Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1321 The world will change

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, the real battle was coming. At this time, many people can't help but look forward to it.

They all hoped that Zhao Hua and Ying Yan, two sympathetic opponents, could achieve a miracle in the battle. Now the mages of the Wuyue family have awakened. They are like frogs who have jumped out of the well, like a sponge, crazily absorbing the water called insight.

They are all waiting for what the pinnacle of the younger generation will look like.

For all those watching the battle, today, what everyone wants to see is not the magic duel summed up by Zhaohua and Ying Yan with the Magic Association, nor is it suppressed by relying on cultivation.

Today, everyone wants to see the duel between the peak human mages, which belongs to the magic PK between Zhao Hua and Ying Yan.

In fact, no matter whether it is Zhaohua or Yingyan, they have the same idea. The battle between them has nothing to do with grievances, hatred, resource competition, or power disputes. This is a human being, a human being. The purest magical duel between mages.

The sea monster is coming, maybe human beings will perish in the sea monster war.

From then on, the civilization of human mages will become a piece of history and disappear in this world. Just like the civilized continent on the Antarctic continent that was frozen by the emperor on the roof of the glacier, only a few words were left behind.

Suddenly, a faint sun shines on the earth.

"It's so warm."

"Yeah, why is it suddenly warming up? This feeling is so comfortable, just like soaking in the bathtub after an exhausting meditation. I feel a tingling sensation in my body."

With a buzz, strands of golden flames suddenly burst out from Ying Yan's body, and a golden phoenix emerged from the flames. The phoenix's feathers opened. At this moment, Ying Yan exuded a kind of heart-warming In the bright sunlight, Ying Yan's eyes turned golden yellow, and streaks of flames circulated around him.

Qilin's eyes narrowed, and she said, "He's going on a road of no return."

Jiang Tiansheng saw the lifelike holy bird behind Ying Yan, which was exactly like the real one. Its eyes, feathers, claws, and beak were all exactly the same as the real one.

Although Jiang Tiansheng has never seen a real phoenix, even the ancestor of the forbidden curse mage of the Ying family had only fought against the emperor birds and beasts with the blood of the phoenix. It's gone.

But at this moment, everyone knew in their hearts that the golden holy bird with bright red eyes and golden pupils behind Ying Yan looked like a phoenix.

"How is it possible! The phoenix should be extinct!"

Feeling the sanctity of Ying Yan, the heart-warming feeling, and the holy power emanating from Ying Yan, even Jiang Tiansheng, who is so familiar with the world, was shocked.

The old Taoist priest Xuanyuanlong was startled, and with a wave of his hand, a burst of white mist covered the entire Huashan Mountain. He sealed off Huashan Mountain to prevent people from peeping with special magic tools, because if what Ying Yan did was known by the Holy Inquisition Court, he would be blacked out. list.

Everyone guessed that Ying Yan must have a trump card, but who would have thought that his trump card would be this!

"How on earth did he resurrect the phoenix? The phoenix doesn't have the power of Suzaku, so it should be impossible for the phoenix to be resurrected."

No one knows how Ying Yan did it, but there is no doubt that Ying Yan also had his own chance, and he embarked on a path of no return.


Zhaohua looked up at the sacred bird formed by the condensed flames behind Ying Yan, and said with a calm smile, "You told me this is a forbidden technique a few years ago."

Ying Yan said with a smile: "Didn't you say that you will lose your life, and you don't care if it is a forbidden technique. It is unknown whether the sea monster natural disaster can survive, and... it depends on the future, what is the world like?" Well, it’s still unknown.”

Hearing Ying Yan's words, the old Taoist priest sitting in the gazebo and the others couldn't help being silent. They knew some things decades ago, so they spared no expense, even watching the Holy City invade the country, rejecting Zhaohao's request and closing the mountain to speed up the twin soul plan.

Ying Yan probably learned something because the fire of the phoenix is ​​a holy bird of the holy plane and the colorful feathers.

Ying Yan now intends to merge with Suiju, resurrect the phoenix with his own life and soul, and become the carrier of the phoenix.

After Zhaohua and Ying Yan came back from Wucai Tianchi, they taught Ying Yan the method of assimilation, and Ying Yan also went to the Parthenon Temple. I am afraid that Ying Yan was not only praised by the seal of God in the Parthenon Temple but also Simple, he should have other opportunities.

The flame feathers of the Colorful Luan Bird are definitely not ordinary containers.

Ying Yan needs strong power, he also has something to protect, he will take over the Ying family, he needs strength to protect a family. The Kraken natural disaster is not just talking, it occupies 71% of the world's oceans, and the Kraken is now declaring war on the world.

Under the overturned nest, there are dead eggs. Under this sea monster natural disaster, there is no safe place at all.

So Ying Yan made a deal with Phoenix Tinder, he would spend his whole life resurrecting Phoenix, and Phoenix would give him strength.

Ying Yan unexpectedly embarked on the same path as the ancient king, as did the ancient king and Qinglong soul.

Thinking of this, some people who understand the natural disasters of the sea monsters and the consequences of the birth of the gods are stunned.

It's a big gamble for Ying Yan, he will definitely be wanted by the Holy City if he does this, and Ying Yan doesn't even need to hide it anymore.

Afterwards, the world will undergo unprecedented changes, and he needs to take an unprecedented step. This is a big gamble.

Zhaohua looked at Ying Yan, who was surrounded by golden flames, and said with a smile: "Come on, let me see who is stronger, super-level summoning magic—elf assimilation—ancient spirit."

In this instant, the spirit ring behind Zhaohua erupted with indifferent light, and the surrounding wind elements were under control. The wind elements seemed to gather on Zhaohua's body at once, allowing Zhaohua to borrow the power between heaven and earth in an instant. All wind elements in general.

Forbidden world! Only some of the most special kinds of heaven can bestow the forbidden realm on mages. And Xiaofengcan's Fengtianseed is now stronger than when he fought against Zongguo, and even Xiaofengcan has been improved after combining the summoning system Xinghai.

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth were surging, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be driven by something. There was a whirlwind, an eye of the storm. At this moment, it seemed that an ancient god crawled out of nowhere.

Zhaohua's body exudes a faint emerald green light.

Ying Yan looked at Zhaohua's form. In the battle of Yaodu, Zhaohua relied on this kind of power to fight against the insects.

Ying Yan raised his hand, forming a sun.

"Holy Sun."

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