Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1322 Holy Bird Sword

"All the surrounding light elements have been absorbed!" Jiang Shaoxu felt that not only the wind elements, but also the light elements were completely controlled around him. Unless you have the same forbidden world of the heavenly species, even a super mage can't compete.

"This is the forbidden world?! Another one!"

Bai Zangfeng was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he exclaimed in shock, "Oh my god, what happened today, the forbidden realm, which is rarely seen in normal times, suddenly came out today with two mages who own the forbidden realm!"

Bai Zangfeng is the so-called ordinary genius, and Bai Zangfeng's strength is not bad. He was at the same level as Mo Fan back then, and he was also a top talent in the top domestic universities like Pearl University.

But now, as a super mage who is only 27 years old, even among so many families in Shanghai, this is a remarkable achievement. Dongfang Lie from the Dongfang family and Mù Nujiao from the Mu family can cultivate faster than him. That's all, Luo Song was already slower than him.

The famous young genius in Shanghai is not worth mentioning here.

The golden flame ball in Ying Yan's hand emitted a dazzling light, and the golden flame ball was thrown down with a bang. From a distance, it looked like a sun had been dropped.

"Double-attribute magic, it uses various attributes of the phoenix fire, combined with the sun formed by the super-level magic of the light system, and combines the hottest light and fire magic with each other." Zhaolang explained as if explaining.

Ji Shaoan sat on the chair and hugged Guigui, even Ji Shaoan knew that Ying Yan was very powerful, so he began to worry.

"Father is the strongest." Guigui said in a childish voice.

Ji Shao nodded seriously and said, "En."

Chirp! ! The sound of birdsong came from the fireball, and the clear and high-pitched birdsong sounded endlessly. As the fireball descended, it absorbed the fire and light elements of the world, constantly growing itself.

The phoenix fire seed is not an ordinary celestial species, it has multiple attributes, the phoenix is ​​an extremely special creature, it is the holy bird of the holy plane.

boom! ! ! When the fireball fell in front of Zhaohua, it had become huge with a diameter of hundreds of meters. At this moment, it really seemed that the sun had fallen, and Zhaohua could still vaguely see that there was a fireball in the sun. Birds, like the legendary Golden Crow, under this holy sun, the world seems to become small, and the entire Huashan Mountain is as insignificant as dust.

"Fengshen Celestial Seed—Falling Wind Thousand Blades—Chasing Wind Strike! Get up!"

Facing the flaming Shengyang, Zhaohua naturally did not retreat at all. The construction of the super-level three-level star palace was completed, and Xiaofengcan stood on Zhaohua's shoulders to open the forbidden world, and Xiaofengcan set off a world-destroying storm.

At this moment, Zhaohua exploded the wind magic to the extreme, Zhaohua pushed forward with both hands, Zhaohua's weak body seemed to hold up the sun, as if to lift the sun up.

A gust of green divine wind turned into a sharp sword and struck the huge holy sun. The divine wind was incomparably bright, and the power of the endless storm soared majesticly into the sky. From a distance, it looked like a green supreme giant hand, wanting to support it. Raise this fallen holy sun.

boom! ! ! Boom! ! Even if Zhaohua's wind system cultivation has reached the third super-order, and even with the power of the little wind silkworm, he can barely support this golden holy sun.

"Hold it!"

"Hold the grass, the summoner cooperates with the summoned beast, it's too stupid to fight one of these two."

"No, look at the sky! Look at what that is!"

Suddenly, a huge gap was opened in the clouds in the sky, and a majestic and sacred voice sounded from the sky.

"Immortal Fire - Holy Judgment - Holy Bird Sword!"

Chirp! ! ! ! As if being called, a cry came from the sky, another world, another plane, and the sacred firebird came through the sky with the power of judgment.

I only saw the thick cloud layer originally created by the old Taoist blockading Mount Hua, suddenly a ray of holy light tore through the cloud layer, and the golden light broke through the turbidity of the world, followed by a flame holy light composed entirely of golden light. The sword fell vertically, like a meteorite falling, so shocking, hot, and full of power.

The flame holy sword in the shape of a cross is about a kilometer long, and it is extremely huge. The shape of the cross and the rising flames look a bit like a diving firebird from a distance.

The fire bird holy sword swooped down, and the towering sword light pierced straight down.

Bigger and bigger than Shengyang, with a bang, it was like the last straw that crushed the camel's camel. They were originally competing with each other, and no one could do anything about it. The giant green hand and Shengyang tilted the balance at this moment .

After all, Zhaohua couldn't bear it anymore, and his whole body was hit from the sky by the huge holy sun and the firebird sword. With a loud noise, the flames shot straight into the sky, and the explosion flames engulfed Zhaohua.

Ji Shao was startled, and was so frightened that he quickly occupied himself. Zhang Ning grabbed Ji Shaohan's hand and said, "Don't worry, this kid has a lot of tricks, and there are so many summoned beasts that are useless."

Such an overbearing combination of light and fire magic made everyone gasp. Liu Jue said in surprise, "This is already a completely revived phoenix."

There is no doubt that Ying Yan's powerful power cannot be given by ordinary magic and heavenly seeds. It is definitely because of the phoenix, which is the power from the holy plane.

The holy plane is inherently stronger and larger than the magic world, and it is only natural that the power of the holy plane will be stronger.

Xuanyuanlong shook his head and said: "No, it would be great if the holy plane is only this level. Although this power is powerful, the phoenix is ​​far more than that, and the phoenix has not yet been fully resurrected."

"However, Zhaohua's degree of assimilation is much weaker than Ying Yan's. He maintains his human identity."

Zizizi! A burst of white air rose, and nine huge blue tails protected Zhaohua.

Huhuhu. Lan Xinghu stood on Zhaohua's other shoulder, guarding Zhaohua.

But Zhaohua's body still suffered from severe burns, but the Blue Star Fox with the strength of an ordinary monarch could not completely offset the impact of the phoenix's flames.

With a rustle, the Tianguan Zilin saplings turned into tree armor to protect Zhaohua's body, and the purple light began to heal Zhaohua's injuries.

Zhaohua stood up. Although his whole body was severely burned, his skin was torn apart and dripping with blood, but Zhaohua's expression was radiant, as if he was a normal person.

Zhaohua said calmly: "Unfortunately, you haven't fully revived the phoenix yet."

"Although the forbidden magic combined with fire and light is really domineering, it still can't kill me. I also have holy beasts of fire!"

"Come out, Tianyan! Ultra-level summoning magic—fire spirit assimilation——Tianyan!"

Ho ho! ! ! The dimensional rift opened, and a white flame shot out from the rift to Ying Yan.

Zhaohua shows the second assimilation form! Fire Spirit.

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