Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1245: Once No. 1 in the Summoning System

Zhaohua was quite surprised when he heard the news, because he got it from Mu Rong.

Mu Rong is the ancestor of the Mu family. He was manipulated by the ocean gods, but the country did not execute him. The reason is very simple, he is still valuable.

It's a fake forbidden curse, and it's just being controlled. In fact, he didn't make a big mistake, and he can redeem his crimes.

In order to thoroughly investigate the reasons for Mu Rong, the country used the Judgment God Tree of the Tribunal, and even directly invaded Mu Rong's deepest spiritual world, and read his memory.

Of course, they also know a lot of dirty things about the Mu family, but Zhaohua doesn't care about asking about them. After all, which magic family has no dark things, as long as the Mu family is beneficial to the country, then it doesn't matter.

And it was also from here that Zhaohua knew why Mu Ningxue was so valued by the Mu family in the first place, from a small side family in a remote town to the only strongest arrogance of the main family.

Because this talent is quite powerful.

Mu Ningxue's talent directly allows Mu Ningxue to have the ability to leapfrog fighting, because Mu Ningxue is born with 2.5 times more effects than others, regardless of whether it is ice defense or attack, plus Spirit-Seed and Soul-Seed Such bonuses, Mu Ningxue can be superimposed, and the spirit seed acts as the soul seed.

If Mu Ningxue's talents were only multiple Spirit Seeds back then, then the Mu family wouldn't think highly of her so much, and she was just a little bit stronger.

When Zhaohua knew the news, he paid attention to it, because Zhaohua guessed that what Mu Ningxue was really afraid of was not the power of ice magic.

If Zhaohua's guess is correct, what's really scary about Mu Ningxue is that her ice element may have no barriers to break through the forbidden spell, or she has never had an ice element barrier.

All mages need to find a way out of this world if they want to become a true Forbidden Curse Mage, because people have limits after all. To become a Forbidden Curse Mage, you have to break the rules. breached.

However, when a person is born to break the rules, the only thing she needs to do to get the forbidden spell is to accumulate.

Mu Ningxue is naturally one step faster than others. Others need energy to break through barriers at elementary, intermediate, high and super levels. She has no barriers. Other people's forbidden spells not only need energy, but also need to break the rules. She directly subtracted the second step and only needs to complete the first step.

But this is also disadvantageous, that is, Mu Ningxue's God Seal Praise is invalid for ice elements, and she is wasting God Seal Praise for nothing.

Of course, now that Ye Xinxia is a saint, it is not a matter of saying a word to ask for the praise of the seal of the gods. Ye Xinxia later helped Mu Ningxue transfer the praise of the seal of the gods to the wind element of the second repair, and because it was a one-on-one reason , the power of Mu Ning's snow wind system is naturally twice as powerful.

Of course, these are off topic.

Ying Yan's current strength is not weaker than Mu Ningxue's. His phoenix fire is too strong. This should be the strongest fire that Zhaohua has ever seen. Coupled with Ying Yan's own healing magic, now that he is super-level, he will not die if his head is blown off, and he will not die even if he is beaten to a pulp.

This made Zhaohua call pervert.

It's no wonder that the holy city will block the victims. If this powerful talent can be controlled, it will definitely threaten their supremacy in the holy city.

After all, if Ying Yan and the others can achieve the forbidden spell, they are likely to become emperors and monsters.

Like Ying Yan, she might become a phoenix, like Du Longer, she got a water dragon species when she was super-level awakened, if she could ban the curse, the result of the fusion of the water dragon species in her body and her would be to turn Du Longer into a phoenix. The water dragon turns into a monster, assimilates, and becomes an emperor.

Just like the dead emperor.

Moreover, the possibility of reaching the forbidden spell will also be reduced. The biggest possibility is that the last advanced burst of power in the body cannot be controlled, and the body explodes and dies directly.

Of course, if some miracle happened to allow them to control this force, then the Holy City's status as the strongest archangel would be lost.

"Ghost pigs! Come out and enjoy your seafood feast." Liang Ri used the high-level beast tide summoning of the summoning system to summon his own beast tide.

Now that the blue-faced ghost pig has reached the command level, it naturally has its own group in the summoning plane.

A blue-colored ferocious beast came out of the gate of summoning with evil spirits.

Animals like pigs are quite scary. The white domestic pigs we usually see are actually crazy, and they are more deadly than wolves, tigers and leopards, because they are very large.

Huge ghost pigs appeared from the gate of summoning, and the fangs of these ghost pigs exuded a deadly black air.

Whoa whoa! ! The ghost pigs ran with all four hooves, and with a sudden thrust, their fangs immediately pierced through the Kraken's body.

The phoenix hunting group is already one of the top hunting groups in Yaodu. Apart from not being led by a hunting king, they have killed the monarch, obtained a lot of super-level resources, and even got one of the sub-celestial species.

Powerful magic one by one turned the few strong and huge meat shield sea monsters that rushed to the front into scum.

Even if these sea monsters are covered with scale armor, their skin is rough and their flesh is thick, they can't resist Ying Yan's fire attack.

Especially Ying Yan, his style of play is completely beyond the capabilities of a single person. He turned into a ball of fire and rushed into the sea monster group. The powerful flame exploded in the center of the sea monster group, and the body of the sea monster and the sea monster were mixed together. , was blown to pieces, the meat was blackened, and one could even smell the aroma of barbecue, let alone distinguish what species it was. In just a few minutes, the phoenix hunting group killed sea monsters all over the place.

Even Du Long'er, Mai Jiaxi, and Deng Le massacred a large group of commanders, killing a group of commanders beyond recognition. Only after throwing away the helmet and armor can we give up.

"No, there are too many sea monsters. Even if Fancheng is not submerged by sea water, which weakens the power of the sea monsters, but this number, the magic power can't kill them all."

Ying Yan pulled out a bone spur that had pierced his body, and threw it aside, the wound healed instantly. Looking at the skeletons all over the floor, compared with the dense sea beasts that were constantly attacking, Ying Yan couldn't help but feel a headache, the number is hopeless.

But at this moment, another door of summoning opened, and a wave of beasts came. You know, the best way to deal with a large number of monsters is to summon beasts.

Using powerful summoned beasts to fight up and down is the way the monarch fights the ruler, the leader fights the general, and the general fights the servant.

Because many summoned beasts rely on their bodies, unlike mages who accidentally hit people twice and die.

The summoned beast is completely unilaterally slaughtering the weaker monsters.

"Go, plague of death!"

But what surprised Ying Yan and Du Longer was that the person who came to support him was actually Fu Yingjun!

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