Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1415 Totem

"Little loach, can you feel it?"

Mo Fan stood on the forehead of the green dragon and closed his eyes. Now he is not using the magic equipment of the black dragon, but for some reason, Mo Fan's perception is terrible at this moment, even if he is above ten thousand meters above the sea of ​​clouds, Mo Fan seemed to be able to perceive what was happening in the entire Demon City.

Mo Fan could feel a powerful force gathering behind him. That force dispelled the haze in Mo Fan's heart and dispelled the fear brought about by the two Shiyuan emperors.

Mo Fan felt it, he felt that this was the power of a mage.

Woo~~ Qinglong let out a deep humming sound, it was talking, and it felt it too.

Now Mo Fan and Qinglong are of one mind.

Mo Fan didn't know that totems and guardians were the original prototypes of summoned beasts and summoners, and the most primitive form of summoning magic.

If Zhaohua were here, he would tell Mo Fan that now Mo Fan and Qinglong have reached the level of assimilation and one heart.

At this moment, the green dragon imprint on Mo Fan's forehead emitted a dazzling blue light. At the same time, the blue dragon's body also responded. The blue sky reappeared, the clouds were broken by the blue light, and endless blue light fell on the ground.

It was a blue sky!

All the dark clouds dissipated, and the blue dragon hovered above the sky. It really hovered like a blue sky. Looking up, the sky was blue, and the sun had disappeared. There were only blue rays of light.

This cyan light and the blue sea complement each other, and it seems so coordinated.

When the blue light erupted from Qinglong's body, the totem marks on the foreheads of Tang Yue and Zhao Manyan, who had totem vessels, were actually activated.

Totem Xuan Snake and Baxia belonged to the same holy totem. Their totems can match each other. Although they are incomplete totems and cannot be combined, their totem imprints are also activated under the light of the green dragon. .

Originally, Tangyue, who was only of the two super-level systems, found that her body was full of strength.

Tangyue lowered her head and stroked the totem black snake, sighing: "Is this the power of the totem black snake? It turns out that this is the real totem beast and the totem guardian! We have always misunderstood it. It turns out that it is not the guardian who protects the totem or the totem guardian who protects the totem." Those who are really guardians are fighting side by side!"

Hiss! The totem black snake neighed, the totem beast and the totem guardian were not unilateral, but mutual.

And Zhao Manyan, who has four super-orders, feels the most obvious. He feels that he seems to have touched something at this moment, and he has a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

"This is the threshold of the forbidden curse, I have reached the semi-forbidden curse?! No, big turtle! Are you an emperor?!"

Whoooo! Tyranny expressed his affirmation.

Not only Black Snake and Baxia, but also Haidongqing, Little White Tiger, and Yue'ehuang. Their strength has also been improved. Haidongqing has also reached the strength of the Asian Emperor, but it is weaker than the totem Black Snake and Baxia, because it only has One by itself, Yue'ehuang is not connected to it.

Little White Tiger and Yue'ehuang were promoted to Invincible Sovereign.

The only difference is that they do not have guardians. Although Yu Shishi is a guardian, Yu Shishi does not have a totem vessel, that is, Yu Shishi does not have a totem mark. It is just that Yue Ehuang recognizes Yu Shishi as a guardian, but there is no contract between the two parties.

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai was surprised and said: "There is a special totem contract in the totem container! Only when the guardian and the totem beast truly trust each other, trust each other, and entrust each other's lives, will this contract be activated. , so that the cultivation of the totem beast and the guardian can be improved at the same time... what kind of contract is this!?"

【It's a contract of life and death】, if Zhaohua was here, he would explain it to them like this.

The contract of life and death can only be performed by extremely powerful creatures in the summoning plane. It is a unique contract in the summoning plane. There used to be no so-called dimensional contract and summoning contract for summoning mages.

How could the summoned beasts in the past be willing to work for humans? They paid attention to equality and mutual assistance. If they couldn't do it, then there was no need for a contract.

Zhang Xiaohou asked suspiciously: "But why did it activate all of a sudden?"

Mu Bai looked at Qinglong, which he didn't understand. It is not a joke to achieve one mind. Zhaohua signed a life-and-death contract from the very beginning. From the very beginning, Zhaohua took out his life and got along with Xiaofengcan. After more than ten years, he slowly relied on the contract catalog to achieve it. Tangyue, Zhao Manyan, and Totem Beast took heart and soul, and it didn't happen suddenly, there must be a fuse.

Mu Bai looked at Qinglong, the contract was activated when Qinglong shone brightly, which meant it was Qinglong's cause.

"No! The Qinglong Saint Totem and the five great totem beasts are not from the same totem tribe. They have no reason to influence each other. Mo Fan?!"

After the five totems were enhanced, Mo Fan suddenly opened his eyes. Mo Fan raised his right hand high. At some point, Mo Fan put on a strange glove on his right hand.

This glove has not been used by Mo Fan for a long time, because Mo Fan found that he has mastered the fusion method familiarly with dual elements, and even after Mo Fan improved himself, he no longer needs to use the glove that Feng Zhoulong gave him.

At this moment, Mo Fan put on the glove again.

Mo Fan raised his right hand high, palm facing the sky, and the glove of his right hand emitted colorful light.

"Totem Fusion."

A huge fusion circle appeared, and blue stars appeared in the air. Those were not Mo Fan's stars, but the power of the shining green dragon.

The stars are connected to each other in the air to form trajectories, and these trajectories outline a pattern, which is the pattern imprint of the totem, which belongs to the pattern of the Qinglong totem.

After the cyan dragon totem pattern was quickly drawn, the totem black snake emitted a dark green light. Strangely, dark green traces began to appear on the broken part of the blue dragon totem on the left, and the totem pattern of the totem black snake began to appear.

Not only the black snake totem, but also the yellow-brown color of Baxia, the moon-white color of Yue'ehuang, the blue-black color of Haidongqing, and the snow-white color of Xiaobaihu. Five totems of different colors began to center on the Qinglong totem and began to combine with the Qinglong totem.

"This is!!" Zhao Manyan's scalp felt numb when he saw the huge pattern above his head.

Mu Ningxue looked at Mo Fan, equally surprised, she knew what Mo Fan was doing.

"He uses fusion magic to create a brand new totem! It's a totem pattern that belongs to him, Mo Fan!" Mu Bai exclaimed.

They all know that the totem is the holy totem plus the totem marks of countless totem beasts, and the combination of each other is a complete totem, so Mu Bai wondered why Qinglong could activate the five totem beasts.

Now he knows, Mo Fan uses fusion magic to reorganize the totem pattern!

If Lingling is here, she must be able to tell at a glance that whether it is the totem pattern of Qinglong or Baxia, Black, and Haidongqing, the imprints of these totems have more or less changed.

"Brother Fan is creating a brand new totem!"

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