Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1345 Fusion of Evil Plants

At this time, Duanmulin and others, who had spent a day avoiding the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree, finally went deep into the cloud and mist area of ​​Qinling Mountains.

Ohh Ohh ohh! The wind was like howling ghosts and howling wolves, and it sounded particularly frightening. Everyone in Duan Mulin was not allowed to use magic to resist these strong winds.

These winds are the famous whirling winds in the sea of ​​clouds area of ​​the Qinling Mountains. A few years ago, the Yu Clan Conference held by the Silver Skylord and other Yu Clans competed against the whirling winds and went up against the wind. Whoever arrives sooner is the winner.

There are rumors that these whirling winds that do not follow the seasons, are not in accordance with the seasons, and are very irregular, are actually just the wind blown by the ancient Yuhuang on the ancient oath tree when he was sleeping.

Even for a super-level mage, it is quite uncomfortable to walk on steep mountains and be ravaged by strong winds all the time. These whirling winds are a bit like the storms in the Gobi Desert in Peru, which is equivalent to being attacked by mid-level wind magic all the time, and the closer you are to the ancient The oath tree, the greater the power of the whirling wind.

It was just a burst, but now it has become an uninterrupted attack, and now it has begun to undergo a qualitative change. These winds have a strong wind erosion power, which has dried up the mage's defensive magic. Being blown away, it is hard to imagine the extent of the whirling wind at the highest level of the ancient oath tree.

"Duanmu Forbidden Curse, now that we have reached the range of the ancient oath tree, can the location of Mr. Zhao Jing be more accurately determined?" Shi Gongzuo said while supporting the high-level water magic.

In this case, the magic energy consumed by the mage will be accelerated a lot. If Zhao Jing cannot be found quickly, once the magic energy is exhausted, he will turn into a pile of bones.

The most dangerous thing in the monster area is not necessarily the monsters in groups, more dangers actually come from the test of nature.

It's hard to find a guy here without more pinpointing.

"Duanmu Forbidden Curse?"

Shi Gongzuo looked at Duan Mulin, who was protected in the middle of the team, and found that he had closed his eyes at this moment, and a faint fluorescent light was emitting from his body, which was very vital.

They all knew that Duan Mulin was using plant magic.

After a while, Duan Mulin opened his eyes, and muttered to himself, "The members of the Judgment Council have indeed come."

Shi Gongzuo asked: "The Judgment Council? The Duanmu Forbidden Curse also called the people from the Judgment Council?"

Duanmulin suddenly cast a glance at Shi Gongzuo. For some reason, when he saw Duanmulin's eyes full of greed and pity, Shi Gongzuo's heart was shocked.

Duan Mulin smiled evilly and said, "Thank you for your hard work, we have arrived."

The other ultra-level mages looked at each other. This is an endless mountain forest. Because of the whirling wind, there are not even a few trees here. Where do people come from?

Duan Mulin opened his hands, as if wanting to hug something, and said loudly with a crazy smile: "Wake up, my plant-type forbidden spell——Haiyuan evil plant, let's fuse it!"

Pong! Duan Mulin's body suddenly exploded, and black tree tentacles emerged from Duan Mulin's body, reaching into the ground.

If Mo Fan and Hua Zhanhong were here at this time, they would definitely be surprised, because the current Duan Mulin is exactly the same as the Ice Forbidden Curse Mu Rong who was controlled by the Kraken Protoss.

The moment the trees exploded from Duanmulin's body, the vitality that was originally there disappeared completely, and the skin that was a bit old became alive, and he actually started to look younger.

Suddenly, an evil shadow stood upright, and the trees that emerged from Duan Mulin's body turned into evil trees of gods and demons, and an evil shadow of a tree appeared behind Duan Mulin! !

At this time, Duan Mulin had already merged into the tree, only his head was exposed on the wooden stake, and some kind of weird and evil eye lines appeared in the eyes of Duan Mulin's body, which made him not like a person at all. Human beings can't feel the slightest joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and only have an innate belief that they despise hundreds of millions of living beings, and they are both masters and destroyers!

Duan Mulin was actually controlled by the Siren God Clan!

No, Duan Mulin was controlled by a mysterious existence in the Amazon. It was the sea monster who controlled the Ice Forbidden Curse Mu Rong, but Duan Mulin was controlled earlier than Mu Rong.

The chance for Duan Mulin to break through the curse was from the Amazon Demon Empire, and Zhaohua knew that the Amazon Demon Empire and the Sea Demon God Kingdom had some kind of relationship. Fight and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

When Duan Mulin was looking for opportunities for the forbidden spell, he was already controlled by an ancient existence deep in the Amazon. You know, it was 20 or 30 years ago that Duan Mulin broke through the forbidden curse, and Duan Mulin is still the eighth holy mage in the Tianbang, his status is much higher than that of Mu Rong, and he knows much more than Mu Rong up.

boom! At this moment, a vibrant and chaotic force broke through the ground and soared into the sky. This force broke out from under the earth like a pillar and shot straight into the sky.

An extremely strange tree stump rushed out of the ground, intending to escape from here.

This dark green tree stump is empty in the middle, and there is a pool of water inside. There is a mysterious world in the pool. Mo Fan was almost lost in this pool at the beginning, and Zhao Jing was swallowed by this pool.

This tree stump is the seedling of the Shenmu well. The Shenmu well is not a well, it is actually a stump of a big tree, because the Shenmu well does not have the upper part of the trunk, and the stump is buried underground and contains some water, so it looks like a tree. Just like a well, it is called the Shenmu Well. As for where the upper part of the Shenmu Well went, no one knows, maybe it didn’t exist in the first place, and it looked like this.

The seedling of Shenmujing wanted to escape, but the trunk of Shenmujing was bound by the evil plant, and the evil plant was entangled with the seedling of Shenmujing like a spider web, preventing it from running away.

When the Shenmujing seedlings swallowed up Zhao Jing, they also swallowed up Zhao Jing's evil plants.

In fact, the evil plant is not a naturally growing plant, the evil plant is Duan Mulin's plant-type forbidden curse.

After the mage reaches the forbidden curse, the improvement of his cultivation level will stop absorbing magic energy, and he will perfect his own forbidden curse.

For example, the most famous thing is the undead forbidden curse of the undead system-the undead palace. The power of the undead forbidden curse mage depends on their undead palace.

The ancient king's undead palace is not the evil abyss, its undead palace is the white palace hidden in the evil abyss, that is the forbidden curse of the ancient king's undead. Needless to say, Khufu is the Pyramid of Khufu.

The forbidden curse of the undead system is to build the palace of the undead, while the forbidden curse of the plant system is to cultivate divine plants. The power of the forbidden curse of the plant system comes from the divine plants cultivated by oneself.

In fact, Duan Mulin is not considered to be manipulated. He has always had his own consciousness. He made a deal with the Amazon God Witch. The God Witch gave him the evil plant and made him a forbidden plant. The condition was that he had to go to the Shenmu Well Among them, the seedlings of Shenmujing were captured, and the seedlings of Shenmujing were cultivated to grow up, and finally merged with the evil plant.

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