous, but more eager and excited.

tick. Ten drops turned into one drop.

thump! ! It sounded like the heartbeat of an evil beast that was about to break free from its chains and wake up from its deep sleep. The dead wood scorpion was biting tightly but did not make a painful moan. Zhaohua could see the pain of the dead wood scorpion. Closed with a rattling sound.

"Go away quickly, the energy it emits will be terrifying." Feng Zhoulong reminded Zhaohua loudly, asking him to come out to protect the barrier.

The most rapid change is the soul, because the soul of the dead wood scorpion is his own soul, and the only thing that has gradually improved in the past six months is his own soul. After being nourished by the energy of ten drops of cosmic dust, the soul of the dead wood scorpion is like a puzzle missing As if one piece had been completed, it immediately showed the appearance that a warrior should have.

Zhaohua, Ji Shaohan, and Feng Zhoulong stood aside and watched. Feng Zhoulong had a serious and nervous expression on his face, his hands were clenched tightly, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He was more nervous than Zhaohua, the master.

If there were outsiders among these three people, those who didn't know would think that the couple and father-in-law were waiting outside the delivery room for their mother-in-law to give birth to a second child.

Ka Ka Ka! ! ! The moment the general's soul was formed, like a fuse, the body of the withered wood scorpion began to crack, and blood gushed out from the cracks, dyeing the whole body of the withered wood scorpion red in a short while.

This scene really frightened Zhaohua and the others, as if they could not stand the violent energy and were about to explode.

Feng Zhoulong immediately took out his mobile phone. On it was a pie chart, showing the balance of the three kinds of energy in the dead wood scorpion in real time. The three colors of brown, green and black on the mobile phone seemed to be fighting for territory. Each wanted to occupy the other's piece. No one will let anyone compete with each other.

"Hold on, you must maintain balance." At this stage, even Feng Zhoulong couldn't predict what would happen, because he hadn't actually experienced this step, it was just a theory.

At the same time, this is also the most difficult step. It is the most difficult to achieve the balance of the three energies, with no more and no less.

hiss! ! ! Boom! ! The dead wood scorpion raised its head to the sky and howled loudly. In pain, it raised its pincers and slammed on the ground, as if to use this method to relieve the pain.

Boom! Boom! ! Boom! With the passage of time, Zhaohua found that the obese body of Dead Wood Scorpion began to lose weight, and the fat was visibly reduced by the naked eye. If girls know this, don't they go crazy?

Those warriors that have been eaten have already begun to reorganize and merge. The strongest monster is the body. Compared with the soul, mental power, and monster skills, the scorpion monster is a type that is good at the body.

Boom! hiss! Screams came through the soundproof glass, and the body of the Deadwood Scorpion exploded into a three-color whirlwind, black, brown, and green. The mixed energy of the three colors hit the protective barrier Feng Zhoulong had set up like a tornado.

Of course, with the power of the dead wood scorpion, there is no way to break through the barrier set by the super-level Feng Zhoulong, but Feng Zhoulong is still very surprised, because this power is very powerful, and it is not possessed by ordinary warriors and monsters. I am afraid that he will really fiddle with it. An extremely powerful demon came out.

The research this time is probably not much worse than magic fusion, and it also makes him more confident in magic fusion. He believes that sooner or later he can bring magic fusion to the whole world, change the world, and lead mankind out of the threat and rule of demons. .

Zhaohua has seen this scene before, and not long ago, he was almost hacked to death by a monster that appeared in this scene, but this time he watched it very happily, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised a smile, which he did not even know. Perceived.

With a sound of Pang, the Deadwood Scorpion raised its double claws and smashed them to the ground for the last time. The double claws were smashed like plaster, revealing a brand new pair of scorpion claws. With the shattering of the scorpion claws, the skin that was supposed to protrude from the rock Also broke and fell off one after another, the only thing in the world

A new creature is born.

"Three... three tails!?"

It’s a little smaller than before, it’s only three meters long now, and its body color is completely different. From Zhaohua’s angle, it’s dark green, but from Ji Shao’s angle, it’s taupe, and from Feng Zhoulong’s angle, it’s red. Green, the dead wood scorpion seems to be painted with color-changing ink. Depending on the light source, you will see different colors from different angles.

The body is covered with scales like fish scales, which are no longer rock protrusions, but neatly arranged, row upon row, and the most terrifying thing is the tail of the dead wood scorpion. Three, a total of three scorpion tails as long as the body, black, green, brown, and three crochet tails flying in the air.

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