Full-time Summoner

Chapter 126 The Ice Demon Ape

The three-tailed green scaled scorpion ran wildly in the dense forest for more than five hours, cooked a meal at noon and rested for a while, now the sky has begun to gradually darken, and Zhaohua can see the moon when he looks up.

It is impossible for Zhaohua to eat compressed food, it is too unpalatable, he has prepared food himself. A piece of marinated beef, some dried vegetables, and even a cooking pot and rice, are cooking now.

However, the Three-tailed Jade Scorpion did not go back to the watch to lie on the side. There is nothing more reassuring than its vigil. It fed a few processed raw chickens and special energy-containing food for summoned beasts, and delivered the magic energy of the summoning system. Afterwards, the three-tailed jade scale scorpion rested on the ground.

After dinner, it’s time for meditation. Meditation can be a good substitute for rest, and meditation is not like deep sleep. If you encounter any danger, you can get out of meditation in time and immediately enter the fighting state.

In the wild, hunters use meditation instead of sleep. Although this is very boring, it is nothing compared to the safety of their own lives.

As the night deepened, the mountain at the back of the school became chilly, and the rustling sound from a gust of wind seemed a bit permeating, especially after midnight, for some reason, ice cubes appeared on the ground of the back mountain, and the trees on the trees A layer of frost formed on the leaves. Under the bright moonlight, the entire mountain forest appeared to be quiet, peaceful and eerie.

Suddenly, the three-tailed green scaled scorpion sitting in front of the tent seemed to sense something. The three-tailed green scaled scorpion's heat induction was very strong. He felt something, and its tail moved slightly, touching Zhaohua's tent.

This is Zhaohua's confession. After all, Zhaohua's purpose is to hunt monsters. If you are not afraid, the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion must be a warrior-level monster, so you can't scare it away. If you really want to beat it, you can only show yourself. No, yes Three-tailed green scale scorpion.

After a while, the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion secretly locked on to a certain direction, stood up suddenly, exerted force on its six legs, extremely fast and powerful, rushed over with lightning speed, and the brown scorpion tail swept away. All the trees were swept away, and with a loud bang, it hit something.

Roar! ! A roar resounded through the back mountain, and Zhaohua was reminded by the three-tailed green scaled scorpion that he had come out of the tent, and Zhaohua saw clearly what it was with the help of night light.

A giant ape with ice-blue fur, three or four times the size of an adult man, has a strong body, and looks a bit like a human. It walks on two feet, and a pair of huge arms is now grabbing the three-tailed green scales fiercely. Scorpion's brown tail.

Roar! ! The giant ape roared angrily, grabbed the tail of the three-tailed green scaled scorpion, lifted the whole three-tailed green scaled scorpion, twisted and spun it twice, and then flew out directly. The terrifying force smashed an unknown number of trees before stopping .

During the summer vacation, Zhaohua led Sanwei to kill countless monsters in the wild monster hunting area of ​​Congcheng, and there were many warriors. This was the first time he saw it being thrown away like this.

"The Frost Demon Ape? The school is really cruel. They brought this kind of monsters here. I'm really not afraid to kill the students." Zhaohua is now hiding in the distance. He has no combat power except for using magic tools. .

The Ice Demon Ape is a kind of ape demon with a trace of Titan blood. It is born with supernatural power, copper skin and iron bones, and also possesses powerful ice-type demon skills. It is a warrior-level demon in adulthood. If it grows well, it can reach Warlord level.

Zhaohua also thought about whether he should get an ice demon ape for his middle-level contract summoned beast of the summoning system. After all, this kind of monster is almost a contract like panacea, and it can attack and defend very well. Scorpion, the two seem to overlap a bit, so this option is ruled out.

According to Feng Zhoulong's words, Sanwei's strength after advancing to the level of a warrior is only a small warrior. If the three monster skills are counted, and the monster skills cooperate well, they can have the strength of a big warrior after comprehensive consideration.

However, Sanwei can still improve its strength, and now Sanwei is still growing.

hiss! ! Three tails shook its head, it was angry, and it was the first time it was thrown away by other monsters after it advanced. The color of Sanwei's body turned emerald green, and the scorpion claws gathered the power of the wind. A three-meter-long green half-moon slash cut through all the trees along the way. Frost Demon Ape.

A wind slash flashed by, and the ice demon ape jumped away sideways with extremely fast movements, but how could the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion's wind slash dodge so easily, the stinky blood spewed out from the wound on the arm frantically, the ice demon When the ape's blood was released to the ground, it immediately turned into a block of solid ice.

Ice blood, the special monster skill of the ice demon ape, the blood in the ice demon ape's body is close to minus 50 degrees, this kind of ice blood can only be liquid in the body of the ice demon ape, once the air is removed, it will immediately become Formed into a piece of ice, the wound of the Ice Demon Ape, which was still deep and visible, was blocked by a piece of ice, achieving the effect of immediately stopping the bleeding.

Many magic researchers are now studying this kind of ice blood, because it is much stronger than human platelets in coagulation ability. If people can do this, then the number of hunters and mages who die due to excessive blood loss in the wild will be greatly increased. reduce.

hiss! ! ! The three-tailed jade scaled scorpion saw that its attack did not achieve the expected effect, and immediately rushed forward angrily, and began to fight.

Zhaohua watched from a distance, and he had already discovered the weakness of the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion. No wonder Feng Zhoulong would say that only if he can use the demon skills well can he have the combat power of a general. The three-tailed demon skills are poorly used, basically Crushed by strength.

In the past, they were all relatively weak warriors and monsters, so this shortcoming was not obvious, but now it becomes especially obvious when they meet the Ice Demon Ape with the blood of ancient Titan giants, and the shortcoming is often a little weak in the contest of similar strength Both will be fatal.

Zhaohua said loudly from the side: "Sneak with mimicry and attack from behind."

The gap between demons and human mages is too straight, and they will not adapt.

In close hand-to-hand combat, the three tails were beaten black and blue by the Ice Demon Ape. It is true that the Ice Demon Ape cannot penetrate Bilin, but every time he punches, your defense power will definitely not be able to withstand it. And the tail thorns of the three tails are difficult to stab the agile ice demon ape, and sometimes it is even caught and thrown out.

However, the Frost Demon Ape is not perfect, and it also has shortcomings. The Frost Demon Ape's perception ability is very low, it can be said that it has no special perception ability, and it depends entirely on its eyes and ears to judge.

So in the wild, as long as it sneaks up and gives a fatal blow when the ice demon ape has no reaction, the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion has the mimic stealth of the void mantis. Such a powerful stealth sneak attack skill is not needed now, but when will it be.

hiss! ! Although the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion was unwilling, it still obeyed Zhaohua's order and used mimicry to launch a sneak attack.

"Sanwei's weakness is probably that his brain is not very good."

Zhaohua didn't mean to laugh at the Three-tailed Jade Scale Scorpion. In addition to talking about IQ, the meaning of bad brain refers more to mental strength. If Zhaohua's opponent is a monster with an aggressive spirit like the psychedelic butterfly, Sanwei probably won't be able to use his strength. Especially when dealing with mages of the mind system and curse system, the summoned beasts with low mental power will even rebel in front of these two magic systems.

In the end, the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion learned to be smart, and used mimicry to hide aside, and cut off the head of the ice demon ape with wind chopping. The wound could be frozen but could not withstand the head being chopped off. The headless corpse made a bang Kneeling on the ground, a burst of sand kicked up.

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