Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1246: A Chance to Rehabilitate

"You are Fu Yingjun!!!"

Liang Ri's eyes widened when he saw the mage who came to support him, and he knew the mage who came to support him!

It was Fu Yingjun, who was one year older than him and was always the number one in the Dimensional Academy!

At the beginning, he was the strongest summoner in the summoning department of the Dimension Department Academy. He claimed to have the strongest talent in the summoning department and was invincible at the same level. If he was given enough time to use his blessings, he could even defeat Ying Yan.

Of course, this legend can only come before Zhaohua entered the inner courtyard, and was beaten up by Long Yi later, and Fu Yingjun abandoned his dimensional summoned beast at that time, and let his dimensional summoned beast, a huge mouse, be killed by the dark The biological invasion of the plane is exchanged for powerful power.

In the end, Zhaohua used the power of the origin directory to drive out the darkness, and Fu Yingjun paid a heavy price for it.

His dimensional contract was abolished by the power of darkness, and his dimensional summoned beast was forced to return to the summoning plane.

You know, there are two planes between the magic world and the summoning plane, not to mention that he is just a summoning mage, and even the final emperor dragon cannot forcefully pass through the plane.

If the dimensional contract is lost, it means that Fu Yingjun will never be able to see his dimensional summoned beast again.

After the war, Fu Yingjun also dropped out of school and disappeared.

It's just that Ying Yan didn't expect that Fu Yingjun is back now! ! And the uniform he was wearing was made by the demon capital judge!

Chi Chi Chi Chi, Fu Yingjun's beast tide is also quite distinctive, it turned out to be a group of mice!

Rat tribes are very common in the wizarding world, and giant-eyed fishy rats can often be seen even in some small fringe cities, and they are also used as metaphors in some junior high school books.

But the mouse that Fu Yingjun summoned was really a mouse, a palm-sized mouse with green hair.

Squeak! ! The only advantage of these green-haired mice is that they are fast and can hide quite well. But now in the city, there are tall buildings and ruins of collapsed buildings everywhere. Megalithic ruins.

These green-haired mice whizzed a few times, and a large group of green-haired mice disappeared in an instant.

Some hid in the sewer, some hid under the wall-li stones, and some were like sky monkeys, crawling along the reinforced concrete of high-rise buildings.

There were probably tens of thousands of green-haired mice like a tide, but they all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Liang Ri asked with doubts on his face: "Fu Yingjun... what the hell did you do!? And why are you back? You disappeared for almost six or seven years."

Liang Ri is such a character, straight-talking. Ying Yan and the others were actually very curious. After all, Zhaohua hanged and beat Fu Yingjun in the first battle, and directly kicked him out of school. Except for Deng Le, who is not a student of Sun Yat-Sen University but South China Leihuo University, everyone else is Those from Sun Yat-sen University even watched the battle from the sidelines.

But Ying Yan and the others were also members of the Young Forbidden League. In fact, they were not very familiar with Fu Yingjun, and they didn't pay much attention to where he went.

Now that he came back suddenly, the most important thing is that he was wearing the clothes of the Judgment Council. They all knew that the current second in command of the Demon Capital Trial Council was Zhaohua.

Now that Fu Yingjun was wearing the clothes of the Judgment Council, it was already obvious. Fu Yingjun has been working for the Judgment Council for the past few years, even for Zhaohua!

They were immediately puzzled, what kind of medicine is this sold in the gourd!

Fu Yingjun no longer had the arrogance and arrogance he used to have, but restrained himself a lot.

Fu Yingjun unfolded the Wing Magic Tool behind him, flew to the side of several people and said, "As you can imagine, I lost my soul and lost myself because of the loss of the dimensional contract. I even joined the Black Vatican."

Hiss! ! ! Both Liang Ri and Gao Cen couldn't help but gasped and joined the Black Vatican! !

Ying Yan asked, "Did he pull you out?"

Fu Yingjun smiled wryly: "It's almost like, it wasn't him, he didn't even make a move, it was just my colleagues from the other courts who defeated me."

Hearing Fu Yingjun's words, everyone else smiled wryly.

Indeed, if Zhaohua doesn't make a move now, it's just that the mages of the Judgment Council can't win. Except for Ying Yan, the gap between the others and him is too big.

And Ying Yan also knows that there is a certain gap between himself and Zhaohua now, but not as big as others.

"That was really miserable."

"So he recruited you into the Inquisition?"

Fu Yingjun said: "There are many reasons why it is inconvenient to say. I didn't plan to be a judge at first, but...he gave too much."

"Let's talk about it later, let's deal with that guy first."

Ying Yan and the others were not guarding here because they wanted to deal with servants, warriors, and commander-level sea monsters. There must be big monsters approaching.

Mu! !

This is a group of huge bull beasts, but the head of this cow looks like a dragon, and it is a creature with the body of a dragon beast and a cow. Among them, the most dangerous one is the inconspicuous black and blue bull beast in the middle. Although the size has not changed, Ying Yan and others know that this black and blue bull beast is the most dangerous.

When Ying Yan saw these beasts, he couldn't help showing a solemn expression and said: "Savage dragon bulls, fierce beasts born of the Hai Yalong and Manatee tribe, live in New Guinea, the largest island in the Pacific Ocean, and are the local hegemons. I didn’t expect even them to come to the South China Sea.”

Fu Yingjun nodded and said: "The black and blue one is their leader, the savage dragon bull demon, the strength of the middle monarch. Its eyes have terrible curse power. It is rumored that all creatures stared by its eyes will be killed. It is an instant-death type. Terrible curse, your phoenix fire may not be able to resist this curse."

"And the Manlongniu tribe has two sub-lords."

The reason why Fu Yingjun came back to support is very simple, it was Zhaohua who asked him to support Ying Yan and others. Ying Yan's phoenix flame has the powerful power to heal all injuries, coupled with super-level two-level healing magic, Ying Yan can even beat the monarch physically.

But what Ying Yan is most afraid of is curse magic, because curses directly attack the soul and the spiritual world, and the fire of the phoenix has little effect on the restoration of the spirit, let alone the savage dragon and bull demon that hit the monarch. Death gaze, then Ying Yan would be very dangerous.

Fu Yingjun said to Ying Yan: "I'm going to deal with those two sub-lords, can you deal with that savage dragon and bull demon?"

Mai Jiaxi and the others looked at Fu Yingjun in surprise, and Mai Jiaxi said, "Are you super-ranked?!"

Fu Yingjun told them with practical actions, a huge summoning system star palace appeared behind Fu Yingjun, this is the summoning of the beast tide! But the strange thing is that Fu Yingjun's summoning of the beast tide is not the traditional three magic gates, but something else!

Fu Yingjun's eyes showed relief, and he looked at the different Demon Gate and said, "He gave me the opportunity to make up for the mistakes I made."

"Come out! The giant rat in the sky!!!"

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