Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1417 Human Mage

Just when the Forbidden Curse Mage of the Forbidden Curse Society was resisting the emperor's demons, while using the Forbidden Curse magic to help Mo Fan delay time.

In the age of human magic, the greatest crystallization of wisdom has finally been completed.

In the Pearl Academy, all the ground patterns finally lit up and turned into a completely closed magic circle. It can be seen that the three different elements of thunder, water, and light condensed into three different-colored circles beside Dean Xiao. beads.

Dean Xiao, professors from various departments of the Pearl Academy, and even some super-level professors have retreated with the military mage, but they also returned to the Pearl Academy under the light of the green dragon.

Pearl Academy is not just a school that educates people to become talents. After Haiwang Skull and Ding Yumian invaded with demons, Dean Xiao teamed up with professors from various departments to study together, and finally researched this Pearl Academy for him. A combination of forbidden spell formations with three attributes.

These three beads contain the majestic power of the Forbidden Curse. Dean Xiao is a water-type Forbidden-Curse mage, but he only has enough water-type beads. The other two attribute beads need to be completed by professors and teachers from other departments. .

It is true that emperors are much stronger than humans, and only a real series of forbidden curse mages can compete against sub-divine kings after they have awakened their divine endowments and divine realms. But for millions of years, human beings have been making continuous progress, and methods such as stacking method, half-door method, combined formation method, and fusion method have emerged one after another.

The power of forbidden spells released by one person is limited, so they should be combined and released together.

Dean Xiao continued to lift into the air, almost standing on the highest point of the entire battlefield, and saw the three beads of different element systems draw three extreme arcs of light, purple, blue, and gold, and flew towards the demon god with cold moon eyes. Qingtianlang.

The moment the three beads touched Qingtianlang, Thunderbolt, Light Slash, Sky Waterfall, the three series of Forbidden Curse Magic combined with other Forbidden Curse Magic. Finally, there was a small gap in the tidal wave that was still strong under the bombardment of the four forbidden spells and still wrestling with each other.

The progress of a thousand miles collapses in an ant's nest, and once a gap appears, it will be a thousand miles away.

Councilor Gu and others also seized the opportunity. All the majestic energy of the forbidden spell was released in an instant, and a crack was formed at the gap. The crack was slightly invisible at the beginning, and gradually spread to the entire embankment, and finally collapsed completely. !

The aftermath of the magical collision of the power of the forbidden spell split the space of the magic city, and a black hole that could not heal for a long time appeared on the coast, frantically strangling the surrounding sea monsters.

The magical world cannot withstand the collision of the emperor's demon skills and forbidden magic.

"Successful!!!" President Hong Wu was a little incoherent with excitement.

That is an extremely powerful existence among the emperors of Shiyuan, the existence that even the capital of the army cannot be shaken, and the sixteen-winged seraphim of the holy city shy away! They actually broke its demon skills!

Zhao Manyan hurriedly looked at Mo Fan. Zhao Manyan also wanted to join the battle, but it was not enough now. Although Baxia and Totem Black Snake had reached the strength of the sub-emperor, but to fight against the emperor monster among thousands of sea monsters, he also needed to be stronger. .

After all, the number of human mages is a small number. When Baxia rushes out, he will not only face the emperor, but also face countless servants, generals, commanders, and even the siege of the monarch.

"Too bad, there are not enough totem marks."

Mu Bai looked up at the huge totem pattern placed on the green dragon. The imprints of the five major totems have been drawn, but it can be seen that even with the imprints of the five major totems, there is still a lot of difference.

Chirp! ! ! ! Suddenly, Mo Fan's heart uttered a bright bird song, and Mo Fan suddenly looked down, and a fiery red mark appeared on Mo Fan's chest.

"The Divine Chongming Bird! It is the Chongming Totem Mark of the Divine Chongming Bird!!"

Chongming divine fire erupted, and the terrifying sky fire burned like fire, supplementing part of the totem pattern created by Mo Fan.

But this is still not enough, even if the totem that Mo Fan wants to re-integrate is much smaller than the original Qinglongsheng totem, even the most basic part will not work.

[Contract, the characters in ancient times are pictographs, and the essence of the totem imprint is the words of the contract. Rewrite your contract. 】

A voice suddenly appeared in Mo Fan's heart. Mo Fan suddenly looked to the south, and he recognized whose voice it was.

At the highest level of the Demon City Trial Council, Zhaohua put his hands on Tian Qingbai's shoulders. This is the real sound transmission for thousands of miles, and only Tian Qingbai, who has reached the forbidden spell of the sound system, can do it.

Information, the distance between the demon capital is too far, let alone support, even the battle situation is difficult to pass on.

In the battle of the Forbidden Curse Emperor, the entire magic city does not have any mana signal, and the transmission of the mana signal will be interfered, so once a battle of this level breaks out, it can only rely on the sound mage, so Nan Jue, the sound mage, has been They are all battlefield commanders trained by the state.

It was Tian Qingbai who learned what Mo Fan was doing and passed it on to Zhaohua, so that Zhaohua could immediately understand what Mo Fan wanted to do.

Mo Fan's familiarity with the Summoning Plane is naturally far inferior to that of Zhaohua. Totems actually have their origins. The demon gates summoned by super-level magic are actually the earliest totem patterns. The totem is an alliance contract created by countless monsters. Signed together, the big alliance formed is the earliest prototype of the totem.

Just like the Thousand Clan Elf Tower, Ten Thousand Dragon Valley, and the Subjugated Beast Tomb, weren't they formed by the original monsters at the beginning.

It was born when the summoned plane discovered the world of magic. To put it bluntly, the four major totems are an expedition launched with the four strongest totem beasts as leaders, and the totems are this big alliance.

Headed by Qinglong, the Wanlong Totem Alliance formed by the dragon clan.

Headed by Suzaku, the Suzaku Totem Alliance formed by the Yu Clan.

Headed by the white tiger, the White Tiger Totem Alliance is composed of orcs.

Headed by Xuanwu, the Xuanwu Totem Alliance is composed of sea beasts.

When Zhaohua heard that Mo Fan wanted to combine all the totem marks, he immediately understood.

Hua Zhanhong looked at Zhao Hua who was still smiling all the time, and said, "You can do it too."


"Create a new totem."

No matter how smart Zhaohua is, it is absolutely impossible for him to have an epiphany after hearing only a few words from Tianqingbai, and even give a hint. The only answer is that he has actually thought about it, and even thought about it seriously, asking I have done it, and I have also meditated on how to solve the problems I encountered.

Zhaohua just spoke from experience.

After Zhaohua pondered for a while, he shook his head and denied, "No."


Not to mention Hua Zhanhong, even Tian Qingbai is puzzled. You have a basket of summoned beasts and tamed beasts, plus some creatures from the summoned plane, which is twice as many as Mo Fan.

Zhaohua looked towards the east indifferently, where a blue sun had already risen, and said flatly, "Because I am a human mage, not a totem guardian."

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