Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1301 Poor blue-tailed carp

[I'm drowning... in water...] Oo ゜ ゜ ○. ○゜. O°o○. o ゜ ○.゜ O ○. ° ゜ O ○. °○o°○o○゜o. O ゜ ○.゜.゜○. ○゜. O°o[Help me...]o゜○.゜°○o°○o○゜oO゜○. ° o ○. o ゜ ○.゜ ○ ○ ○. °○o°○o○Gulu Gulu゜o. O ゜ ○.゜.゜○. ○゜. O°o○. o ゜ ゜ ○. ○゜. O°o○. o ゜ ○.゜ O ○. ° ゜ O ○. °○o°○o○゜o. O ゜ ○.゜.゜○. ○゜. O°o○.゜゜゜[Yes.Nobody.Save...me...]○. ○゜゜○. ○゜. O°o○. o ゜ ○.゜○. ○゜. O°o○. o ゜ ゜ ° ○ o ° ○ o ○ ゜ o. O ゜ ○.゜.゜○. ○゜. O°o○. o ゜ ゜ ○. ○゜. R[I'm going to… sink…]°o○. o ゜ ○.゜ O ○. ° ゜ O ○. °○o°○o○゜o. O ゜ ○. [You. Never see me again.] ゜.゜○. ○゜. O°o○. o. ○゜. O°o○. o ゜ ○.゜ O ○. ° ゜ O ○. °○o°○o○゜o. O ゜ ○.゜.゜○. ○゜. O°o○. o [I am dead. . . ]

A small blue-tailed carp sinks slowly in a certain waters of the Pacific Ocean. This cute little blue-tailed carp rolled its eyes and slowly sank like a dead fish carcass.

Seeing that some creatures died, a carrion-eating sea monster swam from a distance. It was a strange-looking fish monster. Gulu Gulu, the fish monster opened its mouth and was about to eat the little fish.

With the sound of Biu, the small fish with blue tail kicked violently, wiggling its fins and tail, as if making a funny face.

"I'm dead, but not quite dead. I'm faking it!"

Seeing the servant-level fish monster startled by him, the blue-tailed carp smiled happily.

It is also boring, it has been sent by Zhaohua to squat in the Pacific Ocean for more than a week, and it is almost bored to death, so it has no choice but to entertain itself.

Speaking of the blue-tailed carp, it is also pitiful. The blue-tailed carp was the most mischievous one at the time. When Zhaohua approached the pool, he was grinning and spat water on his face. The ocean demon kingdom of the blue-tailed carp is quite huge in the summoning plane No wonder it has such a mischievous character.

The most important thing is that the ocean demon country where the blue-tailed carp lives is not only related to the Elf Tower of Thousand Clans, but also related to the Sea Dragon Clan in Wanlong Valley. It is also an extremely special and powerful demon country in the Summoning Plane.

Because a special mutant individual blue-tailed mermaid appeared in the blue-tailed demon country, and the blue-tailed mermaid was once one of the elves of the original water system of the Thousand Clans Elf Tower.

Originally, when the carp sea-monster of the blue-tailed demon country advances to the monarch, there is a certain chance to leap into the dragon's gate and become a sea dragon species. Blue-tailed mermaids are mutated and extremely rare.

The reason why the blue-tailed carp is pitiful is because when Zhaohua reached the super-level, the blue-tailed carp also wanted to find Zhaohua to contract the dimensional contract, but it was cut off by the rainbow fish, and it almost died of anger.

Now Rainbow Fish has advanced to Rainbow Dragon, while Bluetail Carp is still at the Commander level, lagging behind Blue Star Fox and Rainbow Fish.

The Blue-tailed Demon Kingdom is a demon kingdom that is closer to the Wanlong Valley. The Blue-tailed Mermaid is a special mutant in it. Although it is an original elf, it is too rare. The Blue-tailed Carp is a special mutation, so it is very difficult to advance to the monarch. The friends who practiced with the blue-tailed carp at the same time have all become monarchs.

Now! It finally grasped the opportunity.

Zhaohua needs a special ability of the blue-tailed carp to help collect things, and the reward is a promise to help the blue-tailed carp become a monarch.

The blue-tailed carp is indeed not Zhaohua's dimensional summoned beast, let alone a contract summoned beast. There is neither a dimensional contract nor a summoning contract, but the blue-tailed carp has Zhaohua's cooperation contract, and the high-level beast tide summons use a temporary contract , that is, the full name is called the Temporary Assistance Combat Contract, which is also used by the super-level Demon Sect.

With Zhaohua's current strength, the total amount of mana in the four super-order summoning departments, the first department is already super-order three, and the second department is super-order two. As long as he is not needed to fight, Zhaohua can always open it The high-level gate of summoning.

Moreover, the summoning of the beast tide has a rather rogue tactic, which is to leave the summoning gate in place, and leave directly through the summoning gate after the monster battle is over.

It's like now, Zhaohua people are in the warm little house in Yaodu, while the blue-tailed carp is lonely and waiting for something, the poor one can only entertain itself like just now.

Gollum? Suddenly, the blue-tailed carp shivered, and after waiting for more than a week, it finally arrived.

Zhaohua needs all the data of Ding Yumian's promotion. Ding Yumian's soul has been wiped out. Whether it is the four evil souls or the good soul, Dean Xiao used thunder magic some time ago. None left.

The contract signed by Ding Yumian and Zhaohua has also expired, and the words written with spiritual power on it are gone, leaving only a blank sheet of paper.

But Zhaohua's purpose is not to kill Ding Yumian, but to get the data when he was promoted, why Ding Yumian had a split soul phenomenon, so as to develop a new method of split soul and separate Xiao Ji again.

The blue-tailed carp gulped and swam towards the Mariana Trench.

Suddenly, the blue eyes of the blue-tailed carp saw that among the countless water elements in this sea area, several elements were particularly different. These water elements carried a bit of off-white energy, which was exactly the same as the energy that Ding Yumian suddenly invaded when he was promoted. .

This is the blue-tailed carp's terrifying special demon skill, the water pupil. The eyes of the blue-tailed carp can see the flow of elements and the slightest changes in the water.

In the water, the blue-tailed carp's terrifying ability allows it to find the weakness of water-type magic, and can almost nullify all water-type magic and siren skills.

The blue-tailed carp quickly swam into the waters, opened its mouth, hissed, and sucked in all the seawater into its belly.

Then he swam to the water element on the other side that was contaminated by the gray-white power, and sucked it in again.

The blue-tailed carp is like a vacuum cleaner, it sucks left, right, front and back. Although it is only a small amount of elements, the blue-tailed carp enjoys absorbing them endlessly.

In Yaodu Congcheng, Zhao Huazheng and Ji Shaohan were lying on the sofa, enjoying a rare vacation with a tablet, while Xiaofengcan and Guigui were sleeping on Zhaohua's stomach.

The Judgment also has holidays.

Suddenly, Zhaohua felt the call of the blue-tailed carp. The blue-tailed carp has successfully completed the task and returned to the summoning plane through the gate of summoning.

Zhaohua thought of the constellation and opened the gate of summoning. The blue-tailed carp jumped and started, jumping out of the gate of summoning like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate.

Sensing that his best friend was coming, Lan Xinghu ran down from the second floor with a thump.

Zhaohua stood up, gently put Guigui and Xiaofengcan on the sofa and asked, "Have you finished collecting?"

The blue-tailed carp nodded wildly, opened its mouth suddenly, and spit out all the seawater sucked in under the surprised expressions of Zhaohua and Ji Shao.

With a bang, Zhaohua's small, up-and-down villa suddenly spewed out a large amount of sea water, directly flooding the poor Wenxin Zhao's house, and even the nearby grassland was not spared.

Zhaohua spat out all the water in his mouth, wiped his face and said, "We humans don't live in water..."

Thank you for 【Anger Roaring Sky】【Luojialuo Xinchen】【Canglong Hairy Child】【Chu Xia】【La la la lny】【sun, s son】【secretly laughing】【Lan Luo Lan Luo】【JJS_It’s Jing Shu】【 From] [i Fantasy Yy] [Wan Qingsi] [Yi Ling] [Wan Chen] [Your product, your fine product] [My wife Artoria] [No fear] [There is a lonely city in the north] [20210221180646059] [Pippi's Xiao Xihe] [160508230935978] [Smiling perfunctory heartache] [Tianhe Luanwu] [20190902164652329] [202011132115014840] [Minor tune] * 2 [Ye Luo knows you] * 2 [20200425131142040] * 2 [Puff Whale] * 2 [Immortal Killer] Spirit] *2 [Snowflakes on the Clouds] *2 [Front Street Fire Fighting] *2 [Su Baiyue] *2 [Shallow Sorrow] *2 [Undying Love] *2 [Humble の Love] * 2【Psycho Hunter】*2【Let’s call it Lao Tian】*2【Kong~】*2【.】*3【Xiao Jia’s brother】*3【20210524100016551】*3【. 】*3【Zhang. 】*3【Autumn Maple】*4【ncyy】*4【20201114203556097】*4【Atrias】*6【灬灬】*6【Xueyue、Chen】*7【20200513163441360】*10【Sword Xiaoyao Aww]*11 monthly pass.

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