Full-time Summoner

Chapter 131 Two Summoning Systems

"Is that really the case..."

After Zhaohua confirmed his thoughts, he found a very faint and tiny stardust in the center of the huge nebula in the summoning system. It sits there helpless and helpless, waiting to be found, to be needed.

The second transparent summoning stardust.

Zhaohua's spiritual body passes through the nebula, because Zhaohua detected that this weak summoning system stardust is behind the nebula, and the two summoning systems are parallel to each other like layers, but because the first summoning system has already reached the nebula , completely covering up the second summoning stardust.

Zhaohua observed carefully and found that the two summoning systems were only parallel, neither intersecting nor sticking together.

Zhaohua reached out and pulled out seven transparent stars from the stardust of the second summoning system. After reaching the intermediate level, the mage's spiritual power, soul, and spiritual world will all increase, and he can dig seven stars at a time.

However, the middle-level Nebula plus the seven elementary-level planetesimals can have forty-nine planetesimals. When the forty-nine planetesimals form a star map, it is an intermediate-level magic. So as before, we still have to dig out the stars slowly, but the stardust of the second system can be fixed at one time, so the speed of intermediate-level cultivation of the second system will be much faster.

Both the summoning nebula and stardust are transparent and hard to find, but the first summoning nebula has already occupied a huge area, it is so 'clearly visible' in the vast spiritual universe, the seven stars dotted this The huge nebula and the chaotic spiritual world will never be the same again! !

"Dust, cloud, and cloud mud?"

The gap between the elementary level and the intermediate level is really too obvious. If this nebula is full of magic energy, how much energy will it hide? Only such a huge amount of energy is enough to support the little wind silkworm to come to the world.

Zhaohua looked at the transparent stardust and stars in front of him, and then at another much larger nebula. All common sense and theoretical knowledge collapsed at this moment.

The only thing Zhaohua can think of is that all this should be caused by the book in his hand. After awakening the summoning system in his body for the first time, he should not have the magic power of the summoning system. If he can still awaken, it proves Zhaohua's spirit The world also contains the magic energy of the summoning system that can be awakened.

Now Zhaohua can basically be sure that the book that appeared in his spiritual world must be related to the summoning system. It affected his awakening, made him break the common sense, and obtained the second summoning system. No wonder he broke through the middle level. so difficult.

"What kind of book are you? You exist to protect me?"

Boom boom boom, as soon as the words fell, the Moonlight Book in Zhaohua's hand was shaking non-stop as if to respond to him, and the shaking was getting bigger and bigger.

With a whimper, he broke free from Zhaohua's hand and swayed left and right, like a neurotic, short-circuiting robot.

Zhaohua stared at it intently. He was sure that the book would not deceive him, but he was not sure if it would cause any nerves.

"coming soon!"

Hush, huh, huh, suddenly the whole book was turning pages crazily, as if searching for something quickly, and didn't stop until a certain page was turned.

Zhaohua's heart skipped a beat again, wouldn't another chain fly out and smash the summoning system? If this is the case, Zhaohua will definitely throw this book out of the nine heavens.

Dazzling red light, the red light illuminates the entire spiritual world, dyeing the earth red like a sunset. The big stone in Zhaohua's heart has been let go, but fortunately there are no chains on this page, otherwise he would have to mentally block the chains.

The Book of Moonlight gradually calmed down, and the red light also subsided a lot, but you could still see the red light on the pages of the book. When Zhaohua approached, he realized that it was not the book that was glowing, but something inside the book, a piece of red Gouyu is the light of Gouyu.

A red Gouyu was lying quietly in the book, Zhaohua looked carefully and found that the Gouyu was inside the book, and there was a piece of jade hidden in this page of the book.

Although it is true that there is Yan Ruyu in the book, it is unexpected that there is a piece of Yu Zhaohua.

"There are universes in this book."

Zhaohua guessed when it shot the moonlight chain just now, this book can not only record the life and death contract signed by Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan, but also hides something in it, but Zhaohua can't open it no matter how hard he fights, even now It's the same, Zhaohua can't turn the page, he can only see the content of this page, and there is no text on this page, only a piece of red hook jade.

Zhaohua observed for a long time, but neither the book nor the Gouyu responded. After thinking about it, Zhaohua decided to take the Gouyu, and stretched out his hand cautiously.

I’m not afraid that it’s a fake, this book definitely has a lot of background, just the chain attack can blow up Zhaohua’s entire spiritual world in minutes, now a piece of red jade appears in it, who knows if it’s a bomb, It explodes when touched.

Gulu Gulu, Zhaohua's hand reached into the book little by little, as if reaching into a pool of water.

"Wow, this is much more miraculous than the watches made by the Space Department." This is the spiritual world, and Zhaohua's body is a spiritual body, so it's really miraculous that he can achieve this effect.

It was only after Zhaohua stretched his whole arm in that he finally touched the red Gouyu.

The gouyu is warm in the hand, but it is not too hot to touch. The gouyu is not big, only four or five inside long, half a centimeter thick, and the texture is very hard. Apart from being hot, it is undoubtedly an ordinary piece of red jade.

Gulu Gulu, Zhaohua grabbed Hongyu and slowly withdrew his hand. He was very slow, for fear that something bad might happen.

"If it didn't appear in the book or in the spiritual world, it would be a fire magic stone."

Zhaohua is now a spiritual body, and the feeling obtained through the spiritual body is that the ruby ​​in his hand is no different from ordinary fire magic stones, and even this is a piece of fire with extremely weak energy, leaving only a little bit of fire magic energy. magic stone.

If it were real, no one would pick up this fire magic stone if it was thrown on the road, and would kick it away.

Zhaohua doesn't know if items can be stored in the spiritual world, but he has never heard of anyone who can use the spiritual world to store items, but this is not impossible. Because the most superficial truth is the star, isn’t the star also in the spiritual world, and won’t the star appear when magic is used, it’s hard to say whether it can be put into the spiritual world if it is replaced with a star-like substance.

Zhaohua picked it up and played with it a few times, but found that there was no way to play with flowers.

"I don't know if it can be summoned like a star outside. I have been in the spiritual world for a long time."

There is a three-tailed jade scale scorpion guarding it outside. If anything happens, the three-tailed scorpion can wake him up. That's why Zhaohua dared to enter the spiritual world, but it's been a long time and it's time to go out.

When Zhaohua withdrew from the spiritual world, he forgot one thing, and that was the book, which was still open and not closed.

After he took out the red Gouyu, the book hadn't been closed, because the Gouyu had attracted Zhaohua's attention, and Zhaohua hadn't noticed it, otherwise he would have thought that every time the book was opened, it was time to do something bad.

The light of the moonlight emanated from Zhaohua's body from the inside to the outside, and the whole person was enveloped by the light of the moonlight. Then, the light disappeared, and Zhaohua disappeared in place without a sound, leaving no trace.

This scene is exactly the same as when Zhaohua used Dimensional Summon for the first time.

The three-tailed jade scaled scorpion was dumbfounded, just now his master was still sitting on the ground meditating, why did he lose the time to blink? ? ?

For such a big person, how big is he! ! ! Just say no. . . .

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