Full-time Summoner

Chapter 123: Strange Story Behind the Academy

The content of this military training is not bad, Zhaohua knew about it early on. The dense forest where I came in and heard roars in June was one of the back mountain areas of Sun Yat-sen University. It was rumored that there were hundreds of monsters in captivity, and there were even warrior-level monsters.

Jiang Heping saw that some students turned pale with fright, and the four girls turned pale with embarrassment. These people didn't know the content of the military training, but they had heard of the school.

It is rumored that Mr. Sun Yat-sen chose this place to build a school for a purpose, and the purpose was to suppress the ominousness of this piece of land, and that ominous place was the mountain behind the school.

Every year, Sun Yat-sen University catches hundreds or even thousands of monsters and puts them in the back mountain, but the strange thing is, according to the statistics of the students, they never go to the back mountain to hunt and kill so many monsters. Ominous, let's eat up all the monsters. The school raises monsters in captivity not to train students, to practice their hands, but to feed a certain horrible creature.

This is also known as one of the seven strange stories of Sun Yat-sen Academy, "the devil behind the academy".

The reason why the academy allows students to enter it every year is because of a deal between the Zhongshan Academy and the devil in the back mountain, so that the devil will remember these students, and the students will not be hunted when they enter the back mountain, in exchange for sending the demon in next year .

Jiang Heping coughed twice to stop the discussion and said, "I don't know what version you heard on the Internet, but I can tell you in a responsible manner that there is no such thing as a devil, and the purpose of Houshan is to give students practical training. Places are made."

Hearing what Jiang Heping said, the girls were even more frightened. Isn't this the reason that there is no silver three hundred taels here? Damn! !

Jiang Heping continued: "So tonight, I will explain to you how to survive in the wild tomorrow. Of course, these contents are no different from the field training courses you learned in high school. They are unique to the field training courses. The difference is that this time you are surviving alone, not as a team."

"Old...teacher, can you not participate?" said a girl with long hair who was well-dressed and highlighted with several colors.

Jiang Heping shook his head and said, "Except for students in the healing department, everyone else has to participate in military training, and those who do not participate in military training will drop out of school directly."

The girl didn't dare to say anything after hearing that she was going to drop out of school, and sat down obediently. It is impossible to drop out of school.

Jiang Heping turned on the projector and said, "Don't think that the military training is to kill you. There are rewards, and the rewards are very rich. First of all, there are class rewards. The top two with the best scores will be rewarded with a bottle of beast refining blood. But a good thing that can wash the marrow and bones of the servant summoned beast can increase the chance of the servant monster to advance."

Hearing that the top two with the best scores were rewarded with a bottle of beast-refining blood, the somewhat depressed people straightened their backs, and the longing in their eyes couldn't be hidden at all.

Not everyone is like Zhaohua. Not only is he from a good family with the stardust magic weapon to provide training, but he is also strong, and he can also form a team with the undead to collect spirits. Some people can't afford the beast's blood, which is worth millions, and even if they can afford it, they still want it.

Jiang Heping saw everyone's longing looks, and thought that he couldn't cure you little brats. Suddenly, Jiang Heping saw Zhaohua next to him with a calm expression, his eyes were like quiet springs without a trace of greed and longing, and he couldn't help being surprised.

"Good boy, I can bear this, but I don't know if I can recognize the next one."

Jiang Heping deliberately looked at Zhaohua and said, "In addition to class rewards, there are also grade rewards. The first grade rewards spirit seeds. If it is the reward of the summoning department, the soul of the warrior can also be replaced with cosmic dust."

Boom! ! ! Tens of millions of rewards are coming! ! The whole class immediately became excited, especially their Summoning Department. The Summoning Department practiced well in the early stage. It is recognized as the strongest department. They are invincible in singles. This time they survived alone. Although they don’t know how to calculate the ranking, they must be the strongest. It is the most advantageous.

In other words, basically the grade rewards fall on them.

A famous school, this damn is a famous school, resources, resources all over the place, how long did it take to come in, and there are such heavy resource rewards on the first night.

Why do mages enter the academy? Isn't it for resources, to upgrade, to be stronger, to live a better life? Sure enough, there are unimaginable advantages in entering a prestigious school.

Only Zhaohua, still the same as Qingliu, silently raised his hand and asked, "Professor Jiang, besides these, can the reward for the first place be replaced with magic equipment or magic equipment materials?"

Jiang Heping said: "No, but you can exchange it for money and then go buy magic tools."

Zhaohua wanted to ask if there were any good monster materials or magic tools as rewards, good magic tools can't be bought with money.

"Hahaha, you still want to be the first in the grade? It's good that you can come out alive."

"That's right, a mere green silkworm also wants to take the first place? I don't even know how you got into Sun Yat-Sen University."

The other two dog-legged people in Liang Ri's dormitory listened with sarcasm, and the news that their dimensional summoned beast was a green silkworm was naturally told by the people in the dormitory.

Jiang Heping looked at Zhaohua and asked, "Is your dimensional summoned beast a green silkworm?"

Zhao Hua nodded.

"Don't look at the green silkworm. Although the green silkworm is not strong in attack, it is a rare field-controlling auxiliary summoned beast. It is very useful in team battles. And if the green silkworm can be advanced , it is possible to advance to become a psychedelic butterfly or a big-winged wasp, all of which are very powerful flying warrior monsters." Jiang Heping explained that as a teacher, he knows that monsters are either strong in attack or good, and they can be used flexibly. the best.

As the saying goes, there is no weakest summoned beast, only the worst summoner.

But it is obvious that the students don't pay attention to this. In their eyes, a powerful monster is powerful, regardless of others.

"Since we also talked about dimensional summoned beasts, let's introduce ourselves now and summon our own dimensional summoned beasts."

Hearing that he was going to introduce himself, Liang Ri stood up immediately without saying a word, started to connect to the star trails with his hands and feet, and released his dimensional summoned beast from the dimensional crack.

Boom! A giant beast threw all the surrounding tables and chairs away, Liang Ri patted and said, "My name is Liang Ri, and the dimensional summoned beast is a blue-patterned giant-toothed pig."

Boom! Boom! Two huge fangs knocked away the surrounding chairs, revealing his ferocious nature. Not only were the girls in the class not afraid when they saw such a powerful summoned beast, but they all looked pink at Liang Ri's seriousness.

Liang Ri said proudly: "My blue-patterned giant-toothed pig has reached the advanced stage. When I get the blood of refining beasts, I will let it advance. It has a bad temper recently. You have to be careful." Clicked."

Zhaohua turned around and took a look, but he didn't comment too much. With his current strength, he has nothing to judge others.

Seeing that Zhaohua still dared to ignore him, Liang Ri patted the blue-striped giant-toothed pig lightly. This movement was so small that no one would notice that the huge blue-striped giant-toothed pig was blocking it.

The blue-striped giant-toothed pig suddenly went berserk as if it had received an order, and knocked away all the tables and chairs. Its sharp fangs gleamed and aimed at Zhaohua, trying to pierce his body. Teach him a lesson. Death, but lying in bed for a few months is probably going to die.

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