Full-time Summoner

Chapter 139 Actually, I Can

"Why is the Origin Fire Jade in your hand?"

At this moment, Zhaohua has no thoughts of regret in his mind, because he knows that regret can't help him anything, it will only make him lose the possibility of surviving.

Zhaohua's brain is running crazily now. To find a way out in this situation, he needs to calculate all the possibilities once.

Now Zhaohua knows that the ruby ​​in his spiritual world is called Origin Fire Jade, just by listening to the name, he knows that this ruby ​​is extraordinary, and the beauty of the red-haired woman standing in the sea of ​​fire is not as strong as the spirit of the wind, that doomsday The sea of ​​flames with the same scene has shocked Zhaohua to this day.

Moreover, the red-haired woman has a strong killing intent towards her, which may have something to do with Hongyu's origin.

There are only three things Zhaohua can rely on now. The first is the life-and-death contract with Xiaofengcan. With it, Fengling will protect him, but Zhaohua doesn't think that relying on this alone can keep him safe. Can the contract be forcibly terminated, even if it cannot be terminated, with her small body, if the red-haired woman really wants to kill herself, even a little spark is enough. Feng Ling might not be able to protect herself.

The second is the red jade itself, which is a bargaining chip, and it is useless to Zhaohua. It is very cost-effective to hand it over to exchange a life. But there is a serious problem, that is, whether the ruby ​​in the spiritual world can be handed over safely.

Zhaohua thought about it carefully, Hongyu should be similar in nature to Xingzi, so taking Xingzi away would make him safe? It is very likely that his spiritual world will be seriously damaged, which is what Zhaohua does not want.

The last is the Book of Moonlight. This is Zhaohua's last and biggest hole card. Ruby is the thing in the Book of Moonlight, and it can also bring itself to summon planes back and forth. If the previous two are not good, then this is the My last hope.

"I...I don't know..." Zhaohua showed a panicked, pitiful, weak and helpless look.

The red-haired woman showed a sarcasm smile, the sea of ​​fire surged behind her, and a thousand-meter fireball burst out like a bubble in the sea of ​​fire. world crisis.

"Hongyan, he is the contractor of Fengling Silkworm." Fengling didn't even look at the huge fireball hanging above his head, but said with a hint of warning.

The woman named Hong Yan glanced at Feng Ling, not only did not stop, but the fireball became bigger and bigger, and the terrifying high temperature caused all the cultivating creatures to dive into the water one after another.

Zhaohua knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Something would happen to Zhaohua when the fireball hit him. He would not gamble on Fengling's protection of him. Brother Hua, but Zhaohua will not be foolish to think that others really regard you as family.

Other than Zhaolang and Zhang Ning who are willing to work hard for Zhaohua, it is difficult to find a third one, um. . Maybe Ji Shaohan can also be counted as one.

"I... I really don't know what is the Origin Fire Jade, but I can give it to you." Zhaohua still had a pitiful, helpless expression. At this time, pretending to be profound is afraid that someone will slap him to death.

Zhaohua has been paying attention to Hongyan's expression, hoping to read something from it, but no matter how Zhaohua pretends to be pitiful and innocent, Hongyan's eyes are still cold, and his killing intent towards him has not weakened at all.

At this time, Feng Ling explained: "The Fire Jade of Origin is now in your spiritual world, and it is already yours. Unless you die, the Fire Jade of Origin will always be yours. It is like a magic tool. You Once the magic equipment is bound, no one else can take it away, unless you kill you and return the magic equipment to the unowned state."

"The origin fire jade is an important item about the origin of our elves."

Hongyan's expression didn't change, it was an expression of 'now you know why I wanted to kill you'.

The one struggling most now is Fengling. If Zhaohua dies, Xiaofengcan will die too, but the Origin Fire Jade has a lot to do with it, and she doesn't think Hongyan will miss this opportunity.

And it happened that Zhao Hua came to the Summoning Plane with his real body.

Zhaohua is not someone who will give up easily. Now that he knows that Fengling really wants to protect himself, she deliberately told Zhaohua a lot of information, hoping to turn things around.

"Sister Feng Ling, the little wind silkworm can appear in my spiritual world, why can't it find the fire jade of origin?"

Zhaohua now needs more knowledge and information. He needs to know more on the premise of concealing the Moonlight Book, and even tells the truth to conceal the past when necessary.

While staring at Hong Yan, Feng Ling explained: "The attributes are different. The little wind silkworm is of the wind attribute. The origin of the fire attribute is different, so the origin jade of the fire attribute is naturally invisible. If it is the wind jade, I would like to thank you."

coming! That's it. Although Zhaohua's unreasonable origin of fire jade is what it is, but from the information Fengling told himself just now, it can be known that this thing is the treasure of the elves, and every attribute has it, and as long as it is the same attribute, it can be used. transfer.

Zhaohua pretended to be grasping at straws to save his life, and hurriedly said: "I can make a contract, can't I give you the fire jade when the time comes?"

Zhaohua said to Hongyan, who was flying in the sky, that although Zhaohua looked submissive, there was always a trace of calmness in his eyes, and he was still observing.

Laughing, Hongyan showed a sneer, nodded and agreed after listening, "Okay."

With a whoosh, a red fire ball floated out from behind Hongyan. The fire ball floated lazily, floating and floating. Standing beside Hongyan, Zhaohua saw a pair of eyes looking at him in the fire ball. There is another universe inside.

Needless to say, Zhaohua can also feel the same feeling as Xiaofengcan from Huotuan, which is also an innate elf, and it is of the fire department. It gave Zhaohua the feeling that the elves in the fire ball were more powerful than the little wind silkworm.

But compared to Hongyan and Fengling, it is also the same as Xiaofengcan, as if there is a dragon gate that has not been jumped, and there is something missing, not strength but something more illusory.

Huh, a gust of wind blew and prevented the fireball from approaching Zhaohua, Fengling said speechlessly: "Didn't I say that the nebula of the summoning system can't bear two elves at all, and your nebula will be destroyed by two spirits with different attributes." When the strength collapses, the spiritual world will collapse."

If it weren't for the current situation, Feng Ling would have wanted to knock him on the head, didn't he say that he didn't have to pay attention to his lectures.

But to the surprise of Fengling and Hongyan, Zhaohua retorted: "If I can succeed in the contract and give Hongyu to you, can I save my life?"

At this time, Zhaohua only knows how happy he is. He has two summoning systems! ! two! If he could contract another fire elf, it would be so exciting! ! He doesn't want the Fire Jade of Origin, but he is definitely willing to exchange for a fire-type elf.

What is true fragrance, this is true fragrance. At the beginning, Zhaohua knew that he wanted to contract a wind spirit silkworm like a green silkworm, but he was reluctant in every possible way. Now that he has elven magic, he has the confidence to leapfrog to kill the mage who has just advanced to the middle level when he is still a beginner. What else? Could be more tempting than this.

Fire department! If he also contracts a fire elf at the beginning level, then he has three elements, wind, fire, and summoning, and he also has two intermediate-level contract summons that are useless, plus the three-tailed jade scale scorpion, six Hit one, come, come, I will let you four can beat you.

When the sky cleared and the rain stopped, Zhaohua felt that he could do it again.

Thanks to 【Myerst】【20200115233325195】【Huang Fuchang】*2 monthly pass! ! (*^__^*)

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