Full-time Summoner

Chapter 130 The Real Second Element

Zhaohua slowly picked up the book in his hand, it remained the same as before, and even if he reached the middle level, he still couldn't open it, it was just like a book quietly, but it just made a book Things that shouldn't be done.

Zhaohua tried his best to calm himself down. He knew the truth that impatience leads to chaos. No matter what happens, there must be a reason. You must have a motive for killing people, right? So this book must have his reasons for doing so.

Zhaohua began to analyze and reason, and began to recall all the details of what happened just now, like a movie replay without missing anything. The most unusual thing is that the book was quietly opened, and a chain that was the same color as the book cover shot out from inside, piercing through the wind stardust and sweeping away the stardust's ability.

"It needs energy? So break the stardust, and then suck the energy from the stardust?"

This is the most obvious explanation, that is, this book is conscious, it needs a huge amount of energy for some reason, so it absorbs the energy of the little windworm.

"No, this doesn't make sense. If you want energy, you need energy. The best way to get a huge amount of energy is to absorb the energy of the summoning system when it breaks through the barrier. Moreover, that chain can shatter even stardust, which is terrifying in itself. An attack that can send out an attack that shatters stardust but needs the energy of this stardust? This is not in line with common sense."

"Besides, crushing stardust is undoubtedly a way to dry the pond and fish. Since this book resides in my spiritual world, then we are in a symbiotic relationship. Even if energy is needed, it should make me stronger. And It's not making me weak. That way I won't get more energy."

This most superficial explanation is obviously wrong, which means that there are deeper reasons for this book to do so, but Zhaohua doesn't know it.

"Then infer from the result."

Since it is not possible to do it right, then reverse the process from the result.

As a result, Zhaohua's stardust was shattered, but people were fine. The cause was the birth of his own wind stardust, and the Moonlight Book launched an attack to shatter the wind stardust.

Since you can't know directly why the Book of Moonlight did this, then turn the other way around and why you are fine.

According to the normal way of thinking, it is common sense that if it is broken, it will definitely lead to backlash and severe mental damage. But Zhaohua knew there was a special case. Because the strange substance in Li Shijie's body was finally deciphered during the summer vacation, and the mystery of his natural talent was finally known.

Li Shijie's natural talent is similar to the principle of an experiment abandoned and banned by the military. Feng Zhoulong suspected at the time that the Black Vatican had obtained something developed by the military's experiment.

The military once had an experiment to artificially create a new system. The principle of the experiment was to artificially create a magic system, and then absorb the magic energy of other systems into this system. This system not only has powerful energy itself, but also can absorb other magic systems. The energy of the system allows the body to change and gain explosive power.

It's just that this research was unsuccessful, because the soul of a human mage simply couldn't bear N+1 departments. There is only one department for the elementary level, two for the intermediate level, and three for the high level. This is an unchanging fact, because the essence is that the human soul can only bear so much.

The soul strength of an elementary mage is only enough for one department, and two for an intermediate level. If there are two for an elementary level, then the soul will not be able to bear it and the spiritual world will collapse. After all, how can a human being have two souls in one body?

So this experiment ended in failure, and Li Shijie's natural talent is similar. He absorbed the magic energy of the other two departments and transferred it to the Vengeance Mantis to complete the advancement. The substance in Li Shijie's body is equivalent to a battery, and he cannot get powerful power , You can also absorb other mana and transfer it to other departments. Because it is not a new department, Li Shijie's spiritual world has not collapsed, but it is not as explosive as the military's strength.

So Zhaohua knows the fact that the magic system can be man-made, but your soul and spiritual world cannot have additional systems, otherwise it will explode and collapse.

"Could it be that the wind element is not mine? Was it created by the energy of the little windworm unintentionally? Even the little windworm thought it was my element..."

Zhaohua would not suspect that Xiaofengcan was going to harm him, and even Zhaohua thought that the wind element was his second element at the time, but if the wind element was not the second element, then the conclusion would come out.

Zhaohua looked at the Book of Moonlight seriously, and said as if asking a book, "Are you protecting me?"

If this is the case, it can be explained clearly that the Book of Moonlight did not intend to harm him, but on the contrary, in order to prevent Zhaohua's spiritual world from collapsing, he shattered the wind stardust.

Just like the immune system in the body, when cancer cells appear, the immune system will kill the diseased cells. The wind stardust just now is like cancer cells to Zhaohua's spiritual world.

This idea is very correct, the book is in his own spiritual world, so he is more likely to want to protect his place of residence, rather than thinking about destroying it.

What Zhaohua lacks now is evidence to support this claim.

Zhaohua took the book and walked towards the nebula of the summoning system that had turned into a nebula. If there was anything unreasonable, there was one more. It was really too difficult for Xiaofengcan and himself to break the stardust barrier together.

Zhaohua has already fully cultivated, and will attack the barrier every day, but the barrier does not move at all, and there is no reaction. But because Ji Shaoan is also like this, Zhaohua thought that the barriers of rare series were particularly difficult to break through.

But with the help of Xiao Fengcan just now, it is still difficult to have such a terrifying energy support. Zhaohua originally thought that it should be a destructive one, but recalling it now, at that time, Xiao Fengcan desperately pushed his arms away, supported it with both hands, and coupled with the violent power of the three spiritual species, barely broke the barrier.

The cosmic dust is only suitable for breaking through because it is gentle, not that it has such a terrible energy. The energy of the cosmic dust can't even match a spirit seed. Now three plus a warrior elf, still It's abnormal that it's so hard.

Zhaohua didn't think much about it at the time, but now that he thought about it carefully, he felt that his summoning system was the problem.

Zhaohua stood in front of the Summoning Nebula. Nebula and Stardust were indeed very different. Standing in front of the Summoning Nebula, Zhaohua immediately felt how small he was. Although there was a transparent Summoning Stardust in front of him, Zhaohua could feel its strength. Vast and mysterious.

"I was really lucky to beat Li Shijie back then."

No wonder people say that the middle level versus the elementary level is heaven and earth. Zhaohua's current mental power can already sense the nebula of the summoning system, and he will not have to fumble and guess blindly because of the transparency like at the beginning of the elementary level.

But Zhaohua did not sigh, but began to explore the reason. The biggest difference between the summoning system and other systems is that it is transparent, and you can see through the entire nebula at a glance. Look carefully.

Zhaohua spread his mental power and searched, but he didn't find any problems.

"There is no abnormality... No, it should be said that there is no abnormality is correct. After all, the real abnormality has been eliminated by this book, that is, it is normal now..."

"Normally speaking, there should be only one magic system if the intermediate level does not awaken, but according to my thinking, I should have awakened the second system by myself and thus triggered the protection of the book, but the second system, why not... "

"No? Summoning system?! No, right, it is impossible for a mage to awaken the same system. After the first awakening, all the magic energy of the summoning system in the body will become the corresponding stardust of the summoning system. The magic energy absorbed later is that Cultivation, it will be absorbed by the summoning system stardust."

But when Zhaohua looked down at the moonlight book in his hand, he vaguely felt that it was not impossible, so he used his mental power to search the spiritual world, and the entire spiritual world was empty except for the nebula of the summoning system. There is no second summoning system.

Zhaohua looked at the summoning nebula again, yes, except for the summoning nebula.

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