Full-time Summoner

Chapter 116 Three Kinds of Monster Skills

There is no need for Feng Zhoulong to say it anymore. Zhaohua knows that the dead wood scorpion has successfully advanced. Even if various barriers block it, Zhaohua can clearly feel the powerful aura and suffocating coercion, especially This kind of pressure is especially obvious for Zhaohua, who has only elementary strength.

[So strong. ] Ji Shaoan wrote in the drawing book, with a look of amazement on his face, it was obvious that even Ji Shaoan, a mid-level mage, was taken aback.


Zhaohua compared the majestic aura exuded by the current withered wood scorpion with the original void mantis. Zhaohua found that the withered wood scorpion had completely exploded the void mantis. If there was another void mantis now, Zhaohua believed that the withered wood scorpion would be able to do so without three moves. Tear the Void Mantis in half with a snap.

Some cowardly mages with poor cultivation base may be scared off by the current Deadwood Scorpion.

Just when Zhaohua was about to go into the barrier to have a look at the dead wood scorpion, Feng Zhoulong held Zhaohua back and said, "You have to think clearly, it doesn't dare to mess around now that I'm here, but if I'm not here, it's very Maybe you will betray. Even if you are a middle-level mage."

Feng Zhoulong's expression is very serious. Beast taming can summon beasts from different dimensions and contracts. This is a deal, and it's still a verbal deal. When others become stronger, they will inevitably kick you away. Let yourself be happy and happy. If you are serious, you can devour your master and absorb magic. Can and is not impossible.

Feng Zhoulong has seen many such examples, so animal taming has always been a big problem, and it is not highly praised in China.

After hearing this, Zhaohua smiled and said, "I believe it."

Zhaohua opened the door and asked Ji Shaoan and Feng Zhoulong to wait outside for a while, then walked in first.

Withered Wood Scorpion has been waiting in place after successfully advanced, not moving at all, and only walked towards Zhaohua when he saw Zhaohua coming in.

The overall shape of the dead wood scorpion is roughly the same now, with two large scorpion claws and six legs, but the tail has become three, and the skin color has changed. From the front, the dead wood scorpion is emerald green, and the three tails in the middle are also green. That one, black on the left and brown on the right.

The current Deadwood Scorpion has become more streamlined, which may be the reason for absorbing the Void Mantis. The Deadwood Scorpion is now more like a supercar, flat and dynamic. Without Feng Zhoulong's introduction, Zhaohua can guess the current Deadwood Scorpion. In terms of explosive power, the scorpion is no longer the clumsy big scorpion it used to be.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Zhaohua asked with a smile behind his hands behind his back.

Hiss~ hiss! ! A mouth full of sharp teeth, Zhaohua can see inside the mouth.

Zhaohua touched the dead wood scorpion's body without any hesitation. Those green scales from the front were abnormally cold, like a piece of ice, and very hard. It seemed that the dead wood scorpion did not use its housekeeping skills , a strong defense force, this point is discarded.

"Do you have a name?" Zhaohua suddenly remembered, the current Withered Wood Scorpion shouldn't be called Withered Wood Scorpion, so what should it be called?


"You don't know either?" Zhaohua looked at Feng Zhoulong who was standing at the door.

Feng Zhoulong spread his hands and said: "Don't look at me, your scorpion is probably the only one in the world. Of course it doesn't have a name. You can choose one yourself."

[Super big scorpion! 】Ji Shaohan held up the notebook very seriously.

Zhaohua just ignored it, you are ashamed to write this ghost name.

Zhaohua thought for a while, ignoring the strange names such as 'overbearing general scorpion', 'fighting blue scorpion', 'full-time magic scorpion' written on the side, and after thinking for half a minute, he said: "Three-tailed green scaled scorpion .”

hiss! ! ! The dead wood scorpion, no, the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion happily waved its scorpion pincers and tail, and its six legs stepped around like a disco. It was obvious that it liked the name very much.

[Little three? ] Ji Shao wrote chaotically.

Zhaohua rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Black magician girl?"

( # ‵′)

Ji Shao silently picked up the drawing book and chased after Zhaohua. For a while, the whole laboratory was full of youthful atmosphere. Feng Zhoulong glanced at it and recalled that he had tried such a wonderful thing back then.

Feng Zhoulong coughed lightly and said, "Okay, don't make trouble, start the test now."

Tattat, the three-tailed green scaled scorpion took a few steps back in fright when it heard that it was going to be tested again, and came again, all of which were successfully advanced.

Feng Zhoulong said angrily: "It's not an experiment, it's a test. Let's see how far your current strength is."

After hearing this, the dead wood scorpion patted his chest with the scorpion pincers very humanely, and heaved a sigh of relief. Then raise the scorpion pincers, like a human showing his biceps, it wants to show its strength.

Feng Zhoulong got some equipment and said to the three-tailed green scaled scorpion, "First is the strength test. Here is a strength impact device. You attack with all your strength."

The three-tailed jade scaled scorpion hissed, and the scorpion pincer in its right hand, like a giant mallet, violently attacked the tester.

Feng Zhoulong picked up the mobile phone, the data was transmitted to the mobile phone, and it smartly displayed the words "Little Zhanjiang" instead of a string of numbers. Feng Zhoulong nodded and asked the Three-tailed Jade Scorpion to continue the test.

Basic physical abilities such as speed, endurance, and evasion are all indications of a small warrior. A small warrior means an ordinary warrior, which is the qualifying line.

"Okay, next is the defense." Feng Zhoulong glanced at the two people next to him. It was better for the middle-level mage to attack with mid-level magic, but the two obviously couldn't do it.

"I will use the wind tornado later, and I will control the power at the level of an ordinary mid-level mage. If not, you will get out of the attack range."

Feng Zhoulong's wind tornado came just as he said it, with a wave of his hand, an ordinary wind tornado wrapped the three-tailed jade scale scorpion, and the turbulence inside the wind tornado was like a blade, hitting the three-tailed jade scale There was a Dangdang sound on the blue scales.


Zhaohua said, "It says it's like scraping."

It's a little painful but it can't cause serious injury. The word scraping is good.

Fengzhou's long eyes lit up, he is a good guy, he has a good defense, he wrote on the paper that he is above a small warrior.

"Now there are only demon skills left. Demon skills are the innate ability of monsters. They are born to use them. You can let them use them." Monster skills are the most important part. In addition to ability, it also depends on whether you have powerful demon skills.

The three-tailed green scaled scorpion stood in the middle, and there was a scarecrow template in front of him for attacking.

Weng, Zhaohua felt the black tail of the three-tailed green scaled scorpion vibrate slightly as if exerting strength. In just one second, the whole body of the three-tailed green scaled scorpion turned black, even the other two tails were the same, and then it was the same as the void mantis. Entered stealth mimicry, stealth!

But the stealth time is very short, only five seconds.

Feng Zhoulong recorded from the side: "The mimicry of the Void Mantis is good, and the invisibility time is two seconds longer than that of the Void Mantis."

After returning to its original appearance, it was Brown's turn. This time is different from the mimicry before, but it is a bit like the phosphorite of the middle-level earth magic, but the phosphorite does not shoot out but sticks to the body, wrapping itself airtightly, and the two scorpion pincers each have more It has a large shield made of rocks, and the three tails are also wrapped in brown rocks. Obviously this is a defensive skill.

"This is similar to the ability of Yanzhang Phosphate's body protection, and its defense should be able to reach that of a general."

The last one is the power of wind, which is also the power that Zhaohua is most looking forward to, because he knows that the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion has a little power of a small wind silkworm, and he doesn't know what will happen.

hiss! ! As expected, this time it turned into a dark green body color, and the scorpion pincers of the three-tailed jade scale scorpion gathered violently fluctuating wind power.

With a wave of the scorpion pincers, a blue light flashed, cutting the air, and the scarecrow split into two halves, and the sharp slash separated everything along the way.

Feng Zhoulong showed a dignified expression, why is this so similar to Tu Fengzhan, a super-level wind element?

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