Full-time Summoner

Chapter 129 This Book

Wind of Silver Blade, this is the third wind spirit species that Zhaohua bought later - Silver Blade. The effect of this kind of wind spirit species is very simple and rude, so that all the magic of the wind system can have a silver-white wind blade effect.

For example, when using the wind disk, the outer periphery shoots out like the sword energy seen on TV, and even launching a rudimentary wind track can condense the wind blades and make the wind track have offensive power.

"Finally the advanced step was successful..." A person like Zhaohua was a little grateful at this time, and wanted to post it on Moments.

Why is it a matter of minutes for other people's summoned beasts to advance, and it's not fair for my own family to count months and months.

Little Wind Silkworm did not appear, it has not yet completed the advanced level, the reason is that Zhaohua is still in the initial stage, Little Wind Silkworm has now successfully transformed, and belongs to the monster of the warrior level, but it is too powerful now, with Zhaohua Hua's primary level of cultivation and primary level of summoning system mana is not enough to support Xiao Fengcan come out of the summoning plane.

It was just that Xiao Fengcan finished the advanced stage, and now Xiaofengcan is going to give Zhaohua an advanced stage.

And the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion stood stunned by the side, and silently shouted in his heart, 'Sister Fengcan is awesome! ! '

In Zhaohua's spiritual world, the stardust of the summoning system has turned emerald green, and the stardust of the summoning system is expanding at a frightening speed visible to the naked eye, and finally becomes an oval egg shape. To help himself break through the initial barrier, he himself controlled the summoning stardust to hit the barrier.

It's not that the nebula is in the shape of an elliptical egg, but that the barrier of the stardust is in the shape of an elliptical egg. A layer of transparent light curtain traps the stardust. As long as the barrier is broken, it is an intermediate level.

Right now, the Stardust of the summoning system is struggling desperately as if it is about to be born. Normal people will start using cosmic dust at this time. The cosmic dust will turn into sharp needles and pierce a hole so that Stardust can take advantage of it. , broke out of the shell.

But Zhaohua discovered at this time that the spirit of Xiaofengcan is reflected in the middle of the summoning system stardust. His hands seem to be squeezed. This layer of light curtain.

This means bursting the entire barrier wall.

The appearance of Xiaofengcan has not changed, she still looks like a little fairy with fluttering long hair, but she has some more jewelry, a gray, white and green earring hangs on her right ear, and a fiery red hair clip that dances like a flame is pinned on her head. There is an extra silver-white brooch on the skirt, which are respectively for the wind of healing-foehn, the wind of flame-foehn, and the wind of silver-silver blade.

At this time, the three kinds of wind spirit species exerted their power, and a three-color storm was generated, and the gust of wind was like countless whips, violently whipping towards the surrounding walls.

In the spiritual world, Zhaohua couldn't hear Xiaofengcan's words, but he could feel Xiaofengcan's desperate efforts at the moment.

Kakaka, as the attack of the little windworm became more and more fierce, cracks finally appeared on the outer light curtain. The cracks appeared like broken glass, spreading towards the surroundings in an irregular way, until later the cracks became getting bigger and bigger.

Zhaohua knew it, and it was done!

Zhaohua's heart is extremely excited now. Facing the brand-new power and new realm, he only has infinite expectations and excitement, completely forgetting the pain and fatigue of exhaustion of mental power.

Bong, explosion, wind, power. Earth-shaking changes immediately took place in Zhaohua's spiritual world. The bright moonlight's summoning stardust swept in like a wave. The bright moonlight stardust began to occupy the land and spread to the world at an unscrupulous speed. The whole spiritual world.

The spiritual world, which was originally pitch black and had nothing, was ignited by a bright moonlight nebula, and began to have a majestic vitality.

The dark green color of the little windworm is just the opposite. The original green color in the center converges into the little windworm's body, but this is not to withdraw, but the little windworm is about to start its second step.

Self-awakening. Xiao Fengcan wants to transfer the remaining energy of the advanced stage to Zhaohua, let him complete the awakening, and use this energy to quickly increase his cultivation, and the dimensional summoned beast will feed back the summoner.

Green, this time it's not emerald green, but dark green, the wind green. In another part of the spiritual world, after gaining the power of the little windworm, green color slowly emerged.

The wind element is undoubtedly the wind element. The power of the little wind silkworm contains the power of the wind. This is more pure wind energy than the guide stone purified by Feng Zhoulong. As long as there is a little bit of wind energy in Zhaohua's body , you can awaken the wind element.

Zhaohua doesn't think there is any problem with the wind system. If two different wind magic can be combined, it will definitely usher in explosive results.

"With Little Wind Silkworm's remaining advanced abilities, my wind element might be able to reach the full cultivation of the elementary level."

The advanced energy of Xiaofengcan is very terrifying. One warrior essence and three spiritual seeds, the energy in it is enough for a person to break through the middle-level barrier, and the remaining ability can directly make Zhaohua's second-level elementary-level full cultivation .

While Zhaohua was waiting for his wind stardust to absorb energy, a book that Zhaohua had left in a corner, which was only used to intimidate Xingzi, was quietly opened.

"Huh?" Zhaohua sensed it mentally, and turned to look at the Book of Moonlight in the corner.

"How did you open it?"

The current Book of Moonlight is opened and laid flat on the ground, with no cover visible. I don't know why Zhaohua felt bad at this time, and his heart skipped a beat. When things are going well, if something unusual happens, it must be something bad.

This is the so-called law of 'what you are afraid of'.

Hush! ! ! ! Sure enough, as Zhaohua thought, a chain of moonlight shot out from the book with a crash. The speed of the chain was so amazing that Zhaohua had no time to stop it. Zhaohua watched this chain directly penetrate the wind element that was still growing The stardust shattered and split the wind stardust.

! ! ! ! !

Because the wind element stardust is now connecting with the power of the little windworm, the shattering of the stardust caused the spirit body of the little windworm to be backlashed back to its main body.

"It's over..."

The star dust is my own, and the star dust represents the spirit and soul of the mage, and is a part of the body. Now that the star dust is shattered, at least, the cultivation base will regress and never be able to condense the second element, and the mage will be seriously injured and mentally disturbed. , become an idiot.

Crash la la la. The moonlight chain was retracted, and the broken stardust and excess energy were retracted into the book. It was closed again with a snap, and it became a quiet book lying motionless in place, but the cover was slightly Shining light, flickering on and off, as if eating the stardust energy just now.

Zhaohua's spirit and body were trembling, he was angry, this broken book! ! ! !

昭华抓起月色书,就连他这么淡定的一个人,现在都竭斯底里起来:“啊啊啊啊!!!你这破书!破书!!!你都干了什么!!! "

Zhaohua kept smashing the book on the ground, but Zhaohua already knew the hardness of the book, no matter how Zhaohua smashed it, no matter how hissed, even if it was about to be bitten, it still remained elegant and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Ha, ha... what should I do?" Zhaohua didn't know how long he had been fighting, and he was exhausted mentally and physically, and he probably would leave the spiritual world soon.

"Oh, forget it, go back and think of a way, and you can't stay in the spiritual world forever... the spiritual world?"

Zhaohua frowned, he suddenly thought of an unusual place. My own stardust has been shattered, why is there nothing wrong with me?

Not to mention that Zhaohua is still an elementary mage who has just broken through to the middle level. Even if you are a super-level mage, stardust shattering is an irreparable serious injury, but Zhaohua doesn't even have a headache now, which is completely unreasonable.

Zhaohua immediately calmed down, there must be a demon if things go wrong, he looked at the Book of Moonlight next to him, and asked in his heart: Will this book harm me? It has been peaceful for so long, why did something happen suddenly, and it still happened suddenly.

If there are ghosts, there must be ghosts.

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