Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1416 Fusion

The Qinglong totem has changed, and the black snake totem has also changed. Baxia, Baihu, Haidongqing, Yue'ehuang, all the patterns of the totems have become different from the ancient ones.

"Fusion magic!! Mo Fan is fusing totem imprints to create new totems!" Zhang Xiaohou's whole body was shaking, because Mo Fan was doing something against the sky.

Mu Bai's eyes were serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Mo Fan knows that the five major totems belong to different holy totem tribes, and none of them belong to Qinglong. The incomplete totems cannot exert the true power of the totems! So he used the fusion magic method to combine all the totems. The totem mark is fused into a brand new totem!"

Complete totem pattern! Even if the loess has long been buried, no one knows why the totem is called a totem, but everyone understands one thing, that is, the complete totem in ancient times is definitely the most powerful, and it is definitely a terrifying force.

Even if they don't know what the complete totem pattern represents, it can be seen from the fact that the totem Black Snake and Baxia complement each other just now, and the strength bonus is greater than that of Haidongqing. If the totem imprint is connected totems fighting together, then It will exert amazing power.

No one knows why this is so, because this power comes from the summoning plane, which is a plane more powerful than the magic world, and a plane equal to the dark plane and the holy plane.

Just when Mo Fan began to reconstruct the pattern of the fusion totem, a large amount of black air gushed out from the sea fog on the surface of the East China Sea, and the black air surged from the sea to the coast.

Wyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! ! ! !

The sea fog faded away, and the true face of the demon god with cold moon eyes that created the big hole in Tianque in the demon city was completely revealed.

It is far from the ferocious horror imagined, nor is it a deformed and weird race. It is suspended above the East China Sea, and it looks like a human being from a distance.

But all mages know that this creature, which has a slight resemblance to human beings in certain physical characteristics, is a most evil and powerful emperor in the Pacific Ocean. In the Pacific Ocean, it is an absolute powerhouse!

He is the king of the evil creatures who call themselves the Prophets of the Sea.

From a distance, you can't see the legs of the demon god Leng Yuemou, because it only has countless "lower body" like beards.

The most special thing is its two tails, which are creepy, because the end of its tail is a round cold silver eyeball!

The eyeballs glowed with the radiance of the cold moon, and there was a bit of solemnity and nobility in the evil.

Each of the two tails has an eyeball. The silver eyeball is the eye of the sea, which gives it the power to control sea creatures, and also endows it with powerful spiritual power. The control of the shadow of the demon is the ability of the eye of the sea.

The other blue eyeball is the eye of the tide, which gives it the power of the tide of the sea. You must know that the tide is the swing of the sea, and that power can shake the continent, and the power that can make the continent move gradually breaks Jin Yao. Enchantment, letting the sea water flow backward is the power of the tide.

Boom boom boom! ! ! The blue tidal eyes of the demon god Leng Yuemou shines brightly, and the demon god Leng Yuemou possesses tidal power in the sea is the real sea god!

A huge wave of 10,000 meters surged up against the sky, and Qinglong had already flown to an altitude of 10,000 meters, but the huge wave controlled by the demon god Leng Yuemou was as high as more than 10,000 meters, which had already surpassed the clouds, as if it wanted to beat the stars in the sky down the same.

This huge wave is not only high, but also extremely wide. From a distance, it looks like an electric mosquito swatter, trying to slap down the little blue snake Qinglong.

This is already a god-like battle, and the battle is all over the sky.

Leng Yuemou's demon god is not calm anymore, it is the same as Qinglong, it is an ancient god, and it existed in ancient times. In the era of mass extinction, the sea monster teamed up with Chiyou, the demon god of the dark plane, to attack the land of Shenzhou, and was attacked by the following The four major totem tribes headed by Qinglong rebelled.

At that time, the demon god Leng Yuemou was already an emperor, and he also participated in the battle. As a result, the brutality of that battle, even in the past countless ages, the demon god Leng Yuemou still remembers, that is its deepest memory.

It still remembers the four incomparably huge totem patterns hanging high in the sky at that time, the complete pattern of the cyan dragon totem, the complete pattern of the red Suzaku totem, the complete pattern of the white white tiger totem, and the complete pattern of the dark cyan basalt Totem pattern.

A huge pattern of four in the sky.

This pattern is like an extremely strange magic circle. When the four patterns appear, the strength of all totem beasts and guardians soars to a higher level.

The demon god with cold moon eyes is not afraid of Qinglong, because it can tell at a glance that this so-called Qinglong is an empty shell, relying on a layer of soil. To put it bluntly, Qinglong is now the most peak earth-type forbidden curse magic, belonging to the peak of a series of forbidden curses Power, at most it has the strength of a little emperor, it has no fear at all.

But when it saw that Mo Fan made the totem pattern, it was not calm. If this totem pattern has the power of the past, and the strength of Qinglong rises to a level, it will be the same as its strength when it comes to the emperor!

The same level of strength means that the opponent has the possibility of killing himself.

So Leng Yuemou Yaoshen panicked, and immediately used the tidal waves to interrupt Mo Fan's magic fusion.

Ho ho! ! ! With a cry of fury from Qinglong, the blue dragon thunder blasted out, and the two dragon horns sent out a blue thunder that destroyed the sky and the earth.

Such a terrifying divine thunder could instantly kill even the invincible monarch, and even the Lan'e dragon of the Asian emperor was torn apart by the lightning, but the Qingtianlang remained motionless.

Leng Yuemou's demon god's strength is still higher than Qinglong's!

"We old guys are not dead yet, how can we let you young people stand in the front!"

One of the Magic City Forbidden Curse Society, who majored in the fire element and could independently release the fire-type forbidden curse, stood in front of Mo Fan and the others. Not only him, but also the president of the Forbidden Curse Society, Hong Wu, Gu Changtian, Councilor Jiang Shaoxu's cousin Jiang Shaoli and some mages that even Mu Bai and the others couldn't recognize.

But without exception, they are all middle-aged and elderly people and they are all Forbidden Curse Masters!

Hong Wu yelled and said, "Let it see the power of magic! We human beings will never go back to the ancient times when we were enslaved by demons!"

"Vulcan Pond!"

With his long roar, the red Tianchi slowly tilted, and a fire of the gods descended, bombarding the cold moon-eyed demon god with great momentum, not only the fire element, but also other forbidden spells.

"Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains!"

"Divine light!"

"Space Hurricane!"

All kinds of forbidden spells that are powerful enough to move mountains and fill seas are all displayed at once. Every magic Mo Fan has never seen before, and they are all original creations of these forbidden spells!

Below, Jiang Shaoxu, Mù Nujiao, Ai Tutu, Dongfang Lie and many other super-level mages use the defensive buildings raised to defend against the sea to launch the super-level stacking method. They also know that what Mo Fan is doing now is to connect the sea. If the monster is going to destroy it, then no matter what, it has to last until Mo Fan completes the pattern.

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