Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1414 New Era

Hong Wu, the president of the Forbidden Curse Society of the Devil City, said with a surprised face: "That is the White Tiger Clan of Tianshan Mountain?!"

Many mages who cultivated the ice system have set foot in such a holy place of ice and snow like Tianshan Mountain, and Tianshan Mountain is rich in ice resources, and the legend of the Tianshan Sacred Tiger is even talked about, so many mages know that the overlord of Tianshan Mountain is the Tianshan White Tiger Clan.

Moreover, this white tiger is extremely powerful, its strength has reached the level of a great monarch, it is definitely not as simple as an ordinary Tianshan white tiger.

Dean Xiao also had a surprised expression, and there was a hint of relief in the surprise. Whether it was the original Jiang Shaojun or the current Mo Fan, their search for totems was criticized by the magic high-level, thinking that these were just eliminated by the magic age The old gods, and they still have grievances with humans, so they shouldn't be looking for them at all.

But Mo Fan and the others were not discouraged, and experienced many difficulties and obstacles. Finally, when the country was in danger and the devil was hit by the sea monster natural disaster, they finally succeeded. , It has already received the approval and help of the other five totem beasts.

Although none of these five totem beasts belong to the branch of the Holy Totem of the Qinglong, Baxia and the totem Black Snake belong to the branch of the Holy Totem Xuanwu, Yue'ehuang, and Haidongqing belong to the branch of the Holy Totem Suzaku, and Mu Ningxue's contract summoned beast Tianshan White Tiger is not even Belonging to the totem beast, it is likely to be the heir of the real totem beast, and its father may be the real Tianshan White Tiger totem beast or it is the next generation of totem beast.

But at this moment, all the mages in the magic city saw the five totem beasts standing in the sky, on the land, and in the ocean, plus the holy totem green dragon in the clouds, and Mo Fan and Mu standing beside the totem beasts fighting side by side. Ning Xue, Zhao Manyan, Yu Shishi, and Zhang Xiaohou and Mu Bai standing on Haidongqing seem to have returned to the most ancient era. At that time, the totem guardians of human beings fought side by side with the four holy totems to resist the siren roof. The invasion of the emperor and the demon god Chi You.

Dean Xiao said with relief: "They are the hope of the new era."

"But our era hasn't ended yet." Gu Changtian, the former head of the Tribunal of Shanghai Metropolis, came with injuries.

He was demoted because of the Neptune Skeleton incident some time ago, and his command error caused Modu to lose three semi-forbidden spell mages, but this does not mean that he does not love the land of Modu.

He is also a native of Modu, so he did not leave Modu, but served as an ordinary member of Modu and continued to guard the land.

Councilor Gu looked up at the six totem beasts, and said with a slight smile: "Our era has not yet ended, and it is the last mission of us old people to open the curtain of a new era for them."

"The curtain needs the blood of the siren to be red."

Councilor Gu's eyes flashed a cold murderous intent.

There are people in the new era, so they will have no worries, even if they still can't beat the sea monster this time, it doesn't matter. The seeds of hope must be irrigated with blood. This is their last mission as the previous generation and the old era.

"Even if the demon capital is finally destroyed and lost, the soul of our demon capital and the courage of the people of the demon capital will never disappear! We will fight these sea monsters to the end!!" President Hong Wu shouted excitedly, With tears in the corners of his eyes, he mustered all his energy and roared towards the sky.

A soaring ray of light exploded in mid-air, and a bright red pattern exploded out. It was the assembled signal flare, and it was time for the demons to see the aura of the human mage!

In the underground refuge in the magic city, like the monster city, there are relay magic weapons. Through the broadcast magic weapon, everyone in the underground refuge can see the assembled signal flare. It is to gather all the mages in the magic city. Elementary, intermediate or high-level, super-level, this is a battle for the whole people, a battle to defend their homeland.

In one of the underground shelters built by the Lu family in the magic capital, the current head of the Lu family saw the assembly signal, as well as the five totems and the holy totem green dragon seen in the relay magic weapon, as if they were infected. Clenched fist.

The head of the Lu family exhaled, with serious eyes, and said solemnly: "Qingyao, Zhengxin, you stay here, and the Lu family will be handed over to you in the future. Qingyao, you are careful, and you will help him a lot. It will be very easy when you go to the city. Difficult, the bad habits of the past have to be changed."


"Old and young women and those who have not awakened stay in the refuge. You wait here for the military mage to come to the rescue. Other Lu family mages who are willing to come with me, follow up!"

Patriarch Lu stood up, opened the door of the shelter, and walked out of the underground shelter first.

The strange thing is that no one spoke out to stop him, and no one dissuaded him. In the Lu family's refuge, mages who had awakened their magic stood up silently one after another.

The Lu family originally belonged to a magic family with a rather bad reputation in the magic capital, and the disciples of the Lu family were basically those who were arrogant and domineering. But it is these people who will love this land more and cherish this place more.

Many of them here are the so-called second-generation ancestors, but it is precisely because the city brought them these things, so they did not leave the city even in the end, because this is their root and capital of pride.

Not only the Lu family, but also the Dongfang family, the Mu family, the Bai family and some little-known magic families in the magic capital all had mages standing up one after another.

The bearded Dongfang Lie was watching the relay magic weapon in the underground refuge. He is now the ruler of the Dongfang family, and he is very famous in the magic world.

"It's been almost eight years. It's been eight years since our national competition. We didn't have the chance to fight with you back then. I thought that we would have no chance to fight again after being separated by more and more gaps."

Dongfang Lie took out a badge. The substitute Dongfang Lie also had a national medal. He knew that Mo Fan was there. He was still fighting, fighting for the city, but now, he needed help.

"That kid Li Kaifeng is too impatient. He became a national martyr early on. He really pretended to be."

Not only Dongfang Lie, some people who Mo Fan didn't know well also came out of the refuge, such as Bai Zangfeng, Luo Song, Zhou Shuming and others, all followed the family's mages to the assembly point .

Behind Modu, the military mages of the Eastern Military Region are escorting tens of thousands of Modu people to retreat and go inland. While resisting the attack of monsters.

When they saw the assembly signal and the appearance of the five great totems, some people in the retreating team stopped. They are all mages without exception, some are doctors, some are lawyers, some are retired hunters, and some are businessmen. They used to be mages who chose to live in the city after awakening magic.

"Mom, I'll come as soon as I go."

"Well, good luck."

There were also military mages escorting civilians who struggled to stop.

"Military commander! I..."

"I know, you have now been officially expelled from the army as a military mage, and the job of escorting ordinary people will be handed over to us. The mages in those cities need someone to command, go and protect your hometown."


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