Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1346 The Divine Tree Lost Realm

"This, what is this!!"

Seeing Duanmulin's strange changes, Shenmujing break out of the ground, and a green light soaring into the sky, Shi Gongzuo and other super mages couldn't help being shocked and changed their colors. No matter how stupid they were, they knew that Duanmulin had lied to him. them.

Zhao Jing was already dead, very dead, Duan Mulin came to Qinling not to confirm Zhao Jing's news, but to snatch the green and vibrant tree stump!

Ka Ka Ka, Pa Pa Pa, the branches of the Demon Tree on Duan Mulin's body go up to the sky and into the earth, covering the seedlings of Shenmujing in all directions, trapping the seedlings of Shenmujing tightly, and want to drag them into his body. Inside the main body of the forbidden curse plant, it is fused with the body of the evil plant.

Once the Shenmujing seedlings break free from the capture of the evil plant, then this time the Shenmujing seedlings really escaped.

"Hehehe, that is the seedling of Shenmujing. In the black forbidden zone deep in the Amazon demon empire, there is a tree well leading to the truth of the world. This seedling is its seedling. The seedling of Shenmujing is rare in a thousand years Only when the world undergoes drastic changes will a second Shenmu well grow."

Duan Mulin has been wrapped in the evil plant, but he is still conscious, he has not been swallowed, it is better to say that the current form is more like his forbidden curse magic.

Duanmulin smiled evilly and said, "You, like Zhao Jing, are the nourishment for the fusion and growth of Xiezhu and Shenmujing."

The ground was overturned, and the Qinling Mountains seemed to be plowed by a huge ox. It was like an earth dragon turning over and turning over countless soils. Suddenly, pieces of land were overturned into the sky.

Countless evil branches rushed towards Shi Gongzuo and other super mages. They were the 'food' brought by Duan Mulin from the beginning, and they needed to be full after fusion.


The screams continued to rise and fall. In addition to the super mages, the hunting group also had many trainee hunters serving hunters, who were mainly responsible for exploring and carrying things.

These hunters didn't even have a super-level cultivation base. Facing the attack of the evil plant of the forbidden curse level, the hunters were killed one by one, and they were killed instantly, even some super-level hunter mages. Under the circumstances, very few survived.

Shi Gongzuo of the four super-levels used the super-level magic of the earth system to create a rock dragon, which temporarily resisted the attack of the evil plant and the root.

Shi Gongzuo hurriedly said: "Duanmulin! You use the power of the forbidden spell under the ancient oath tree, do you think the ancient feather emperor will let you go! Then you will be dead!"

Shi Gongzuo has always been on guard. After all, an old hunter like him knows best that no one can be trusted in the monster area, and the most unbelievable is the person whose cultivation base is stronger than his own, because the cultivation base is stronger than himself. The opponent holds the power of life and death.

But he never thought that Duan Mulin would actually dare to use the power of the forbidden curse under the eyes of the ancient Yuhuang. Isn't this tantamount to suicide! It is impossible for the Yu Clan in Qinling to let go of the invading Forbidden Curse Mage.

It's like if the emperor invaded the human city alone, all the forbidden spell mages in our country would not let it go.

Duanmulin grinned and said, "Hahaha, the place where Shenmu Well is located is a piece of Shenmu Forbidden Realm, which is equivalent to a piece of different space. The outside world can't detect it. Do you think it will be a big war breaking out from the outside? Tell me You guys, you can't find it outside! As long as my evil plant can enter this different space, this is the natural power of Shenmujing!"

Shi Gongzuo immediately understood everything. No wonder no hunter found out when Mo Fan and Zhao Jing rushed into the Qinling Mountains, nor could they find the location of the battle and Zhao Jing's body. The battle of the top mage must have been turned upside down, how could it not be discovered.

It turned out to be such a thing! The Shenmujing seedlings have their own space. When Zhao Jing released the Shenmujing seedlings, Mo Fan saw that Zhao Jing was surrounded by trees. In fact, they were not trees at all. Because of the special perception ability of the Black Dragon Helmet in the Black Dragon Heaven Gear Set, Mo Fan saw that Zhao Jing was surrounded by trees. At the edge of the sacred wood forbidden area, normal people can't even see this point.

If Shenmujing hadn’t swallowed Zhao Jing and it would take time to digest, Mo Fan might not have been able to get out of Shenmujing’s forbidden realm. This is the top forbidden realm, and it has even reached the absolute forbidden realm of the forbidden curse level, reaching the level of God’s Domain .

This is why Duan Mulin is so confident. In the forbidden world of Shenmu, even the emperor can't detect it. This is a world of its own.

But Duan Mulin is still a hundred secrets and one sparse.

The ancient Yuhuang really couldn't see things in the sacred wood forbidden world on the ancient oath tree, but he could see it in the sacred wood forbidden world.

For example, those black bugs the size of a grain of rice that stick to the hunter mage's body are witnessing everything.

On the Tianguan Zilin God Tree, who was learning human meditation, the bugman who absorbed the magic energy of the light system suddenly opened his eyes, stood up and looked at the empty space under the ancient oath tree.

Although it can't see it, it knows that something is happening there through the black rice worm, but because of Shenmujing, it doesn't know the details.

The insect man's eyes flashed, and after thinking for a moment, he said through the summoning contract: "Something happened, come quickly."

On the other side, Zhaohua received the voice of the Zergman's contract, and even the Zergman said that something happened, it must be a big deal.

Zhao Hua said to Ji Shao in a low voice: "We're running out of time, let's fight our way out."

Zhaohua was not polite anymore, and released Long Yi, Death Knight, Sanwei, Ji Shaoan, Gu Suoyu, and the two silly creatures.

After Long Yi swallowed some flesh and blood of the Black Dragon Emperor, and exchanged for a monarch's sub-dragon battle spirit from the Trial Council, he also successfully advanced to an ordinary monarch.

But what really transformed beyond imagination is Sanwei.

Sanwei didn't look any different from the outside, it still looks like a girl with red hair and twin ponytails, the only change in body is that the abyssal mouth on the chest is completely hidden in the body, the current Sanwei is exactly the same as a human being, at least the body is the same.

But Sanwei is different from Mo Fan's contracted summoned beast Apas. Sanwei has no human blood at all, and the strength of Sanwei has improved as fast as lightning. Now that he is a great monarch, he has the sense of sight to surpass the little wind silkworm.

"Three tails, lift up the ground for me!"

Zhaohua no longer took his time, for fear of disturbing the demons in Qinling.

There are ways to crack the Sahara maze, and the simplest and most direct way to do so is to blast away the space of the maze, as well as the sandy land where it is located, and drop ten times with one force! Fry directly!

Sanwei showed his fangs, and said with a creepy smile, "I like this kind of order."

Sanwei opened his mouth, and a mass of dark energy intertwined and spiraled with each other, turning into a black hole-like energy mass. This black hole seems to be able to destroy everything.

puff! Three tails spit out the black hole forward, and the black hole instantly became incomparably huge. The terrible suction brought the ground soil of Qinling Mountains and all living things to the black hole. Once pulled into the black hole, it would be swallowed and shattered immediately, turning into nothingness.

Zhaohua picked up Ji Shaoan and flew straight to the direction of the ancient vow tree.

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