Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1432 A Hundred Years of Tree People

With Zhaohua's sound falling, Weng's sound sounded, and at this moment, the bracelet on Zhaohua's hand shone brightly.

At this moment, a vast, boundless breath of life drowned the entire monster.

Boom boom, boom boom, bursts of roars sounded like heaven and earth cracking. At this time, the whole monster even shook, and even Pengcheng could clearly feel the violent vibration. What was even more terrifying was that the mountains and forests around Yaodu The ground veins continued to split open, and countless trees collapsed.

For a moment, as if the end of the world was approaching, under the terrifying shaking, even the Tower of the Monster Capital was shaking.

Suddenly, the sky of the entire Demon City began to darken, covered by shadows, but it wasn't that there were dark clouds covering the sun.

All of a sudden, the mages who were waiting for arrangements and rotations in the second ring city of the demon city couldn't help opening their mouths wide. They couldn't close their mouths when they looked at the sky for a long time. The relay magic devices around the city were shocked when they saw this scene.

At this time, no matter whether you are a super mage or an ordinary citizen, you can only be dumbfounded.

After a while, a super mage at the hunting king level murmured, "Then what the hell is that!"

The ground cracked because branches and roots rose from the ground. At this time, the Mengdao tree planted in Zhongshan Academy was like a giant tree that could carry the world. It rose from the ground and stood in the demon city. , The mountains and veins that were originally the demon capital, unexpectedly drilled out huge branches like mountains, and rhizomes as wide as rivers.

Just imagine, under the mountains and rivers spanning thousands of meters around the city, there are actually branches and roots hidden. Now such a giant tree has risen from the ground, how shocking the scene is.

Such a huge sacred tree that truly covered the sky and the sun, from the sky, the dream tree covered most of the demon city.

This is the Shading Plan.

Even the real Shenmujing can't be predicted in the different world inside the Dream Dao Tree, covering up the secrets of heaven.

What's more, it is so big that it can really cover the sky and block out the sun.

Big, big, very big!

"Sun Guofu's wisdom and foresight are beyond our reach." Nalan Long, the leader of the Eastern Army, couldn't help but sigh.

It is simply impossible for normal people to leave their own plant-based forbidden spells for the benefit of future generations, not to mention that Sun Guofu didn't just leave his own plant-based forbidden spells through supreme means.

It took a hundred years for the Lu family's hidden magic family to continuously cultivate the dream tree according to Sun Guofu's plan before he was alive, and finally it grew to such a degree that it finally reached the peak level of forbidden spells.

Human life is very short, only a short hundred years, and Sun Guofu suffered countless hidden wounds because of the battle with the insect mother, and finally died at only fifty-nine years old.

But Sun Guofu had a long-term foresight, knowing that there must be major disasters in the future generations of mankind, and he left a little hope for the people of Yaodu.


The lifespan of human beings is very short, so short that it is impossible to cultivate to the end. Most people are already in their seventies and eighties after they come into contact with the realm of the forbidden curse, and cannot explore the peak of the forbidden curse.

But human beings have inheritance, passing down the great method, passing down hope from generation to generation, and shortening the time of passing experience, so as not to go astray.

Feng Zhoulong developed the method of fusion, which was perfected and passed on by Mo Fan. Sun Guofu got a great opportunity from the Shenmu Well, and his lifespan was not long enough to cultivate his dream tree of the forbidden curse of the plant to maturity. After deduction to the peak of the forbidden curse, he handed it over to his wife Lu's magic family for cultivation. Finally, in a few years In the previous Insect Kingdom War, Zhaohua defeated the Insects with the help of the Mengdao Tree.

But now, this inheritance has come to Zhaohua's hands, bringing a little hope to Yaodu.

Zhaohua looked in the direction of the South China Sea, the demon god Leng Yuemou still hid in the South China Sea and did not appear, but everyone knew that it must be there.

"You have a long lifespan. You have survived from ancient times to the present. Even if you can invade people's hearts and inquire about information, how would you know that a human mage with a lifespan of only a hundred years has been passed down from generation to generation in order to achieve great goals."

In order to revive Qinglong, the mission of Qinglong Guardian spans countless years and has been passed down for three generations.

In order to protect the Yaodu and leave the hope of fighting for the Yaodu, Lu's magical world is hidden from the world. Every day, he strives for a goal, abandoning the prosperity and honor of the world, and working silently for a hundred years.

The demon god Leng Yuemou has lived for too long, a hundred years is just a nap time for it, or a practice.

It is impossible for the Leng Yuemou demon god with a long lifespan to understand that their sea monsters have not inherited this saying at all.

Qinglong is indeed dead, and there is no way to wake up again now, but the ancient god, the ancient god, is an ancient god, a former god.

The ancient king, Sun Guofu, Feng Zhoulong, which one can not be called the god of modern magic civilization? Their power is not as simple as ordinary forbidden spells.

The magic civilization has grown from nothing in ancient times to the present, and various methods, forbidden spells, formations, magic tools, and magic methods emerge in endlessly.

Introduce the old and bring forth the new, reform the old and innovate. Take its essence and discard its dross.

Old things are not necessarily good, human magic should also take a new step, and magic civilization must also turn a new page from time to time.

A page that belongs to humanity itself, a page that no longer depends on the ancient gods.

Behind Tian Qingbai, a void of stars and stars emerged, which was Tian Qingbai's sound-system forbidden curse magic-heart sound network.

This sound-type forbidden spell doesn't even have attack power, but its role, without doubt, is the most important forbidden spell on the battlefield.

Tian Qingbai's voice reached the hearts of all the waiting mages in Yaodu: "All mages, climb the tree!"

Kakaka, branches like highway viaducts fell from the sky and landed on the street.

The mages who were originally standing on the building as a foothold were all stunned for a moment, and then they understood what it was. All the mages who had the experience of hunting monsters were ecstatic, and understood what the purpose of this towering tree was.

The military mages of the two military regions in the east and the south are at the forefront of Pengcheng relying on sea defense dams and Jinyao barriers to eliminate demons. In the demon capital are the local mages of the two base cities, all hunter mages of the Hunter Alliance, and all magic family mages. The magic alliance formed by disciples and members of the Tribunal has almost gathered the power of mages in half the country.

Zhaohua had no intention of retiring from the very beginning. Once a person kneels down, it is difficult to stand up again.

The demon city fell, and if even the earliest base cities, Yaodu and Pengcheng, were lost, then, as Jiang You said, in the future, human beings will build a wall in the northwest to lock everyone inside. The future children's lifelong dream may be to go to the sea.

"It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people, and talent is the foundation."

"We human mages are indeed physically weak and don't live as long as monsters, but this doesn't mean that our magic is weaker than yours."

Zhaohua looked up at the huge Tianque hole in the sky, the endless seawater poured into the demon city, the Demon Ruins of King Ya, the White Spider King, had already passed through the Tianque hole, and wanted to start building a nest like the devil city, devouring the magic energy of human beings .

Zhaohua couldn't help sneering, thinking that the same method could be done a second time?

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