Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1406 The Second Door

"You plan to train such a monster to become an emperor?!" Leng Lingling stared at Zhaohua with wide eyes.

Zhaohua nodded, looked at Sanwei, who was like a berserker, tearing up the snake and scorpion tribe monsters, and bombarding them with monster skills, and said with a smile: "Yes, after all, I promised it when I tamed it, I will do my best to tame it." Cultivate it to the best of your ability.”

Leng Lingling is rich in knowledge, of course she can understand what impact it will have on human society by training a monster to become an emperor.

In fact, Leng Lingling has been deliberately avoiding a problem, that is, in the battle of the ancient capital, the Queen of Nine Nethers and the Eight Fangs of the Dead actually killed many people and killed many mages.

Sarang's Fountain of Fury can indeed make the undead not afraid of the sun in the daytime, but this cannot wash away the sin of the undead killing countless people in the ancient capital. Especially for some military mages and mages of the Tribunal, the corpse of the mountain killed a member of the ancient capital, killed the super-level military commander, and also killed the prey Du Xiao's summoned beast.

Lu Huan, the most powerful mage group in the ancient capital, was also killed by Sha Yuan.

Lingling also knows that it is best to save more people and cooperate with the undead, but for those families in the ancient capital who were killed by the undead, this is a heavy sin. It is like putting salt on their wounds, saving a hundred people It is also impossible to wash away the sin of killing a person, Leng Lingling has been avoiding this question.

You know, Shayuan's undead came from the hand of the ancient king.

Zhaohua will also die one day, and the emperor and monsters he cultivated by that time may be the ruler of another monster empire.

Empress Jiuyou, who was always following Leng Lingling, said: "You know what the consequences of cultivating an emperor are, right? You are consuming human resources to help demons."

"That's better than being wiped out by sea monsters now." Zhaohua replied with a smile.

When Mo Fan proposed to help Shayuan and Hufu start a war, it was actually opposed, and it was only implemented because of the great councilor Shao Zheng's opposition.

It sounds weird to cooperate with a murderer in order to save more people, but it makes sense.

Zhaohua looked at Sanwei and Apas, although Apas was wary of Sanwei, but Apas also understood that the enemy of an enemy is a friend, so she joined forces with Sanwei to attack Sisina.

"Let's talk about the future, I just want to survive the sea monster natural disaster. My home is gone, the country is ruined, no matter how beautiful the whole world is in the future, so what."

Zhaohua walks out of the White Palace, and Sisina is the last target of this line. Although Zhaohua's magic power is not much now, he is still somewhat sure of dealing with Sisina.

"A Hundred Flowers Bloom - Wooden Penalty Piercing!"

A pink-green star palace appeared behind Apas. At this time, Apas' eyes changed from golden pink to green, and her whole body exuded majestic vitality.

Super class! Apasi's plant cultivation base has reached a super level! And it's already under control.

Apas has been hiding from Mo Fan that its mental power has reached the level of spiritual power because its plant system has reached super-level.

Apas usually hides in Mo Fan's contract space, not just for deep sleep and beauty sleep, but for meditating.

Apasi is different from Mo Fan, it only has one department.

Its spiritual world is incomplete, it is a monster after all, and the method of human cultivation is not right, so you have to explore it yourself.

But Apas still relied on her strong comprehension and spiritual power to upgrade to the super-level level.

I saw a tree branch entangled like a poisonous snake flying out. The tree poisonous snake rushed towards the injured Sisina like a giant python.


Three tails showed a surprised expression, three tails can use demon skills, devour monsters and use them for it, but magic can't help.

Magic is an ability that does not belong to demons at all. Only human beings have a spiritual world. Without a spiritual world, demons naturally do not have stars and magic energy. It did not expect Apas to know magic.

Leng Lingling is calm, Lingling has always disliked Apas, because Apas often conceals things. Leng Lingling also knew about Apas's awakening of the plant department, and she even guessed that Apas's plant department must have a high level of cultivation, after all, Apas' plant department was awakened several years ago.

But it has been concealing the cultivation of the plant system, so Lingling is very wary of Apas.

"Go away!!"

Sisina was furious, roared, and sprayed a large amount of poisonous mist when she opened her mouth. In an instant, the terrifying poisonous mist enveloped Apas' plant poisonous snake like a tornado, and even wanted to corrupt Apas and Sanwei For corpse water.

Snakes and scorpions are the second of the five poisons, not to mention Sisina has two of the highest bloodlines. The poisonous mist it sprays is extremely poisonous, and even a drop of liquid falling into the sea can poison a large area.

Apas is not poisonous. Although it has inherited more Medusa abilities, it is not good at poison.

However, Sanwei, who was wrapped in the poisonous mist, didn't take it seriously at all, and was even quite excited. He opened his mouth, and a large amount of poisonous mist was swallowed by Sanwei, storing it in his poisonous needle tube.


At the moment when the poisonous mist was suppressed by the three tails, Apasi stepped on the stone statue and rushed out, immediately using the last power of petrification, and the golden light shone on Sisina's body.

"Bitch! Don't underestimate me! Petrochemical!"

Sisina also opened her petrified pupils, and the two petrified forces collided. But Sisina's petrified pupil was no match for Apas at all, and small stones began to appear on its scorpion body.

Sisina's face changed drastically, she was horrified, Apas' petrification power was too terrifying, plus her own poison was suppressed, and her body was injured, it was impossible for her to defeat Apas.

He grabbed a large python beside him and threw it at Apasi to block the petrified light, then turned around and fled.

However, no matter how fast Sisina was, she couldn't beat the wind.

Zhaohua blocked Sisina's escape route with ice-cold eyes, and casually threw an obstructive demon corpse into the undead battlefield below, and said coldly: "The eldest princess of the Medusa Snake Kingdom. This is not Egypt, not Egypt. Come when you want, leave when you want.”

hum! ! ! Behind Zhaohua appeared a black demon door, which was not the elf gate of the Thousand Clan Elf Tower, and the carvings on the door were not original elves.

Zhaohua stretched out his right hand, an extreme storm broke out on his body, looked at Sisina and said in a deep voice: "Control the storm and thunder, the beautiful scales are regarded as a mysterious symbol, the dragon floating in the air wrapped in electricity, follow the call from Abyss Dragon Valley is coming."

"Kuanglan Dragon King—Amon!!!"

boom! ! The magic door was smashed open by an extremely terrifying force, a blue extreme shadow flashed out, and a huge dragon claw was shot at an unparalleled speed, boom boom boom! Sisina was shot flying into the ground like a meteor.

The whole body is surrounded by thunder and lightning, the throat is condensed with strong wind, and the blue scales all over the body are flickering with lightning and lightning.

Ho ho! ! The breath of thunder, lightning, and wind is sprayed out, and all the blocked undead are turned into ashes. There was a loud bang, and a terrible storm of thunder and lightning swept around.

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