Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1347 Shenmu Labyrinth

boom! The Twelve Wings of Wind spread out, and Zhaohua's current speed was almost gone.

Xiong Da walked slowly not because he wanted to enjoy the scenery along the way, but because he had to.

How to say here is the Qinling Mountains, which is the Qinling Mountains with extremely rich national resources. Demons and humans are the same, they seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, not because there are emperors in this place that are rich in resources, but because this place is a treasure land, and emperors are born here in tribes that are suitable for these emperors.

Qinling is the paradise of the Yu Clan. Generally, wind mages who come to Qinling dare not fly. This is courting death. Even the forbidden spells of the wind element dare not, for fear of meeting the emperor and being surrounded by countless feather clans, it is difficult to escape the forbidden spells.

But Zhaohua did it.

Chirp! ! ! Zhaohua directly crossed the airspace of countless Yu clan monarchs. It is safer to walk on land in the Qinling Mountains than in other places, but the sky is the most dangerous.

The Yuzu attaches great importance to their own airspace. Once a monster or mage of the same level flies through their airspace, they will definitely attract the Yuzu's pursuit.

Zhaohua looked back, and there were three monarchs from the Yu family chasing behind him, all of them were ordinary monarchs.

"Long Yi, Xiong Da, Death Knight, stop them."

Roar! ! Long Yi, who has advanced to an ordinary monarch, is no longer a destructive evil dragon, but a destructive dragon who has advanced to a monarch level.

A black shadow descended from the sky, swooping down like these Yuzu monarchs, Long Yi's originally thick tail became a lot longer, nimble like a vicious snake, rolled up the largest Yuzu monarch, and with a long roar, the black dragon wings An explosion of extremely strong force fanned the air.

This is the purest physical force, Long Yi's dragon wings just slapped it hard, this terrifying force created two tornadoes, the tornadoes crashed into the other two Yu Clan monarchs and delayed them.

Long Yi's tail curled up with the Yu clan monarch in the middle and rushed to the ground. With a loud bang, Long Yi's dragon swung its tail and threw the monarch to the ground, pieces of soil were blown up, and a huge pothole was smashed out.

Ho ho! ! ! Long Yi seemed to have inherited the ferocity of the Black Dragon Emperor, the scales of his body shone with a cold light, but Long Yi's dragon scales were not immune to magic.

gaba! ! Xiong Da was striding on four legs, flying wildly. Xiong Da can't fly, but it has four legs. In addition, Xiong Da is huge, with a step of hundreds of meters. Zhaohua flies very fast, but Xiong Da runs fast.

The tornado rolled by Long Yi happened to hit the other two feathered monarchs. Blood-red thunder and lightning erupted all over Xiong Da's body. With a roar, the sound of the sky fell, and his claws firmly grasped the wings of a white flying eagle-like feathered monarch. Xiong Da stood tall. Leaping up, he fell to the ground with a bear hug, breaking several bones of the feathered monarch.

The fighting methods of these two wild beasts are ferocious and primitive, bloody and brutal, but the terrifying knights of dark creatures are the most elegant.

The shadow horse under the seat of the terrifying knight ran in the dark, and appeared on the back of the last feathered monarch through the shadows. The bone knife in the terrifying knight's hand was aimed at the feathered monarch, cutting a deep bone wound. .

They are all tame beasts, which is why Zhaohua dared to throw them in the demon area. They have no human aura and no summoning contract, so they are actually demons, but Zhaohua is too strong to tame them.

Insects are the only special case, not to mention the mana energy breath of humans, even forbidden curse mages and emperor monsters can't tell whether it is a human or a demon.

Buzzing, some black rice worms appeared on Zhaohua's arm, and these black rice worms formed an arrow pointing in the direction of the Shenmu Forbidden Realm.

Zhaohua turned his head and glanced at the position of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree, without saying anything, his eyes were fixed, and he directly slammed into the forbidden area of ​​the sacred tree.

The sacred wood forbidden world is the same as the maze world in the Sahara, easy to enter and difficult to exit.

Huh, the moment Zhaohua rushed into the forbidden world with Ji Shao in his arms, the scenery in front of him changed immediately, as if the mountains they saw just now were all fake.

"Are we underground?" Ji Shao said silently, looking in front of him.

Zhaohua landed on the ground and put Ji Shaoan down, this place is underground, looking up, there are some criss-crossed holes around, like insect nests, this place is actually a maze-like place.

Zhaohua looked back, and the back turned into a passage. They had already entered a different dimension, and they could only go out by finding the exit.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan didn't know that it wasn't like this when Mo Fan rushed in. Shenmujing's original space was a dense forest, which was exactly the same as the Amazon forest, not such an underground labyrinth.

Zhaohua, who was standing on the ground, couldn't help being moved and surprised, and said: "This place should be inside a huge tree, and the surrounding maze should be the tree wall of this huge tree."

After careful identification, Zhaohua guessed that some kind of change might have happened to the seedlings of Shenmujing, and this change was most likely caused by Duanmulin.

"Duanmulin should have merged with the seedlings of Shenmujing, but it may have gotten out of control, otherwise he should have escaped with plant magic." Zhaohua touched the walls of these trees and said.

Elementary and intermediate levels have the strongest escaping ability from wind, earth and shadow systems, while high-level ones have wind and space systems, but at super-levels, plant systems are the best escapers.

Because the third-level magic of the super-level plant system, Hundred Flowers Blossom - Change Flowers and Change Woods, allows plant mages and themselves to hide themselves in the plants. Once attacked, they can change into plants, change flowers and change trees to avoid attacks and hide.

Since Duan Mulin didn't run away, it means he can't run away yet.

Just when Zhaohua used the sense of wind to explore the way, a black line drilled out from the ground, it was the black rice worms hidden in the clothes of Shi Gongzuo and others, and they were Zhaohua's strongest spies.

The black rice worms formed texts on the ground to transmit messages. Now Zhaohua can't get in touch with the outside world, and even the telepathic communication of the summoning system contract is blocked.

Zhaohua looked at the changing words on the ground, his eyes turned cold, and his face changed drastically when he saw the end. The development of the matter was completely beyond Zhaohua's imagination.

Originally, he had come to snatch the Shenmujing seedlings with Duan Mulin, and give the Tianguan Zilin saplings an advanced monarch.

The thing that worries Zhaohua the most still happened. Mu Rong is not the only puppet forbidden curse mage controlled by the Kraken God Kingdom, but Duan Mulin is also. Moreover, Duan Mulin is a stronger holy mage than Mu Rong. He knows a lot about our country's fight against demons. The layout of the emperor.

"The fusion of the Amazon Demon Kingdom and the evil plant is really tricky this time."

Even Zhaohua can't help but feel a headache, if it's just Duanmulin with a series of forbidden curses, Zhaohua still has a little chance of winning, but if you add the Amazon Xieying and the Xiezhu that has fused the seedlings of Shenmujing, even Zhaohua has to Get serious again.

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