Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1348 God Wood Puppet

Rushing, the black rice worm climbed onto the back of Zhaohua's hand like a wire of fire.

Since the insect man devoured the body and spiritual world of Xi Zhe, the forbidden curse of the light system, not only his strength has been improved, but even the black rice worm has changed.

These black rice worms have become smaller. They were only the size of rice grains, less than one centimeter in size, but now they have shrunk again, and now they are only one-thousandth of a centimeter in size, that is, one micron.

The fundamental reason why the black worm can freely copy different creatures is that they are very small, only one micron in size, and they can freely change into any shape and form anything.

However, there are still things that the rice grain black bug cannot completely copy. For example, elements, which exist in nature as illusory things, cannot be copied even by a rice grain black bug that is only one micron, because the element is smaller than one micron.

Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong once studied that in order to perfectly replicate a creature, the size of the black rice worm must be at least a nanometer smaller than a micron.

Maybe when the bugmen reach a stronger level, these black rice bugs may become nano amoebas.

Ji Shaohan asked blankly: "Then what should we do now? Where should we go?"

Ji Shao silently looked at the tree holes everywhere and got a headache. He couldn't tell where the exit was, or rather, the two of them didn't know what to look for.

Zhaohua pondered for a moment, his eyes flashed a gleam, and he smiled as if he had thought of some good plan: "Let's break the sacred wood forbidden world first."

Ji Shao said silently, "Blow this tree away?"

"No, this is within Duanmulin's forbidden curse plant. The sacred wood forbidden area isolates us from the outside world. If we only rely on our strength, it will be difficult to defeat Duanmu Lin who has fused with the seedlings of Shenmujing, so we have to add Qinling outside." Yu Clan."

Zhaohua thought of chasing wolves and tigers away. Duan Mulin is a curse mage. Even if he is controlled by the emperor of Amazon, he is still a curse mage. All the Yu clan attacked Duanmulin.

Zhaohua can't let Duanmulin run away no matter what, Duanmulin is more difficult than Mu Rong, and the sea monster natural disaster is imminent, why Duanmulin merged with Shenmujing seedlings at this time is also worthy of Zhaohua's deep thinking.

All Zhaohua's current plans to fight against the sea monsters are completed by himself, because of the fact that Mu Rong was controlled by the emperor of the sea monster kingdom, now Zhaohua can't trust the high-level magic, even Zhaohua can't tell who is People who are ghosts.

All Zhaohua's arrangements for fighting the sea monster need to be separated step by step and handed over to different people to complete, because he is afraid that a mage of a certain trial will be manipulated by the sea monster.

Zhaohua looked at Ji Shaohan and said, "Is there a way to decipher the power of Shenmujing?"

\u003c( ̄︶ ̄)\u003eJi Shaohan put his hands on his hips, showing a naive smile, raised his eyebrows, and had an expression of [watching my old lady perform].

( ̄ω ̄) Zhaohua floated a sentence leisurely: "Let me remind you first, there is no power of darkness in the forbidden world of Shenmujing."


At this time, Ji Shaohan realized belatedly that there is not even a little bit of dark power here. Although without the power of darkness, it means that black magic cannot be used, but in this way, it is impossible to accumulate strength to use big moves, let alone use forbidden realms and god realms.

Zhaohua naturally knew that the cooperation between Guigui and Ji Shaoan was invincible, but without the power of darkness, Guigui would basically be useless.

And Shenmujing is a plant-type monster, and the opposite of the shadow-type is not the light-type, but the plant-type.

Because the plant system represents vitality and life, the seven elements work together and combine to create plants, and darkness is the force that makes plants lose their vitality.

The opposite of the light system is actually the ice system, which is cold, melting glaciers, melting cold, that is sunlight. Although the light system can also break the darkness, it is not the power of the light system, but the darkness fades, and it is the turn of the light to appear. The two are actually a relationship between one left and one right.

Therefore, in the forbidden world of Shenmujing, there are seven elements, but there is no power of darkness.

Ji Shao was stunned for a moment, without the power of darkness, with her current cultivation base, she would not be able to use the forbidden dark realm with Guigui to break the forbidden realm of Shenmu.

Just as Zhao Hua and Ji Shao were discussing, a huge wind slashed from behind.

Hoo hoo! ! The blue star fox appeared from the contract space, and the blue star fox that has reached the level of the little monarch now has nine blue tails.

A blue light flashed in Blue Star Fox's eyes, condensing the water element in the air, nine transparent fox water tails wrapped around Zhaohua, slashing the wind for him.

Zhaohua looked at the black shadow behind him, and said calmly: "Let me greet the guests, but it's a pity that there is no good tea to serve."

The super-level second-level wind-type magic that destroys the wind-thousand blades - Tu Fengzhan, Zhaohua himself can use super-level wind magic, so he naturally recognizes that this wind-type magic is super-level magic.

The one who shot was Shi Gongzuo, but now Shi Gongzuo is like a puppet, his eyes are dull and out of focus, if you look carefully, you will find that there is a vine connected to the back of Shi Gongzuo's neck.

Shenmu puppet!

In the Shenmu Well deep in the Amazon demon empire, there are countless corpses killed by the Shenmu Well. They are imprisoned inside like puppets. There are not only human mages, but also powerful demons, and even the corpses of emperors.

These corpses stored in Shenmujing are used to fight against foreign enemies. Shenmujing not only has the ability to confuse, but also has the power to manipulate corpses, and it is different from the undead. Use magic.

The sound of footsteps came from inside the Shenmu maze. At this time, Shi Gongzuo's hunting group had been completely wiped out by Duanmulin. Duanmulin was merging with Shenmujing, and had obtained part of the power of Shenmujing.

They are all ultra-level mages, and high-level mages can't even enter the eyes of Shenmujing, so they are not worthy of its control and collection.

Zhaohua looked at the man next to Shi Gongzuo, Zhaohua recognized who he was, the magic genius of the Zhao family, Zhao Jing with the strength of the top.

Now it seems that Zhao Jing was not killed by Mo Fan, but was confused and devoured by the Shenmujing seedlings released by himself, and became a Shenmu puppet.

"Can't connect to the Summoning Plane."

Just as Zhaohua wanted to open the dimensional rift to summon Tianyan, the stars were already arranged in star tracks, but in the forbidden world of Shenmu, it was like coming to another world, and the dimensional rift of the summoning plane could not be opened.

Little Wind Silkworm was summoned early in the morning so it was still there, but Tianyan and Little Rainbow Rainbow Dragon couldn't be summoned, and they couldn't even open the gate of the beast tide.

Zhaohua had already guessed that this day would come, so he always prepared for the worst.

A silver-white holy light appeared from Zhaohua's wrist.

"Show your new posture! Come out, Holy Silver!"

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