Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1404 I owe it again (reward for crowdfunding and more)

With a bang, Yuri Ellie's body was thrown in front of Sanwei.

Yuri Ellie is indeed dead, but the body is still well preserved. The body of the demon is indeed much stronger than that of humans. Zhaohua's whole body is broken, but Yuri Ellie is still dead and can leave the whole body.

When Sanwei saw the 'gift' given by Zhaohua, he immediately smiled. Although what Sanwei longed for was Sisina, the snake and scorpion Medusa, Yuri Ellie was just as useful to Sanwei.

Three tails drilled out from the clothes. The tails of the three tails did not grow on the buttocks, but on the waist. The white bone tail, the venom needle tail, and the thousand-eyed tail, the three tails drilled out like spirit snakes.

The white bone tail and the venom needle tail were not interested after a glance, and went back to sleep. These three tails seemed to be alive and could judge for themselves.

Only the thousand-eyed tail with countless pupils became interested, and looked at the remaining eye of Yuri Allie with great interest. It was the pupil of deceit, and one of them was in Mo Fan's hand.

At the beginning, Mo Fan used the power of the Deceitful Pupil to deceive the Holy Inquisition Court, and Zhaohua was almost deceived. If it weren’t for the ghosts protecting Zhaohua, and the dark pupil has the effect of seeing through hypocrisy, Zhaohua would not be able to. It was discovered that the original Zu Xiangtian was changed by Mo Fan.

Seeing the three tails of Sanwei, Lingling also took a look at Sanwei. At this time, Lingling knew that this girl with red hair and red eyes turned out to be a humanoid monster.

"Don't waste these eyes and flesh and blood."

Sanwei stretched out his hand to grab Urielie's right eye, his fingers turned into claws, trying to snap Urielie's eyeball off alive.

After all, Sanwei is a monster, eating raw meat, button eyeballs and other things are normal for monsters.

Just when Sanwei was about to close Urielie's deceitful pupils, suddenly Urielie opened her eyes, and a sharp cry came: "Ahhh!! My eyes!! Give me back my eyes !"

Yuri Aili is indeed dead, this is its battle spirit.

Commander-level monsters have a certain chance of turning their souls into battle spirits when they die. Monarchs have a 100% chance. The souls of monarchs are all offensive. After death, they will not become spirit spirits, but will become aggressive battle spirits It will kill all creatures that are close to its corpse.

Battle spirits are somewhat similar to the wraiths of the Nine Nether Empress, they have no wisdom, they only remember the deepest and most hated things in their lifetime.

Obviously, even if Yuri Aili died and turned into a ghost, she would not let Mo Fan go.

Seeing Yuri Ellie's battle spirit appearing from the eyes of deceit, Sanwei didn't panic at all. The supreme monarch's battle spirit is very strong, but it is only the little monarch's strength, far from the level of his life.

Sanwei licked his lips, and the thousand-eyed tail wrapped around Urielie's eagle claws. Sanwei opened his mouth and bit it directly, tearing off a piece of the battle spirit, chewing it a few times before swallowing it.

After Sanwei tasted it, his eyes curved like crescent moons, and his eyes told everyone that the taste was very good and satisfying, and he liked it very much.

The battle between Sanwei and Yuri Ellie was almost one-sided. Sanwei didn't even use any demon skills, and just relied on brute force to swallow Yuri Ellie alive.

With a puff, Sanwei pulled down the bloody Deceitful Eye, held the Deceitful Eye between the index finger and thumb of his right hand, raised his head and opened his mouth to prevent a drop of blood from being wasted, and directly put it into his mouth and swallowed it.

Zhaohua noticed that one of the eyes in Sanwei's Qiantong tail was closed, and Zhaohua knew that Sanwei was going to change his eyes and implant the deceitful pupil into his tail.

Sanwei looked at the corpse on the ground, not wasting anything.

The more elegant summoned beasts, such as the Blue Star Fox and the Blue-tailed Carp, looked disgusted. Elegance never goes out of style. Can you be more elegant?

Zhaohua looked at Empress Jiuyou, who was gnashing her teeth and looking at her with hatred.

"Don't worry, I didn't take what your king left Mo Fan." Zhaohua was clever, he didn't say he didn't take anything, but he said he didn't take the Qinglong Dragon Heart left to Mo Fan.

"Do you think I'll believe you!" Empress Jiuyou roared.

Zhaohua spread his hands and said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you. If you want to wait until the undead retreat from the Pyramid of Khufu and let the dead kings of all directions surround me, then you are too naive."

After Zhaohua saw through Jiuyou, he immediately gritted his teeth. It hadn't longed to become stronger for a long time.

Leng Lingling went straight to the point and asked, "Can you tell me what is under the throne?"

Zhaohua looked at Leng Lingling, Leng Lingling was asking herself the same sentence that Hui Zhaohua asked her about the holy totem, meaning to make Zhaohua return the favor.

Zhaohua smiled slightly and said, "Of course, under the throne is a living green dragon heart."

! ! ! ! !

Not only Leng Lingling, but even Empress Jiuyou's face changed drastically, the living Dragon Heart is in the palace of the undead! ! !

"Then if there is a dragon heart, can Qinglong be fully resurrected! Demon City..."

Zhaohua interrupted Leng Lingling's fantasy and said, "The Holy Spring is not enough, and even if Qinglong is fully revived, it may not be able to resist the sea monster."

Leng Lingling also guessed that since the ancient capital sent people to fetch water and reserve the holy spring, it means that the resurrection of Qinglong must require an extremely large holy spring, and it is not certain whether the holy springs in the world are enough.

Zhao Hua said: "It's best to wait until Mo Fan's forbidden curse to tell him, the holy spring of the earth is also a kind of energy substance, and it is not ruled out that it can be replaced by other things, such as the core of the earth, and the core of the earth can also be replaced by other things." Method to recharge. But no matter what, to collect enough energy to revive the green dragon, I am afraid that you need to go deep into the emperor's area and the black restricted area to have a chance. If there is no forbidden spell, you will die if you go."

Then Zhaohua shook his head with a bitter smile, as if laughing at himself: "Of course, the premise is that Mo Fan can come back alive, and the whole world is not invaded by sea monsters."

"If we all die at the hands of the sea monster in the end, it will make no difference whether there is a dragon heart or not."

Leng Lingling naturally understands that the biggest problem now is the sea-monster. If the sea-monster is not removed, it may not even be able to go deep into the monster area. When the time comes, the living environment of human beings will be compressed, not to mention finding the resources to resurrect the Qinglong. I am afraid that food and clothing will become a problem up.

Zhaohua walked behind Sanwei, patted Sanwei on the head and said, "You are full now, do you want Sisina later?"

Sanwei stood up, wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth with his right hand, licked the blood at the corner of his mouth with his tongue, opened his mouth with bloody teeth, rolled his eyes slightly, showing an obsessed expression, and said, "Master, I love you to death. Don't worry." , I won’t eat you even if I become an emperor.”

Zhaohua rolled his eyes at it, shook his head speechlessly, and said, "You can do it, Ji Shao will not fry you to pieces?"

When Zhaohua was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and said to Leng Lingling, "Leng Lingling, tell Mo Fan, he owes me a favor again."


At the same time, I would like to thank [The rest of my life has not returned] for the reward of 10,000 coins, please wait for a few days.

owed again~~

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