Full-time Summoner

Chapter 124: Hunting Points

Liang Ri did this on purpose, and everyone could see it, but what Zhaohua didn't expect was that this man really dared to indulge his summoned beast to commit murder in front of the professor.

There was a hint of danger in Zhaohua's eyes immediately. He naturally knew that he had to stand in the class at the beginning of school. Fight back reasonably, and summon the three-tailed jade scale scorpion.

As for whether the opponent's summoned beast will die or not, it depends on whether the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion is asleep or not.

"Water Guardian."

A layer of blue water shield blocked the blue-patterned giant-tusk pig, and its two fangs were deeply trapped in the water shield, unable to move forward.

Zhaohua covered his beast taming storage magic tool without any trace, blocked the light, and pretended not to react. Because Zhaohua noticed it, Professor Jiang Heping stared at him.

Zhaohua originally thought that Jiang Heping was just an ordinary high-level mage, but now it seems that this head teacher is not a vegetarian, and he may have noticed his little trick of "pretending to be self-defense".

"Student Liang Ri, a summoner who can't control summoned beasts well will fail." Jiang Heping always smiled, and his tone was flat, but Zhaohua found that Jiang Heping was looking at himself and said, this is warn yourself.

In fact, this is really a coincidence. When Zhaohua first came to the school to summon the three-tailed jade scale scorpion, Jiang Heping was among the onlookers at that time. Jiang Heping knew that Zhaohua had a general summoning beast, so he knew it all at once Zhaohua's little thought.

Jiang Heping couldn't help thinking: "This kid is more thorny than a thorny head. This is a deliberate attempt to show off his prestige, and he has even prepared an excuse."

"Qingwen, come back." Liang Ri shouted.

The blue pattern on the blue-patterned giant-toothed pig slowly calmed down, backed up little by little, and returned to Liang Ri's side.

"I'm sorry, classmate Zhao, I can't cultivate well, and I let the dimensional summoned beast get out of control." Liang Ri showed his apology, and apologized to Zhaohua hypocritically.

Zhaohua smiled calmly and said, "It's nothing."

"Haha, look, he didn't even react just now."

"That's right, I think he's about to pee out of fear in all likelihood."

"Don't tell me I can smell urine."

"Hey, can you stop being so disgusting, there are still girls here."

Facing the cynicism of the blue-patterned giant-toothed pig and other students who suddenly attacked, Zhaohua didn't even lift his eyelids, and still looked at some rules about tomorrow's military training on the projection.

In this game, in a certain sense, Zhaohua did lose, but he lost to this high-ranking mage.

Except for Zhaohua, everyone else summoned their own dimensional summoned beasts, and Zhaohua's reason was that his green silkworm had its own business in the summoning plane and could not come out.

The dimensional summoned beasts of other people can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. In addition to Liang Ri's blue-patterned giant-toothed pig, Ouyang Liangcai's root cat is also unique. The root is that the feet can walk on land, and it has a cat's head carved out of wood. Even Zhaohua couldn't bear to look at it.

As for the survival explanation at night, Zhaohua didn't listen to it at all. According to the schedule, there are really few classes in the Summoning Department. Jiang Heping arranges for them most of the daily meditation, training summoned beasts, and making money.

Yes, make money, Jiang Heping's first class is to let everyone learn to make money, a summoner without money is like a dog on a leash.

"That's it for today. After the military training is over, you have to pay attention to the first class, minor courses and free choice courses. You should pay attention to the text messages on your mobile phone or go to the official website to check the time of each course. Tonight will be like this .” After Jiang Heping finished speaking, he left the classroom.

As for being in the dormitory, it is safe and sound, because everyone has to be busy with meditation, especially those who have the stardust magic weapon, the training time will be longer, so they have to step up their training. Even if the meditation is over, you still have to go to the playground dedicated to the summoning department to "walk". In the words of the summoning department, it is to cultivate feelings with the summoned beast.

Early the next morning, Zhaohua came to the meeting place according to what Jiang Heping said last night.

"Wow, it looks like people from the other two campuses are here."

"Well, I heard some senior brothers say that we will pass through a space formation in a while, and then you will survive in it for seven days."

"Tch, you can believe it. If I was inside, I would be able to escape on the first day." A student who seemed to have some field experience said.

"Don't pretend to be 13, let me tell you, in order to prevent the monsters from running out, the back mountain has specially arranged a psychedelic formation around them. If you can run out, I will wash my hair upside down." There are some smarter students, Teiyi went to some senior brothers from the previous class to find out about the situation.

It's the same every year so it's no secret that information can be found if you look for it.

"Stand at attention!" Suddenly, a trembling, magnetic, and steady voice resounded through the square. Like winter-like iced Coke, it is scary.

The students who were still discussing enthusiastically suddenly became quiet.

"I am the instructor of your military training this time. My name is Du Feizhou. I just want to hear you call me Instructor Du." The instructor named Du Feizhou was younger than expected. He looked less than thirty years old and wore short sleeves. In military uniform, he looks very strong, and every muscle has explosive strength.

"Last night, you all should have known what the military training will be for seven days from now on. If anyone wants to quit, I will give him special approval to quit now."

The square was completely silent. This is a matter of course. After finally being admitted to Sun Yat-Sen University, how could it be possible to choose to drop out now? No one wants to quit.

"Very well, since no one chooses to quit, from now on, the seven-day magical military training will officially begin."

"You can go and get your own uniforms and supplies, and you have 30 minutes to change into them. After 30 minutes, if you don't show up here, or if your clothes are not neatly dressed, you will be punished as a failure in military training."

After understanding the meaning, the whole scene was extremely chaotic, and various noisy voices could be heard, and the most common one was the voice of where to change clothes. The back mountain of the school is too far away from the dormitory, only 30 minutes, it is impossible to go back and forth, let alone the students from the Yuan magic department who came from the other two campuses.

"Instructor, can we girls give us a little more time?" Several female students ran to Du Feizhou crying in military uniforms.

But Du Feizhou didn't pay attention to it at all. While waiting, he explained in more detail some key points that he said last night.

For example, at the beginning of the military training, the students used the teleportation array of the space system to send people into the back mountain one by one. Because there is a psychedelic array in the back mountain, you can't escape within seven days. Of course, if you can crack the formation and come out ahead of time, the instructor will give you a thumbs up.

After seven days, there will be a one-day expiration time for the formation. If you can get out of it within this day, you will be considered as passing the military training. If you can't get out, you won't be able to get out. This is not a game or a test. The back mountain is a real land of demons. If you cannot get out, it is the same as entering the land of demons in the wild, which means you are dead.

As for the ranking of the military training is related to the monsters, each monster is sent to the back mountain by the school, and they have numbers printed on the fur of the monsters, and these numbers represent points. Finally, after the military training is over, you can count points by bringing out the fur with numbers printed on it.

In addition to the military uniform, everyone also has a backpack, which contains seven days of compressed food and basic water, and the fur can be brought out in the backpack.

Some people on the field prepared in advance. They directly brought tents and made a temporary changing room. Some people took out a big cloth to block it and changed clothes.

Zhaohua deliberately wore a pair of looser sports pants today, and directly wore the two pants together. After getting the military uniform, he discovered that the military uniform is equivalent to a small magic tool. Zhaohua didn't know the specific function, but he guessed that it was used to save his life. It is impossible to really let you die, but there must be punishment for failure in military training.

The fastest ones are some well-prepared female college students. They deliberately wear short skirts today, and they can just wear the clothes and pants directly. Some students who were dazed and didn't collect information all night also finished dressing with the help of other students.

Thirty minutes, really a second is not bad. Once the 30 minutes are up, the gathering square has changed. The whole square is a huge space transfer formation, and the teleportation is carried out in units of military uniforms. The military uniform is a positioning device. It's no wonder that you don't wait for anyone in 30 minutes. It turns out that the formation will start directly after 30 minutes. If you don't come in, you won't be able to enter the back mountain.

Bai Lian watched the formation send the students away in the principal's office, and muttered to himself, "I don't know if there are any students who have become demon hunters this year."

Thanks【20190625085004296】*2【Time and Space Apocalypse】【 @For coming @Confused @]【. . . 】The monthly pass. Thank you ORZ! ! !

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