Zhaohua pointed his fingers in a consonant manner, and there was a loud bang, one by one, dragons on the branches of the highway viaduct made a sound of breaking wind and rushed towards the big hole in the sky, and some sea monsters coming from the gap along the way were smashed to pieces by the rampant branches .

Hearing a loud bang, amidst the loud bang, the Moxu white spider king who was starting to build a nest was repelled by the thick branches before he even started to spin silk, and broke through tall buildings.

Hiss! ! ! The six spider legs of Yadiwang's White Spider King made six deep marks on the ground. The White Spider King roared at the giant tree standing in the center of Yaodu, which was bigger than himself, as if mocking it. It has a huge body, but it is weak when it is attacked, and it does not hurt at all.

Originally, the white spider emperor of Moxu had a head and eight legs. Half a year ago, Zhang Xiaohou and Hai Dongqing cut off several legs in the magic capital. Now after half a year, he has recovered to six legs.

Moxu White Spider Emperor could feel that it was Zhaohua who was manipulating the Mengdao Tree.

With Zhaohua's current cultivation base, his eyesight can naturally see the huge White Spider King of Demon Ruins.

"Be careful nodding your head. If you think you are safe as long as there is no Forbidden Curse Mage, then you are wrong."

hum! A golden star palace appeared on the top of the Moxu White Spider Emperor's head. The star palace was composed of 2,401 star particles, but these star stars were not purely golden yellow. Each golden star star was extremely hot, like a star. Like little suns.

"Immortal Flame - Holy Judgment - Firebird Sky Splitting Sword!!!"

Chirp! ! ! With the sound of a phoenix cry, the extremely gorgeous star palace not only erupted with dazzling golden light, but at the same time the entire star palace burst out with endless divine flames, and the star palace transformed into a huge fire bird, just like the legendary fire bird fairy beast, A terrifying golden flame erupted from his body.

At this time, the star palace in the sky is no longer a star palace, but a divine bird of the holy plane that flies up to the nine heavens and absorbs the power of the sun—the phoenix! !

The Forbidden Curse Mage of the Ying family stood on the Yaodu Tower, and couldn't help clenching his fists. Ying Yan is now the same as Zhaohua, and they are all four-line ultra-level full-scale masters, but Ying Yan has already touched The threshold of the semi-forbidden curse, its undead flames seem to have transformed into a real phoenix.

The undead firebird flew up to the nine heavens. It was an incomparable steed. The golden light all over its body was dazzling, sacred and powerful. It was a supreme posture that only legendary creatures could have, and it could not be imitated.

The phoenix spread its wings and swiveled and dived above the nine heavens. The long golden light pulled out a long tail, like a golden light and fire sword, and the long sword fell like a sword sanctioned by the gods.

The mage standing on the branch above the head of the Moxu White Spider King is the phoenix hunting group led by Ying Yan.

Mo Fan gained a lot of resources for the country in the battle of Demon City, and Zhaohua also knew that the sea monster would definitely attack Pengcheng and Yaodu, so Zhaohua used his own power to gather a group of resources to make people willing to fight , The mage who fought for Yaodu got a chance to speed up his practice and get promoted.

Resources are dead. If you lose, no amount of resources will be of use. Mo Fan teamed up with Qinglong to repel the Kraken. The biggest effect is not only to delay time, but to give human mages the opportunity to accelerate their strength in the last half of the year.

Now the national treasury has really been emptied, and all resources in the northwest, including the imperial capital, have been allocated to build magic defenses, recharge the formations, and increase the strength of mages who are willing to fight against demons.

The country is really All In this time, trying everything.

And the phoenix hunting group led by Ying Yan is the key combat power. Everyone in the phoenix hunting group has already surpassed the rank.

"The order of cause and effect—addition of cause and effect!"

Just when Ying Yan's Firebird Sky-Splitting Sword was about to blast towards the Demon Ruins White Spider Emperor below, Mai Jiaxi used super-level two chaos magic.

The phoenix fire sword passed through the circle of chaos, and its power increased again!

There was a loud bang, and when the light star palace magic transformed by the undead flame fell, even the king of the sub-divine white spider could not fully react.

But even if he reacted, it was useless. Under this blow, the terrifying and strongest sky fire burned the spider silk of the Moxu White Spider Emperor, which claimed to be able to resist all super-level magic.

In an instant, all the spider threads were ignited by the golden flames, and the Moxu White Spider Emperor bound himself in a cocoon, but was trapped in the undead flames and burned continuously.

Hiss! ! The White Spider King of Moxu went mad and rushed towards the waterfall under Tianque's big hole. His whole body was on fire and turned into a ball of fire, rushing towards Tianque Waterfall to use the water from the waterfall to extinguish the undead flames.

Once all the sea monsters along the way encounter the undead flames, the sea monsters below the leader will turn into nothingness even in the water.

Hiss! The Moxu White Spider King screamed sharply and angrily at the branch where Ying Yan was. A big hole was pierced in its back, and blue-green blood spurted out.

After all, this is the strongest single magic sword of the super-level, and it also combines the power of the undead flame and the magic of the chaos system. The combined magic of the two of them is enough to break through the defense of the Asian emperor.

The Demon Ruins White Spider King ignored the super-level mages. He thought that only the curse mages were a threat to him. He didn't expect the combined magic power of human beings to be so powerful. He was attracted by the curse mages standing on the tower of Yaodu. , and what it didn't even expect was that mages were standing on those seemingly innocuous branches!

The branches of the dream tree actually shielded the emperor's perception! Let the emperor not feel that there is something on it.

"The devil city was attacked by you, and the sea water poured into the sky like a big hole in the sky, but you don't think you can use the same move twice, do you?"

Ying Yan stood on the branch, condescendingly looking down at the densely packed sea-monsters and the king of the sub-divine white spider.

Good location!

This is the advantage of geographical advantage. The victory or defeat of a war is nothing more than three points. Human harmony is the comparison of combat power. Even if all the military mages in the east and south are gathered, the Kraken still has an overwhelming advantage in numbers and strength.

Moreover, the devil city was filled with sea water at the beginning, and the Jinyao barrier was broken by a sudden attack, the sea water poured back, and even the geographical advantage was lost, so even if the blue dragon appeared in the end, the situation still could not be restored.

But this time is different, if the same method works twice, then human beings will perish.

The Meng Dao Tree doesn't have much destructive power. Although it is huge, the Meng Dao Tree's power is not amazing, and even the Asian Emperor can't hurt it.

However, the mages standing on the branches of the Mengdao tree clearly understand how important it is to have a standing point when dealing with sea monsters. Japan even built a sea battlefield to provide a standing point.

Not to mention that this standing point is in the air!

Air-to-ground, there is no need to explain too much how big this advantage is. The number of sea monsters is indeed huge, but 70% of them are slave monsters, and more than 20% are warriors.

Servants and warlords are actually very dangerous to mages, because mages are too weak to release magic after being besieged.

But now, the mage stands above the siren and unleashes magic.

"All mages are ready, stacking spells! Fierce fist and flame rain!"

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