Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1418 Thanks

After Mo Fan heard Zhaohua's voice, he immediately understood.

"It's really good to read a lot."

Ring ring ring!

Little Flame Fairy ran out of the contract space, stood on Mo Fan's shoulder, and rubbed Mo Fan's cheek affectionately.

The contract between Mo Fan and Xiao Yanji began to change. The middle-level contract magic is star map magic. The content of the contract is equivalent to a common template for summoning mages all over the world. The star map of all intermediate-level summoning magic is the same. , just like the formula.

And now, the contract between Mo Fan and Xiao Yan Ji began to be rewritten.

The Life and Death Deed does not belong to magic in the first place, so mages cannot use it. This is a demon skill, and it is a very advanced demon skill. Standing above ninety-nine percent of demons.

The contract between Little Flame Fairy and Mo Fan continued to evolve, turning into a flame pattern and appearing in the huge totem in the sky.

Mo Fan's summoned beast is not just Little Flame Fairy, there is a loud wolf roar, and the black shadow under Mo Fan's feet turns into a dark sky wolf, and the wolf shadow stands behind Mo Fan, grinning like a bit naive silly.

"Hahaha, I didn't hurt you for nothing."


The wolf totem pattern appeared, but the wolf totem was not yet completed, and a winding golden pattern began to merge into Mo Fan's totem.

"You can't die yet, I still need you to help me unify the Medusa Snake Kingdom."

Apas, who is far away in Egypt, is lazily sitting on the throne of the evil temple. The soft and boneless willow waist is lying on the huge throne. Why do you want to do this? If you do this, even if you become an emperor, if you forcibly terminate the contract, you will still be seriously injured or even die.

Although Apas is not in Modu, it is Mo Fan's contract summoned beast, and its strength is stronger than Little Flame Fairy.

Mo Fan giggled, knowing that Apasi is a little tsundere, he said happily: "Don't worry, after the matter is over, whoever dares to oppose you, I will boil it into snake soup."

Mo Fan looked up, his totem was just a little short of the last, but Mo Fan no longer had any summoned beasts.

Just when Mo Fan was at a loss, Mo Fan seemed to have received something. Mo Fan used super-order summoning magic, and a dark magic door appeared behind him.

Mu Bai and the others looked at each other, they didn't know why Mo Fan was using summoning magic, and that magic gate was different from traditional summoning magic, it was the gate of darkness.

A fragrance of flowers came from the gate of darkness, and the Manjushahua witch queen came from the dark plane, and this time because of Mo Fan's cultivation level, the Manjushahua witch queen came in a complete state, and her strength reached the supreme level. monarch.

With a light tap of the Manju Shahua Witch Empress, a flower-like pattern began to fill in the last vacancy.

The relationship between the Manjusha Witch Queen and Mo Fan is not as simple as a contract. Mo Fan is the owner. Like Mu Bai's evil insects, Mo Fan is the owner and controller of the Manzhu Shahua Witch Queen. All belong to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan only just found out about this. It turned out that on the dark chessboard, the clone of the Dark King gave him the Manzhusha Huawu Queen as a reward.

Mo Fan looked at Manzhusha Huawu, and said seriously: "This time you take the initiative to help me, and I will give you back your freedom when I settle the matter. I, Mo Fan, are not the kind of ungrateful person."

Originally, the Empress Manzhu Shahua could keep a secret from Mo Fan. When Mo Fan died, its contract would be terminated. But when Mo Fan needed help most, it took the initiative to help, and Mo Fan was not an ungrateful person. , Mo Fan should remember this kindness.

Weng! ! ! ! A cyan ring appeared, and the ring wrapped the entire totem. This is the symbol of Totem Chengbu.

Buzz buzz! ! Not only Ba Xia, Xuan Snake, and Little White Tiger have been improved again, mainly Zhao Manyan and the others, but this time even Qinglong's strength has begun to soar, and even Mo Fan feels that his whole body is full of strength. The magic energy consumed by the battle has been replenished!

"Mo Fan! Be careful!!"

Hong Wu, the president of the Forbidden Curse Society, suddenly let out a loud shout.

The moment Mo Fan's totem was completed, I don't know when, or it has been there since the beginning, and a figure appeared behind Mo Fan.

A white bone skeleton stood behind Mo Fan, silently, as if it had been there all the time, but no one noticed it, as if it was naturally insensitive to its existence.

The bone skeleton is wearing an extremely beautiful royal wedding dress. The wedding dress is as beautiful as the fairy clothes in the sky. This thing should only exist in the sky. It is conceivable how beautiful the woman who once wore this wedding dress can set off this imperial dress.

Hong Wu and the Forbidden Curse Mage didn't notice it, not even Qinglong, the two Shiyuan emperors it had been staring at all the time, one of them turned out to be the bewitching illusion of the Eye of the Sea, it was fake!

The forbidden curse mages are also thankful that another Shiyuan emperor, Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, who controls the undead sea monster, stands idly by and controls the black mist to strengthen the undead sea monster.

Now they couldn't help but regret why they thought the emperor would do such a stupid thing!


That invincible tidal wave turned out to be just a feint! The demon god with cold moon eyes, who is stronger than Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor, would do feint attacks, which is simply impossible!


Emperors are more cunning than humans, and sea monsters are not without any progress. In ancient times, they suffered a lot from human strategies. Over the years, they have learned to be smart. They are also learning and understand human strategies. Knowing how to play psychological warfare can make human mages relax their vigilance, and even play better than humans!

"Don't believe it! Ding Yumian was demonized by it!"

But it was too late, the moment Mo Fan turned his head, a bony finger lightly touched the totem mark on Mo Fan's forehead.

In an instant, Mo Fan's eyes turned into darkness, the totem pattern on his forehead was polluted, and the originally clear blue sky suddenly became cloudy and black.

Even the huge azure totem on Mo Fan's head lost its luster and became dark and muddy.

"Oops! They knew from the very beginning that they planned to completely pollute the totem mark!" Dean Xiao clenched his fists and said unwillingly.

The final investigation of Ding Yumian's incident found that Ding Yumian's final appearance was actually because of the emperor's skeleton and death emperor, who polluted Ding Yumian's soul and turned it into a demon. Otherwise, Ding Yumian's kind heart would be Impossible to be demonized.

Not only Mo Fan, but even Qinglong, who was one with Mo Fan, lost its light, and his body began to slowly turn back into a clod!

"Mo Fan!" Mu Ningxue displayed the wings of the wind behind her, holding an ice bow and planning to save Mo Fan.

With a snap, at this moment, a right hand grabbed the bone arm of Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor.

"Thank you, I am still worried about how to transform into a devil if the energy of the evil bead is not enough."

! ! ! !

Plop, a pair of fangs grew out of Mo Fan's mouth, and demonic scales grew out of his body. His right hand was like iron tongs, and he firmly grasped the emperor's skeleton.

Mo Fan doesn't need to be demonized, he already is.

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