Full-time Summoner

Chapter 128 Xeon

"Steel rock wall shield!"

Zhaohua released the steel rock wall shield, and a rock wall blocked the mouth of the double-headed sandworm. Only then did the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion react, jumping up with the help of the steel rock wall shield, and escaped the fatal attack.

Zhaohua secretly swore in his heart that he had to train this stupid scorpion hard when he went out. He would never stop when he was being chased by the enemy, especially when he was in the wild monster land, ninety-nine percent of them would suddenly appear. They are all monsters, don't expect that there will be well-intentioned hunters to rescue them, it's good if they don't make trouble.

Moreover, Zhaohua had already called out in advance to use the defensive monster skills, and the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion was stunned for a moment, just a second or two was enough for them to die several times.

Now the two-headed sandworm stands on three legs, the mouth of one head of the double-headed sandworm is wriggling, chewing the heads of the three white magic eagles and the ice magic ape that it just ate, and on the other side are the group of white magic eagles and Zhaohua.

Silk! ! ! The other head of the double-headed sandworm suddenly opened its mouth and let out a cry. The head that was still chewing turned and split half of its mouth to the other. The food that had been chewed into colorful liquid flowed out of the mouth. It flowed into the other mouth, and spit into the mouth of the other head like vomiting.

This scene made Zhaohua almost vomit, which is too disgusting.

As expected of its immortal character, the White Magic Falcon is still hovering in the air, and its target has changed from only targeting the Three-Tailed Jade Scaled Scorpion. The two teams are separated, and while continuing to stare at the Three-Tails, they want to avenge their dead companions.

The same goes for the double-headed sandworm, with one head on each side. The meat just now is not enough for them, they need more. Even Zhaohua doesn't know how big the double-headed sandworm is hiding in the ground.

Except for Zhao Hua and the Three-tailed Jade Scale Scorpion, the other two parties wanted to fight to the death and regard each other as nutrients for the growth of life.

But Zhaohua is different. As a human mage, he is on the weak side in the land of monsters. No matter what monsters he encounters, if he can’t deal with them quickly, he must run away, because fighting will only attract more and more monsters. At that time, mages with limited mana will be surrounded by endless monsters.

"Run, why are you still standing there!"

Escaping is the same as urging, there are only zero times and countless times. Don't you really think that one more warrior creature will be able to win the Three Kingdoms melee?

The double-headed sandworm has two heads, and now it is basically a part of the white magic eagle and the double-headed sandworm. One head wants to pinch the three tails, and it will be faster if they don't escape.

But this time, how could it be possible to escape like just now? Not only is the distance of the white magic eagle closer, but the most troublesome thing is the double-headed sandworm. Basically, all monsters at the warrior level have demon skills, but their demon skills are Strong is weak.

The soil on the ground fluctuates, and the double-headed sandworm has a demon skill similar to the rock peak, which can control the soil. The soil under the feet of the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion rolled violently, and suddenly the sand rose up, forming a mountain to block the retreat of the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion.

The double-headed sandworm rushed from top to bottom like a huge wave, and the body of the double-headed sandworm was like a soft whip, trying to flatten the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion.

Sanwei's dodging ability is not very good. In Feng Zhoulong's test project, Sanwei barely reached the level of a small warrior in the evasion test, which just passed, so Sanwei didn't dodge at all, and used his strongest defense to take this whip.

Sanwei's defense in this kind of mountainous land will be enhanced. The surrounding soil clods and stones loosened by the double-headed sandworm are like a magnet attracting iron, attracting the surrounding soil to itself.

Even Zhaohua was covered by a layer of hard rock, only his eyes, nose and mouth were exposed, and all aspects were protected. The three-tailed double pincers turned into a rock shield like a giant shield, and the shields folded together to form a super giant shield.

Boom! ! The double-headed sandworm is a real monster of the level of a general. The power of this blow collapsed the ground, causing a small-scale earthquake effect, but the defense of the three-tailed jade scale scorpion is not vegetarian. Especially in the current state, the defense is even more abnormal.

After enduring such a terrifying attack, he remained motionless and unscathed. Even Zhaohua, who was sitting on Sanwei's back, only felt shaking and a slight shock.

Silk! ! Just like the White Magic Falcon, they are only numerous in number, and their attack power is not as powerful as the two-headed sandworm, and they are even more unable to break through the defense of the three tails.

Sanwei kept defending, and the three parties were in a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other. On the contrary, the battle between the other head and the White Magic Falcon was much more intense. The other head of the double-headed sandworm had been pecked bloody by the white magic eagle, and there were large and small blood holes and some scratches on its body.

The same is true for the White Magic Falcons, several of them have been eaten, and there are still many White Magic Falcons on the ground who have been seriously injured and unable to take off.

Kakaka, the rocks on the three-tailed green scaled scorpion began to fall off and shatter, the defense is always passive, no matter how powerful the three-tailed defense is, it is useless when the mana in the three-tailed body does not pay attention to maintaining the rock defense state, it is them When defeated.

"Little Fengcan, the situation is critical now, are you awake?"

Zhaohua is a summoner, and he also has a warlord summoned beast, and according to what Fengling said, as long as Xiaofengcan is given enough resources to advance to a warlord, that little Fengcan is invincible among warriors.

Zhaohua began to advance from Xiaofengcan, and provided summoning magic energy every day. Xiaofengcan has been absorbing summoning magic to speed up the advancement. movement.

This is actually a good thing. It proves that Little Wind Silkworm has reached the final stage, and it will soon complete its advancement. It will take half a year, and this time the advancement is a little longer than last time.

It's a pity that no matter how Zhaohua called, Xiaofengcan still didn't respond.

"There is no other way, I can only fight. Sanwei, listen carefully, leave me alone for a while, and enter the mimicry stealth. You have to kill the double-headed sandworm quickly, and then come to meet me. The attack of the White Magic Eagle should not be so strong. Break through the steel rock wall shield quickly."

The biggest disadvantage of Mimic Stealth is that Zhaohua cannot also be invisible, otherwise this is really a magic skill, Zhaohua can only fight now, the flying white magic eagle just restrained the three tails, but the double-headed sandworm did the opposite. The huge body makes it difficult to avoid the wind attack of the three tails, and the only way to win is to defeat them one by one.


As soon as the words fell, Sanwei immediately released the rock defense status, replaced it with dark black, and instantly entered the mimic stealth and disappeared, while Zhaohua ran away, vowing in his heart that he would equip himself to the teeth after the military training.

Three tails suddenly disappeared, and only Zhaohua was left. As a result, no one had to guess, the White Magic Falcons all flocked to Zhaohua like sharks smelling blood.

"Steel rock wall shield!"

This is the second release, Sanwei must come to rescue Zhaohua before the last two steel rock wall shields are broken, otherwise the military training will fail.

Dong dong dong dong, as if hiding under the eaves to listen to the sound of the rainstorm, Zhaohua and the group of White Magic Falcons were separated by a wall.

Phew~~~ But the white magic eagle is not stupid, seeing that the attack did not explode the steel rock wall shield, the remaining few white magic eagles did not attack the steel rock wall shield, but bypassed Zhaohua behind the attack.

"Depend on!"

The steel rock wall shield can be released three times, but it is not a shield on three sides, and it cannot provide all-round protection.

"It's over..." Zhaohua could only admit defeat. Ten points should be good, but he should be punished if he fails the military training.

At this moment, the mutation was born, with Zhao Hua as the eye of the wind, a strong wind swept across the entire back mountain like a nuclear explosion, and every strand of the terrifying hurricane wanted to cut through everything that was in the way like a sharp blade, flying in the air All the White Magic Falcons were turned into White Cut Eagles without exception.

The double-headed sandworm's rough skin and thick flesh couldn't withstand such a sharp blade. Feeling bad, the double-headed sandworm immediately dived into the ground to avoid the attack of the wind blade.

Just when the double-headed sandworm dived into the ground, the wind of the silver-white blade changed instantly, and a fire tornado soaring into the sky was like a deep well roast goose. overflowing.

Seeing this scene, Zhaohua shed tears from her old father.

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