A white light flashed, and when Zhaohua opened his eyes again, he was already in a dense forest, with wet soil on his feet, and the leaves of the trees next to him were green, and he could smell the fragrance of the soil and the crisp sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

Zhaohua's eyes were fixed, his feet exerted strength, and he jumped onto the tree trunk like a monkey, pushing aside the branches and leaves. The most important thing in the wild is to determine the direction he is in, and the sun is the best coordinate to determine.

"It's 8:30 in the morning, and I just saw the sun in the direction of the school's back mountain from the square, that is, behind me is the school, and in front of me is the depths of the back mountain."

From where Zhaohua is now, he cannot directly see the academy, and can only see trees in front, back, left, and right.

After Zhaohua pondered for a moment, he threw the entire backpack into the watch to reduce the weight, and then walked deep into the back mountain, but did not choose the direction of the school.

This is a question of purpose. If you just want to pass the military training, the best way is to wait for the end at the edge of the back mountain. As long as you don’t go out of the back mountain, you won’t be confused. The purpose of this enchantment is not to reverse your sense of direction. Instead, prevent leaving.

But Zhaohua's purpose is different. Since there are resources to give, why not take them? With the three-tailed Jade Scorpion, Zhaohua is confident that even if he can't get the first place, the top three is definitely not a problem.

So Zhaohua went straight inside. He wanted to hunt down the monsters in the back mountain. If he could kill a warrior monster, he should be able to get the top three. The three-tailed jade scaled scorpion could kill even a silver bull. No reason to roll over.

Rushasha, after Zhaohua walked for a while, he heard a sound not far away, stopped immediately, crouched with his back against the tree, and approached slowly, he was not so stupid as to be in such a place of monsters. Swaggering, like a stunned young man, he feels that he is invincible and roams around everywhere.

Pushing aside the grass slightly, a goat-like goat grazing there, Zhaohua quickly figured out what kind of monster it was.

Flying sheep, a kind of servant monster living in the mountains and forests, with a speed comparable to wind-guided sprinting and explosive power of flashing steps, it is known as Wind-guided sheep. The characteristic is that the horns of the goat are green, and the feet gather the power of the wind when running.

"1? What do you mean by 1 point?"

Zhaohua saw a purple '1' on the horns of this speeding sheep. The whole '1' was very conspicuous and could be seen at a glance.

"This speeding sheep is worth a penny. You just need to take off the horns. That's what it means."

But Zhaohua didn't do it right away, because at this time he suddenly thought of a problem. Sun Yat-sen University recruits 3,000 students every year, and several departments of the rare magic department have 200 places allocated to each department every year, but every year Recruit dissatisfaction. On the contrary, the other 2,800 element department quotas are full every year.

This year is no exception, more than 2,000 close to 3,000 people are in the back mountain. It is obvious that monsters are not enough, except for some students who really don't want to get a ranking, just like solving military training safely. There must be many people as powerful as Liang Ri.

Zhaohua estimated that with Liang Ri's blue-patterned giant-toothed pig, it would be no problem to kill ten or eight such monsters in seven days.

Zhaohua combined some information and thought about it carefully, and he probably guessed what was going on.

Houshan Wei Tan, one of the seven unbelievable truths of middle school institutions, turns out to be the magic military training once a year. Students who can be admitted to Zhongshan Academy will not have mediocrity. Zhaohua estimates that most of them will choose to hunt monsters and will slowly Go up the hill.

As a result, in the end, the hundreds of monsters in the back mountain were probably all surrounded and suppressed by more than 2,000 mages, except for a few powerful warrior monsters. It doesn't matter if you fight one-on-one, Houshan says it's not big, it's not small, it's basically certain to meet people, especially these students have experienced field training courses, the best in magic colleges and universities all over the country, can't beat Still can't escape?

And Zhaohua will not forget that there must be intermediate-level mages among the new students. Although there are not many, there must be some, especially some mages who can release intermediate-level magic.

Moreover, Zhaohua heard from Lin Mo that in several core areas of Yaodu, some gifted students from prestigious schools, some true core disciples from big families, are even middle-level in both departments.

This kind of monstrous student, with some magical equipment, is probably not a problem to fight a weaker warrior monster.

Zhaohua asked Lin Mo to investigate. Students of Thunder and Fire are no longer rare in Sun Yat-Sen University. They are already close to the same number as other Elemental Departments. The number of Mind Department, Plant Department, and Poison Department is comparable to that of Summoning Department. Most of the rare series. And the most important point is that the school did not restrict the use of magic equipment, it completely simulated reality.

So the reason why the number of monsters has to be replenished every year is that they were killed by the students in military training.

"First of all, it is to assess a person's survival in the wild. Except for the summoning system one-on-one, it is indeed difficult for a low-level mage to defeat monsters. Then a mage with powerful magic-killing tools can also hunt and kill monsters, or some people have long thought Those who really want to form a team will go to the depths of the back mountain to form a temporary team to deal with the monsters and get points."

"This is a test of surviving alone and teamwork in the wild..."

"But what's more important is the number of monsters and the promised rewards. Will it become a test of trust in the end? And the school deliberately didn't say that it can't be snatched. It's a bit disgusting."

The source of the Houshan strange talk is the last moment, when the students would rob each other and stab them in the back. The seniors and sisters who have experienced it were either robbed or robbed by others. No matter what it is, it is a black history and a stain on life. Naturally, no one will explain why the number of monsters in the back mountain is wrong.

Everyone did not think that a small number of mages who can study in Sun Yat-sen University are from the family. Among other things, there must be one or two pieces of magic equipment. With good cultivation, they can really match It might even be possible once the monster is killed.

Zhaohua guessed that Deng Le would definitely be able to kill the slave monsters when he was at the third level. But Deng Le didn't go to Zhongshan Academy, but went to another well-known academy in Yaodu, South China Leihuo Academy, the Thunder Department and Fire Department are more famous than Zhongshan Academy.

Now Zhaohua can vaguely hear the subtle sound of explosions coming from a distance, further confirming his conjecture.

With a bang, the three-tailed green scaled scorpion appeared from the space passage, and the loud sound startled the sprinting sheep that were grazing, and disappeared in a flash.

"There's no need to chase, let's go up the mountain quickly to find the warrior monster." Zhaohua patted the three-tailed jade scale scorpion to stop it from chasing.

He jumped directly onto the back of the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion, letting it lead him to the back of the mountain. These slave monsters are left to other students. Zhaohua's goal is the warrior-level monsters. He has to rush up the back mountain one step faster than everyone else, so that he will not come into contact with other students.

To be honest, Zhaohua felt slow, deliberately waited until the monsters were gone, and then a conflict broke out, and he fought ten more one by one, took away all the other people's trophies, and then said very annoyingly, "You guys did it first , These are regarded as spoils of war. ’ The approach is quite irritating.

He is powerful but wants to find an excuse for himself.

This is different from fishing law enforcement. Since you have strong strength, you should challenge the challenging ones, and leave the weak ones to the weak.

"Come on! Target, all warrior monsters!"

hiss! ! The three-tailed jade scaled scorpion was very excited. It also wanted to find an opponent who could fight with its full strength. With six legs, it rushed to the depths of the back mountain happily. Get away from it.

Zhaohua has never encountered a single attack.

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