Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1405 The Power of Three Tails

hiss! ! Apas bared her fangs and roared like a snake. Apas's pink-gold inverted triangle snake eyes flashed with golden light, and the entire battlefield in front of the white palace was immediately covered by a mysterious force.

At this moment, a monarch-level giant python broke open from the ground, and the giant python opened its bloody mouth to swallow Apas who jumped into the air. Apas sensed the danger, and his eyes shone with petrified light. The moment Apas looked at the giant python, he heard the sound of sizzling, and saw that the giant python, which was hundreds of meters long and opened its bloody mouth, was petrified the moment it broke through the ground. , turned into a stone statue.

Apas stood on top of the giant python stone statue, panting continuously. After fighting for so long, Apas's combat effectiveness has dropped seriously, especially the use of spirit power.

The petrified pupil whose mental power has reached the imperial level is indeed very fierce. Many undead from the Khufu Pyramid around were turned into stone statues by the aftermath of petrification. Not as good as his eldest sister Sisina.

Every time the power of petrification is used, the power of the soul will drop by a bit.

Sisina showed a ferocious smile on the steps of the white palace. Sisina looked at her left hand, and her heart was full of horror. Its left hand was actually petrified by Apas.

You know, Sisina is not only the supreme monarch, stronger than Apasi, but Sisina is also the daughter of Medusa, and she also inherited the pupil of petrification, which has a very high resistance to petrification. Thinking that one day in my life I will be petrified!

And it can't undo Apasi's petrification by itself.

This made Sisina fearful.

"Third Sister, it seems that your mental strength is about to fail." Sisina proudly looked at the exhausted Apas.

The biggest weakness of Apas is that there is no tribe of her own. Apas will cooperate with the Egyptian army leader to provide Egypt with shelter, and then Egypt will provide it with resources to cultivate its own snake tribe, so as to counter Sisina. femme tribe.

As a result, before the big plan was carried out, it was destroyed by Mo Fan and turned into Mo Fan's contracted summoned beast.

So Apas doesn't have a tribe now, Sisina knew this, and deliberately let her subordinates go down to die, consuming Apas' soul power.

The Red Skull Demon Lord wanted to rescue him, but the Great Monarch of the Pyramid of Khufu was also not weak, and he entangled the Red Skull Demon Lord, and he was almost one against two now.

Gaji, the sound of the door opening came from the white palace. Sisina looked behind her vigilantly. Of course she knew that Empress Jiuyou had brought Leng Lingling into the white palace. Mo Fan had come out, but Empress Jiuyou hadn’t yet. .

"elder sister."

"Youri Ellie! As long as you are fine. Hahaha, third sister, that man is not here. Let me see who can save you today. Today is your death day!"

Sisina was overjoyed when she saw Yuri Elli appearing from the white palace. Although Yuri Elli failed to inherit the pupil of petrification, as long as Apas could be killed, the petrification would naturally be unraveled.

"Youri Ellie, after you kill Apas, half of your mother's empire will be shared with you."

Yuri Allie's eyes were slightly concentrated, and she flapped her wings and approached Sisina with a faint smile. For some reason, Apas felt that this smile was a bit like someone.

"But sister, I want them all."

puff! ! ! ! A sharp dark green needle-like tail protruded from behind Sisina, leaving a big hole in Sisina's back.

"you you you!!"

Hoo hoo! Sisina swept across with her scorpion tail, but was easily dodged by Yuri Ellie. The tail of the needle was pulled out, and the blood dyed Sisina's body red.

Sisina screamed like a ghost: "You are not Urielie!!! Who are you!!!"

"Hehehe, it's really disgusting to call my food sister. But seeing the prey after being cheated is also very funny. No wonder that person likes to deceive people so much."

A ray of light flashed, and a fluffy tail full of eyes appeared behind him. All the eyes were closed, but one eye was opened, and this eyeball was golden pink, but this was not the petrification of Medusa. It is the pupil of deceit that fuses the blood of Medusa.

Three tails were flying in the air, and Sanwei was covering her mouth and snickering, her eyes were slightly bent to look at Sisina. This kind of feeling of abusing others, Sanwei felt really great from the bottom of her heart.

Sanwei stared at Sisina's eyes. Those eyes, like Yuriel's, were more golden. They were the petrified pupils of Medusa. Once all the pink color faded, they would be the real golden petrified pupils, only emperor-level. The snake mother Medusa only has it.

Sisina herself is a scorpion, and she has such perfect eyes, and she is very poisonous, and she is also a monster who is good at monster skills. Even if Zhaohua is not a summoner, she knows that this is definitely an advanced food that perfectly suits Sanwei.

"How is this possible...it can use the pupil of deceit!" Leng Lingling's expression changed drastically after seeing all this in the white palace.

Because the abilities of monsters cannot be grafted, you can’t restore 100% of the magical equipment after killing the monsters and getting the bones. Mo Fan’s deceitful pupils can’t even fool Mu Rong, so you know how much it has weakened.

What's more, if you eat your eyes directly, you can use them directly.

And Leng Lingling noticed that one of the three-tailed thousand-eyed tails had an eye open, and that eye was the same as the Deceitful Pupil.

Zhaohua looked at Sanwei, and explained calmly: "The Great Wild Witch Scorpion is a special life form that deviates from the biological advancement of the magical world. Even I don't know what power it has. It is used by it after being swallowed. One of its abilities."

Devouring ability, this is completely the same ability as opening and closing, Sanwei can absorb poison to prepare a new venom, even Zhaohua saw that Sanwei prepared venom that can detoxify, and venom that can heal wounds comes out.

Bonetail has all kinds of monster skills in reserve, ghost fire, black thunder, and stagnant water. Zhaohua has only seen Sanwei use these three tricks before, and did not say that there are only these three.

At the beginning, Thousand Eyes Tail lied to him that Sanwei only allowed him to get a wider field of vision, which was perceptual.

It is now obvious that it was a lie. The eyes on the tail can be replaced, and the three tails can use the pupil technique of other creatures by devouring the space in the body of the host's battle soul flesh and blood.

Just like just now, Sanwei ate Yuri Ellie, and after a while, it was able to use the pupil of deceit, and this pupil of deceit was used so superbly that even Sisina and Apas didn't notice it. not broken.

Sanwei turned his head to look at Apas standing on the stone statue, licked his lips with his tongue, and stared at Apas' petrified pupils that were almost all golden. Sisina's is so much more perfect.

Apas immediately had a chill, and looked at Sanwei vigilantly. This monster is quite dangerous. It feels like a frog being targeted by a snake, but it is clearly a snake!

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