Full-time Summoner

Chapter 122 Magic Military Training

Before Zhaohua came into the dormitory, he didn't know. What the other three roommates discussed at the beginning was not the issue of summoned beasts, but a hot topic on the Internet, a dispute between locals and non-locals.

This question will become more and more intense every time freshmen enroll in a school. At first, this question is just asking whether you would like to stay in a school that is not good enough to enroll, or would you choose to leave your hometown and enter a prestigious school in another place.

But then I don’t know why, and it slowly evolved into that foreigners who have different habits will be disgusted by locals, and now the dispute over foreign languages, especially this year, has even evolved into a storm that has swept across the country. Among the freshmen, they are divided into outland faction and local faction. Before starting to study, students understand the essence of this magical world, fighting.

Unfortunately, Zhaohua is a native of Yaodu, while the other three roommates are freshmen admitted to Sun Yat-sen University from other places. I don't know where they got Zhaohua's personal information.

So before Zhaohua came, they discussed it. If Zhaohua's dimensional summoned beast is not very strong, there is no need to give him face.

If Zhaohua knew that they cared about such a boring thing, he probably could rent a flat nearby and move out.

But this is also Zhaohua's negligence, because Lin Mo would tell him about this kind of gossip before, but now Lin Mo doesn't take the university entrance exam, and instead has such a small problem.

But these are just trivial matters. Didn’t Zhaohua hear much cynicism before? Seeing that Zhaohua didn’t pay attention to it at all, everyone fell silent after a while, swiping their phones, meditating and meditating until night After eating, the first class evening self-study started.

The other three went out to eat in a team. Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan made an appointment to eat together, because Ji Shaohan went to see the teacher alone and wanted to go early, so Zhaohua came to the class at the earliest time, 30 minutes earlier.

A total of twelve people, plus Zhaohua's eight men and four women, are just enough for three tables of mahjong without fear of missing legs, but what makes Zhaohua a little dumbfounded is that the other eleven people actually formed a team during the meal. There are so many classes As Zhaohua sat alone at the front, the other eleven sat in the back.

"Why do you look like a child?" Zhaohua shook his head without thinking too much. The mage is not a child's play house, and he needs to be accompanied when going to the toilet.

But what Zhaohua never expected was that before the teacher arrived, another group of people walked in from outside the classroom door. The leader was a boy with hair dyed with grandma gray, dressed in very trendy clothes, followed by two younger brothers like people.

The grey-haired boy with grandma came in and took a look. After seeing the other eleven people, he showed contemptuous eyes and said, "Oh, as expected, there should be a nest of snakes and rats."

Heck, there was a guy with a neck tattoo in another boy's dormitory who also had a bad temper. He slapped the table angrily and stood up. He looked like he was about to fight and said, "Cao, do you want to fight now?"

"Hmph, so a savage is a savage, and if he speaks a few words but doesn't say a few words, he will be beaten and killed."

"The mage doesn't fight and kill, is it like you, dyeing some rotten hair and wearing a pair of so-called trendy cloth shoes? It's like a whole girl."

Zhaohua happened to be caught in the middle, I don't know why these people are so angry.

But in the end they failed to fight, and some of them were punished to death when they fought at the beginning of school.

The man stained with grandma gray turned his head to look at Zhaohua, and said with a smile, "You are Zhaohua, right? I am Gao Cen, who majored in the Shadow Department. You don't have to be afraid of these barbarians. Let's fight against these foreign invaders together." .”

Zhaohua became more and more confused the more he listened, and asked, "Did I miss something?"

"You don't know?" Gao Cen asked instead.

Zhaohua shook his head: "Is there anything I should know?"

Gao Cen briefly explained to Zhaohua that there had already been a confrontation between the out-of-town faction and the local faction during dinner at night, and the two factions almost fought in the dining hall.

At that time, Ye Fang, the big fat pier, used Zhaohua to start the game, saying that there was a trash summoner in the dormitory, and the dimensional summoned beast was a green silkworm. Anyway, he was using this to attack the opponent, so this scene came about.

Zhaohua roughly understood what was going on, and said slowly: "Sorry, I'm not interested in participating in your foreign capital dispute."

Gao Cen was a little displeased after hearing this, took a deep breath, suppressed the displeasure in his heart, and said slowly: "You have to know that this is not only related to your future studies, but also related to our demon city."

When Zhaohua heard this, his heart shook. That's it? Just these people can represent Yaodu? I don't know if they are too confident or if they are too cheap.

Zhaohua still responded calmly, and said unhurriedly: "No need, thank you."

Gao Cen showed a dangerous look in his eyes, he didn't expect that someone would reject him like this under such circumstances, it was really shameless.

"Hahahahaha, okay, I, Liang Ri, think highly of you, and I allow you to join us. Those local dogs are nothing, just a few white-haired chickens barking." Liang Ri, who had a tattoo on his neck, laughed and thought Zhaohua voted for him.

Zhaohua turned around and said in an emotionless voice, "You are the same."

This person must be mentally ill. I just said so clearly that he is not interested in either side, and he is not playing tricks, but also forming gangs. It is boring, isn't it?

Hearing Zhaohua's answer, Liang Ri's expression turned cold, and his expression became hostile.

It's no wonder he has a good complexion, he has already made a promise in public that he can join, and he dares to embarrass himself in public like this, the most important thing is that he originally wanted to see Gao Cen's displeasure, but now Gao Cen looks at him mockingly. If possible, he wished to kill this unknown junior named Zhaohua.

Naturally, Gao Cen would not feel good just because Zhao Hua fell on Liang Ri's face, his eyes were shining with a cold light like a poisonous needle. Gao Cen has such a demeanor, not only because he was slapped in the face by Zhaohua, but also because he is a famous family disciple of Yaodu, and he is mixed in the circle of young mages in the core city of Yaodu. Who would dare not give Gao Cen a face? , who doesn't call Brother Cen?

Now a person who has never heard of it in the circle is shameless, this is more hateful than Liang Ri.

"Okay, Zhaohua, right? I remember you. I hope you can remember what you said today. Let's go." Seeing that Gao Cen was about to go to evening self-study, he didn't want to stay soon, so he said, "Don't leave after school". If it is a class, take the person and leave.

It can only be said that as expected of a mage, the time is very accurate, the teacher came in a short time, he didn't even need to roll his name, there are twelve students in a class, and one less person is so abrupt, who would dare to skip class?

"Well, the students arrived very quickly. I am Jiang Heping, your class teacher for four years at the school. My father gave me this name because he hoped for world peace. Of course, you can also call me Professor Jiang. I also It is also an associate professor at the school, majoring in the Summoning Department."

Jiang Heping looked only middle-aged. He was dressed very simply, a white shirt and black trousers. He looked quite approachable.

"Before I let you introduce yourself, let me tell you about the content of the military training for seven days starting tomorrow. Everyone who has checked the information on the Internet should know that our military training at Zhongshan University is to survive alone in the dense forest of the back mountain every year. Seven days."

"After seven days, if you don't die inside, your military training will be considered complete."

Some people who didn't investigate in advance turned pale with fright, alone? ? ? ? It turns out that military training is not about practicing goose steps, standing at attention, and counting 1234?

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