Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1300 Husband Says It's Important

Ding Yumian looked at the good soul held by Mo Fan, and sneered, "Look at it, it has been suppressing me before I was alive, but look at it now, don't you understand? This is my own decision, Li Yuan Long? You made a mistake, his death was just a matter of chance, it just happened that he appeared on my way, so I killed him by the way."

Ding Yumian couldn't help but find it funny, these people actually think that they became like this because they were murdered?

Death is liberation. After death, you can get rid of all shackles. What is the family mission, what is the fate of the victims, and even those so-called bullshit excuses, what is [to protect you], what is the bondage of righteousness when you leave and you will be hunted down , all untied.

When all these are gone, it is Ding Yumian, in fact, the evil has the upper hand.

The oppression and pressure that he had suffered for more than two decades was released after his death. A good boy who has pretended for more than twenty years can only reveal his true nature when he dies!

This is its true nature, evil vampire, evil dark creature!

So Ding Yumian thinks, Dean Xiao thinks that only Dean Li needs to die? What it hates is this world that has bound it for more than twenty years!

It didn't do anything, but why was it a mistake to be born, so it wants to take revenge on this world!

On the contrary, Mo Fan understands the evil Ding Yumian. After all, Mo Fan is also the one who is oppressed by this world.

Mo Fan said straight to the point: "Let's stop talking nonsense, since you are intelligent, it will be easy to handle. Now I will ask you a word, retreat, and you will open it."

This time is much easier to solve than that in the ancient capital, okay? In the ancient capital, even the leader Sa Lang could not be found, and the idiot of the mountain corpse had no intelligence and could not communicate at all.

Well now, Ding Yumian not only knows a few of them, but also communicates with them. That matter is easy to solve, you say, if I can do it, I will do it for you.

At the beginning, instructor Zhan Kong had to sacrifice himself to make a deal with Xie Kai to retreat, so this time he can repeat the same trick and propose a deal to withdraw troops.

Mo Fan knew that Ding Yumian was kind, but because she was kind, more pressure and resentment must have accumulated. How can people not have resentment? There are some trivial things in life that make you unhappy.

Mo Fan casually said: "You think about it before you mention it. Don't go too far. There are Forbidden Curse Mages in the Demon City. Even if there is an emperor behind you, if you go too far, you will be cannon fodder."

When Ding Yumian heard Mo Fan's words, his expression immediately changed.

Dean Xiao rolled his eyes at Mo Fan and said, "Can't you stop stimulating it?"

Ding Yumian calmed down, and after thinking for a moment, she looked at Dean Xiao and said, "Since you have found out your mistake, then you should know that there is another person, let him commit suicide like me."

Mo Fan was the first to raise his hands and feet in favor, repaying the debt and paying the debt with his life.

Dean Xiao said: "What if you go back on your word."

Ding Yumian looked at Shanhun with a smile and said: "It represents the strongest spiritual system I have ever had. As long as a promise contract is established, after it merges with me, I must abide by the promise contract."

Mo Fan looked at Ding Yumian, the good soul, who nodded and said, "Yes."

Dean Xiao and the others actually realized that Ding Yumian, the evil soul, also wanted to merge with the good soul. It is obvious that the good souls do not want to mix with the four evil souls, and now they must be fused to establish a contract.

Ding Yumian not only wanted to kill Zhuang Yue, but also wanted to merge the good souls.

Dean Xiao looked at the others. In fact, everyone's opinion is the same as Mo Fan's, blood debt is paid with blood, and as a member of parliament, he actually did such a thing, forcing Ding Yumian to sacrifice, so now, everyone can let you sacrifice to save the city.

Dean Xiao's eyes were fixed. Although he is the principal, he is also a mage, so there will be no ambiguity when some things are decided.

Dean Xiao directly activated the ultra-long-distance teleportation and came to Zhuang Yue's office in the Pearl Tower.

The power of space exploded, and an invisible giant claw of space grabbed Zhuang Yue, who was fully cultivated in four lines, like a chicken, sealed his cultivation, and then moved back to the evil Ding Yumian in an instant, throwing Zhuang Yue in front of it. before.

Within three seconds, Zhuang Yue was captured alive.

Mo Fan was so scared that his scalp went numb. Is this still a human? ! The Pearl Tower is more than ten kilometers away from here! ! What kind of cultivation is Dean Xiao!

Ding Yumian did not expect Dean Xiao to be so careless, throwing people in front of him in three seconds.

But Ding Yumian deliberately delayed the time, waiting for the undead to kill more people, but not to kill Zhuang Yue.

Dean Xiao sighed, and then the power of space exploded, crushing Zhuang Yue into a pulp with a bang.

Not only was Mo Fan frightened by this scene, Ding Yumian was also obviously stunned for a moment. Is this really Dean Xiao who once protected himself and guarded Pearl Academy?

Kill decisively!

So decisive!

Ding Yumian knew it was impossible to continue, because if she waited any longer, Dean Xiao would definitely take the good soul away without saying a word, and it would be impossible for him to get the good soul again.

"What else do you think about?" Ding Yumian looked at the weak kind soul like an elf.

The good soul nodded, and reluctantly glanced at the Demon City, and finally took one last look at Mo Fan before merging into the evil soul's body.

It seems that he has been waiting for this moment for a long time. After the evil spirit Ding Yumian obtained his final soul status, his face showed a look of great enjoyment.

Forehead! Suddenly, the evil spirit Ding Yumian seemed to be choked by the throat, and his body suddenly burst into white light.

"You! What did you do!!"

Mo Fan was stunned, what's wrong? !

Dean Xiao said calmly: "I asked Shanhun to change the contract, it's not an oath contract."

The evil spirit Ding Yumian's whole body is rapidly aging, and his originally cold and terrifying aura has become extremely weak. Now Ding Yumian's strength is not even that of a great monarch.

Dean Xiao pointed to the sky: "The Punishment of the Thunder Ring—the map of heaven and earth."

Ultra-level three lightning magic, and the casting speed is extremely fast! ! I don't know how much faster than Mo Fan, the super-level three-level lightning system.

Boom boom boom! ! Countless thunderbolts turned into a picture of destroying the world. While Mo Fan was stunned, Ding Yumian was executed by Dean Xiao's thunder and lightning.

Mo Fan looked at Dean Xiao, killed the councilor, and executed Ding Yumian. It was only at this moment that Mo Fan suddenly realized that the dean has been using his own methods to protect the city!

Just after Ding Yumian was eliminated, it was located in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. In the deepest part of the world, a red skeleton in a white royal veil is playing with his fingers.

Suddenly, as if sensing something, the emperor shrugged his shoulders in the direction of the capital, and a mysterious symbol that was floating on the palm of his hand became dim in an instant, as if he had died.

Huangsha Skeleton shook the hand, crushed the imprint, and discarded it casually.

"It's a pity, if it hasn't been wiped out, I still like that pair of skins."

And in the Demon City, Ji Shao, who was humming a song and doing the housework of a housewife, happily packed the things in the house.

Ji Shaoan took out a small box made of Tianguan Zilin sacred tree from his small treasure house, opened it to check the contents.

"Well, it's still very well preserved."

This is the contract that Ding Yumian and Zhao Hua signed at the beginning. As early as more than a week ago, the words on the contract have disappeared, and this is already a piece of waste paper.

But Ji Shaoan still kept it very well, because Zhaohua said that this contract is very important.

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