Full-time Summoner

Chapter 138 Origin Fire Jade

Two months later, Zhaohua lived in the Summoning Plane for two months. Knowing how to use it and using it flexibly are two different things. You need to quickly disassemble the magic, then extract the magic energy of the wind element, and add the little wind silkworm Using the elven magic to transform the wind element into the magic energy of the same nature used by oneself, this process is slower than using three magics.

In addition, Zhaohua also needs to practice meditation and control training at a relatively slow speed. It is true that he can read the star trail, but he cannot read the star map. Because the star map is composed of seven star tracks, that is to say, the magic order of the intermediate level is to first make the seven star tracks, and then arrange the star tracks according to the shape of the magic star map to form the star map.

And his cheating method can only make Xingzi obedient, but the star path formed by Xingzi has been finalized, but he has no choice but to control it by himself. Although it is much faster than forming a star map step by step, it is still It is impossible to cheat like a star map.

Zhaohua has thought about directly making forty-nine pieces to form a star map, but this is too difficult and very error-prone, not only the position of the stars is easy to be wrong, but the route of the magic energy is also wrong, so at this stage Zhaohua can only give up one thought The plug-in ability of the star map.

"Phew." Zhao wiped the sweat from his forehead, he would meditate to recover every day when he ran out of mana, and now Zhaohua could use middle-level magic without the help of Xiaofengcan's spiritual body.

"I've been summoning the plane for two months, it's time to go back." Zhaohua made the calculations, it's been a long time, and Zhaolang and Zhang Ning are probably worried.

"I'll probably be beaten to death by Ji Shaohan when I go back." Zhao Hua was already ready to be beaten.

Zhaohua knocked on the door of the green room, and Feng Ling came out of the room and said, "What? Are you going back?"

Zhaohua nodded and said: "It's been too long in the summoning plane. It's time to go back. I have mastered the domain, and now I just need to practice more."

"Well, since there is no problem, it's better to leave." In fact, Feng Ling has been waiting for Zhaohua to leave, and she is very curious about how Zhaohua came here.

This is also the place where Feng Ling is most curious and confused. What he insists on saying here belongs to the same place as the Holy Land. Zhaohua has no idea how much the Sun Swallowing Tortoise and Sun Moon Wolf who cultivate here have paid to come here to practice. .

On the Summoning Plane, there are groups, tribes, and empires. The tribes of the Sun Swallowing Turtle and the Sun Moon Wolf belong to relatively powerful tribes. They have spent a lot of money and consumed a lot of resources to allow the proud sons of the tribe to come here to conduct practice.

As for Zhaohua, he was sent here without formal channels or their consent. Fengling knows what this means better than Zhaohua. She is more curious about how Zhaohua will leave. Last time she watched Zhaohua leave without seeing any clues. She was wrapped in the light and disappeared. This time she must See a 123.

After hearing this, Zhao Hua asked instead: "Before I leave, I want to ask Sister Fengling if there is any place where I can contract a summoned beast. It's not here, it's better to contract it."

? Feng Ling also thought that Zhao Hua wanted to use the middle-level contract summoning to take away the monsters and said: "If you want to take them away from the summoning plane, I guess people with higher bloodlines will not agree. Only low-level monsters in the desert can do that." It's possible, if you want to go, I can give you a ride."

Fengling doesn't mind what Zhaohua's second summoned beast is at all. No matter how strong you are, you won't be as powerful as the innate elf's Fengling silkworm. Zhaohua is still too weak to fully exert the power of elf magic. The domain is just the beginning , There is a more terrifying force behind it.

"Then Xiaohuazi thanked Sister Fengling in advance. There is another question, can the spiritual world store things?" Zhaohua did not directly say that he has a piece of ruby ​​in the spiritual world, but asked carefully if he could store things .

If the spiritual world can't put things at all, then Zhaohua will keep this secret in his heart.

"The spiritual world? You should know better."

! ! ! Zhaohua was startled, did Feng Ling know that there was something in his spiritual world! ? But Zhaohua asked Xiaofengcan whether he could see anything in his spiritual world intentionally or unintentionally in the past two months. The answer was that the book of moonlight and ruby ​​could only be seen by himself, but Xiaofengcan couldn't. .

"Because Sister Feng Ling is stronger?"

Zhaohua still kept a smile on his face, showing no flaws.

Feng Ling added: "You humans' spiritual magic tools are fine, and some special spiritual magic tools can be used in the spiritual world."

! ? This Zhaohua really didn't know, it turns out that spiritual magic tools can be used in the spiritual world! ! But Zhaohua thought about it and felt that it made sense. After all, spiritual magic equipment protects the spirit, and it is not impossible for some special magic equipment to directly affect the spiritual world.

Zhaohua immediately felt relieved, it turned out that it was not very special, and said, "Sister Feng Ling, take a look at this ruby, do you know its origin?"

Zhaohua entered the spiritual world, and then slowly controlled Hongyu to make it appear as if using magic. He already knows how to manifest things in the spiritual world, that is, to control them through mental power.

It's a pity that the book still can't be controlled by mental power. It can only be moved a little to intimidate Xingzi, but it still doesn't work to take it out. Comparing the two, Zhaohua knew that the energy contained in this ruby ​​probably wasn't much, and it was far inferior to the Book of Moonlight.

But when Zhaohua showed Hongyu, he immediately regretted it, and it was a deep regret. Because Feng Ling's face changed drastically when he saw Hongyu, Zhaohua knew that he had made a big mistake.

Needless to say, Feng Ling's strength and status, Zhaohua can guess a thing or two, probably the queen of Feng Ling, even she is shocked, one can imagine the importance of this ruby.

Before Zhao Hua had time to explain, and before Feng Ling had time to talk to him, Zhao Hua felt a majestic cold murderous intent and terrifying high temperature and scorching heat coming from behind him.

The wind spirit disappeared in an instant, the speed was so fast that Zhaohua couldn't see clearly at all, only in an instant, a burst of explosion came from behind, Zhaohua was blown away by the strong wind from behind, and finally used the wind silk to tie the surrounding trees, Steady the body.

It was a sea of ​​flames, the flames were like huge waves, dyeing the entire sky red, all the distance Zhaohua could see was covered by the flames, the flames were as deep as blood, and the sky was divided by the monstrous flames, in the sea of ​​flames a woman wearing a flame robe The queen in the black skirt stood in the sea of ​​fire on red high heels.

A head of red hair fluttering around, her body is so hot that every strand of it is so hot that it is fascinating, her eyes that seduce all living beings, her sexy and plump lips reveal all kinds of amorous feelings all the time.

But Zhaohua is only terrified now, if not for Fengling, he would have died.

The fiery red woman's gesture of reaching out her hand was blocked by Feng Ling. It is not difficult to see that she released the killing intent just now, and not only released the killing intent, but also directly attacked.

The fiery red woman never looked at Feng Ling from the beginning to the end, but looked at Zhao Hua, her eyes were full of murderous fluctuations, obviously she was covered in flames but her eyes were abnormally cold.

"Why is the Origin Fire Jade in your hand?"

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