Full-time Summoner

Chapter 121 Modern School of Magic

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly by, and soon it will be the day when the first-year freshmen of Sun Yat-sen University start school.

During the summer vacation, Ji Shaoan’s arrangement and Zhaohua’s polarity reversal turned into Ji Shaoan staying at home every day to study middle-level undead magic. In addition to meditating, controlling stars, and practicing star maps, he started tinkering with undead utensils and stardust magic tools. production.

And Zhaohua is relatively simple, because of the relationship with the three-tailed jade scale scorpion, Zhaohua, in addition to the daily meditation, just go to the dungeon and the wild monsters alone. Now Zhaohua's combat strength alone can match a team of mid-level mages, and to be precise, the three-tailed Jade Scorpion can match four or five mid-level mages.

Zhaohua is not the kind of second-generation hunter who only sits and eats mountains and sky. He understands that his parents can support him at most, which is to break through to the high level. Earn money and spend it yourself.

And Zhaohua has not forgotten that he is almost at the middle level. The middle-level summoning system has a contract summoning magic. He needs a lot of money to cultivate contract summoned beasts. For a summoner who majored in the summoning system, the more summoned beasts, the better for him.

Moreover, after awakening the second department, the secondary repair department also needs resources to cultivate, as well as magic equipment. Because there are two departments in the middle level, the stay time is much longer than that of the elementary level. In fact, the tens of millions he left in the first half of the year were not enough to spend after the middle class, or even a fraction of it.

So during the two months of the summer vacation, Zhaohua often went in and out of the lobby of the Hunter Alliance in the city, took on many tasks, and gained a lot of rewards and fame.

The only pity is that there has been no news about the material of the magic equipment that Zhaohua wanted to find, and there was no response to the reward.

At noon on the day before the start of school, Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan first went to the dormitory to report. When they arrived, they were once again shocked by Sun Yat-sen University. The student dormitory turned out to be a five-star tourist hotel with 1,000 suites.

Zhaohua found out after searching online that it was because of Yaodu's education policy.

More than ten years ago, the Demon City implemented a new policy to gather all the magic schools in the Demon City to form a huge school city, spanning several core urban areas of the Demon City, and to further integrate and distribute educational resources.

Especially after this plan has cultivated a large number of outstanding mages in recent years, the demon city has even opened up Xuefu City as a tourist attraction, so that ordinary people can get in touch with mages, so that they don't have to worry about the disaster of demons.

As the leader, Sun Yat-sen University has made bold plans, dared to think and do, and directly rebuilt the original teaching buildings and student dormitories into a more modern high-rise hotel. In addition to meeting the living needs of students, there is another part It is rented out to tourists as a hotel, and the income obtained can further train more mages.

However, the student room is still shared by four people. Except for Ji Shaoan and this black magician girl who enjoys the luxurious enjoyment of sharing a room with each other, Zhao Hua also shares a room with four people.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaoyin entered fingerprints and compared their ID cards. After they were entered into the student system, they got the room cards of the hotel, that is, the student ID cards. If you want to use this card, if you lose it, you can use your fingerprint to reissue it.

[So advanced. 】Ji Shao looked very much like a little girl out on a trip, excitedly writing in the drawing book.

"I heard that Sun Yat-Sen University is currently researching the use of the Psychic System to simulate fighting with monsters, so as to give students a more realistic experience of the real touch of fighting with monsters." Zhao Hua said after suddenly thinking of a piece of news on the Internet.

The whole hotel is divided into two areas, AB and AB, like the twin towers. Area A is for tourists to live in, which is an ordinary hotel room. Area B is the student area, which is furnished with student dormitories. It's for a computer desk.

Because of Ji Shaoyin's special reasons, he lives alone in the tourists' area A, just like staying in a hotel, and the school chain has been changed for her.

[Wow, it's so big, it's bigger than my living room. 】

Zhaohua first sent Ji Shaohan to her room, which has a balcony, a wardrobe, a kitchen, and a bathroom, similar to an apartment house.

It was only later that Zhaohua returned to his own floor, Ji Shaohan was on the 15th floor of Area A, and the first-year Summoner was on the 23rd floor of Area B.

Drop, click. After using the room card to open the door, Zhaohua was the last one, and the other three roommates had already arrived. The beds and clothes were all arranged, and they were sitting and chatting and introducing themselves.

Seeing Zhaohua, they all looked over at the same time, and Zhaohua also saw his four roommates, and was a little dumbfounded. Just because my three roommates are so unique.

On the first bed on the left is a tanned brawny man with an inch head, wearing a white tank top and shorts, with muscles like a fitness trainer. The second bed was just the opposite. His skin was a little pale, and he looked like a sickly boy with long-term malnutrition and bangs covering his eyes. Finally, there is the first bed on the right, which is as fat as a ball.

Zhaohua here can be said to be a normal person like a mudslide.

Zhaohua is also someone who has seen big scenes, and soon he showed his poker face, and said with a faint smile: "Hello, I am Zhaohua from the Summoning Department."

"Oh, that's great. We are both in the same class of the Summoning Department. My name is Ye Fang, and everyone calls me Big Fatty." Big fat man Ye Fang fanned himself while introducing himself.

"My name is Zeng Li, everyone calls me Ali, and I work part-time as a fitness instructor." Ali said proudly, showing off his biceps.

Zhaohua was taken aback, he didn't expect to be a fitness instructor, can a high school student be a fitness instructor? Don't you want to testify? But Zhaohua didn't ask more questions.

"My name is Ouyang Liangcai." Ouyang Liangcai said in a low voice.

Fortunately, Zhaohua has good hearing, otherwise it would be really difficult to hear what he said.

Zhaohua went straight to the remaining bed on the right side by the balcony. He had just put away his things and was tidying up when he heard Ye Fang, a big fat man, ask.

"By the way, Zhaohua, what is your dimensional summoned beast?"

It turned out that they were discussing their dimensional summoned beast just now. After all, the summoning system is difficult to cultivate, and they are all just beginners, so the strength depends on the strength of their dimensional summoned beast.

Ye Fang, the big fat pier, first introduced his dimensional summoned beast and said: "Mine is the iron bear, Zeng Li's is the golden knife insect, and Ouyang Liangcai's is the root cat. What about yours?"

After hearing this, Zhaohua roughly knew what kind of monsters these three were, and they were all good slave monsters.

Zhaohua didn't turn around, but continued to arrange things and said, "Mine are green silkworms."

"Green silkworm? Can such a rubbish monster be admitted to Sun Yat-Sen Academy?" Ye Fang, the big fat man, said openly.

Ouyang Liangcai said in a low voice: "Green silkworm, also... not bad."

"Fart, the green silkworm can be used for a fart, isn't it just a cannon fodder."

Ye Fang, the big fat man, sneered.

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